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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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College Algebra sucks.


I had a blast at ACL Fest but man, for like 5% of the whole experience so fucking crazy bad audiences. Most of the crowd was great, and thankfully not much issue with talking or drunk assholes or cameraphones. The Grimes show, which was great, was an odd exception, as I rant about here


The worst though - and I'll be quite honest, somehow I did not let this ruin my experience overall whatsoever - was this rich housewife who fucking set up a stool to stand on in front of me during Depeche Mode.


So my wife and I and the surrounding fans thought she was putting it up before the show, because before it started she was like either crouching in a fetal position or trying to send a text with her phone. Anyway, it was a very packed audience, very little room and we'd been waiting for 30+ minutes. She then sets it up frantically, and in the process hits a girl next to us with her elbow and then fucking stands on it with the stool leg on my wive's foot. She screamed out and the woman merely mutters "oh shit" and didn't even bother to say "sorry." The whole thing was quite a ostentatious move. With the stool she was taller than me, and I'm essentially 6' 2." So the show started and she hardly moves, except to try again to get a phone signal. We ignore it and enjoy the show anyway. To our premature excitement, she almost left halfway, as she had been begging her sugar-daddy to go for most of the show. At that point she had ordered my wife and a woman and her husband next to us to move so she could get down, not asked but like barked at us in an annoyed tone. My wife moved then sarcastically replied "you're welcome" and after that she promptly changed her mind and set the stool up again. I barely heard it, but she called my wife a bitch and said "just for that I'm blocking your view." She then proceeded to let her hair down and lean on her husband in a manner than maximized the space she was obstructing from us seeing the stage. I have never seen someone actively try to ruin someone else's concert like that, and we were fairly close to the front. Well we danced and yelled the lyrics and clearly acted like we weren't bothered so she gave up about 15 or 20 minutes later. Her husband or boyfriend or whatever was quite embarrassed. They're the miserable ones. Also, I accidentally singed some of her hair with my lighter as a helped a fellow concert light-up a joint. Oops. Like I said, packed audience :emotawesomepm9:

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ugh. i totally brainfarted and forgot about a paper i have to write for wednesday that involves reading two whole good sized books. and i work 9 hours tomorrow. in short, i'm fucked, or i'm not sleeping tomorrow night.

That's fucking depressing.

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Realised that after all my whining, I don't think I actually have the amount of free time necessary to maintain a relationship. I think the past two years of being single have made me figure out other ways to pass my time.. wtf? I figure this out *after* I start seeing someone?

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Realised that after all my whining, I don't think I actually have the amount of free time necessary to maintain a relationship. I think the past two years of being single have made me figure out other ways to pass my time.. wtf? I figure this out *after* I start seeing someone?

the relationship you're talking about can't be that meaningful or whatever then. if it is,make time for it now because dying alone might be worse.
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Yeah, I thought about that possibility. I am under a lot of pressure lately though with work and music so it's that too. But also that I'm a bit thrown because I finally have some lady attention and it feels weird after 2+ years of being single and having to fight for it.

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errr 6 days ago my aunt killed herself. And I just can't imagine what was so painful. I hate mysteries. They just pick away at me. Like who took the knobs off my friend's jaguar bass in my practice room.



The medical examiner is yet to release the note she left but I have a feeling that it's gonna be like Love Liza and not really answer any questions.


Everyone in my family just fucking self-destructs. I know I have the genes but I think I'm doing pretty well with it at the moment.





fwp: I'm too lazy to do anything today. I've got a fresh new analog synth and a newly-learned-how-to-use MPC4000 staring at me accusingly all like "and the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon..."

Edited by LimpyLoo
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ugh. i totally brainfarted and forgot about a paper i have to write for wednesday that involves reading two whole good sized books. and i work 9 hours tomorrow. in short, i'm fucked, or i'm not sleeping tomorrow night.


you can do it!! i was in a similar situation. Drink a whole pot of coffee and power the hell through it!! You got this!!

errr 6 days ago my aunt killed herself. And I just can't imagine what was so painful. I hate mysteries. They just pick away at me. Like who took the knobs off my friend's jaguar bass in my practice room.



The medical examiner is yet to release the note she left but I have a feeling that it's gonna be like Love Liza and not really answer any questions.


Everyone in my family just fucking self-destructs. I know I have the genes but I think I'm doing pretty well with it at the moment.





fwp: I'm too lazy to do anything today. I've got a fresh new analog synth and a newly-learned-how-to-use MPC4000 staring at me accusingly all like "and the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon..."


sorry to hear that man. and I completely understand what you mean by having that intense need to know why. All I can say from experience is, you'll never get the exact answer you want, so acceptance, as hard as it is, takes time but in the end really makes it easier to grieve.


Best wishes to you and your family Limpy, seriously.

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Guest disparaissant

you can do it!! i was in a similar situation. Drink a whole pot of coffee and power the hell through it!! You got this!!

stayed up til 3 am, then worked on it instead of taking notes. BAM DONE. not the best thing i've written, but probably will still get an A- or so on it.

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errr 6 days ago my aunt killed herself. And I just can't imagine what was so painful. I hate mysteries.


I'm very sorry.


One positive thing I can say - if you're wondering why, you're probably not at great risk. Congratulations! You don't innately understand suicide.


Happy to hear about the MPC, too! Good job learning that...

Edited by A/D
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errr 6 days ago my aunt killed herself. And I just can't imagine what was so painful. I hate mysteries.

I'm very sorry.


One positive thing I can say - if you're wondering why, you're probably not at great risk. Congratulations! You don't innately understand suicide.


Happy to hear about the MPC, too! Good job learning that...



Yeah I'm mostly happy and I think life is beautiful but I do have bipolar so [bummer alert]


the suicide/mortality rate among people with bipolar is somewhere between 18-25%...yay bipolar lol

but I don't own a gun and I have a lot of friends so that pads my stats a bit.

Honestly though, I wouldn't change a thing. I love my crazy creative brain.




/total bummer


Yeah, my friend gave me like a two-hour tutorial on the MPC. So I'll be pumping out choons in no time. I really like the workflow and the functionality. Goodbye DAWs!

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errr 6 days ago my aunt killed herself. And I just can't imagine what was so painful. I hate mysteries. They just pick away at me. ......


fwp: I'm too lazy to do anything today. I've got a fresh new analog synth and a newly-learned-how-to-use MPC4000 staring at me accusingly all like "and the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon..."

sorry to hear about the aunt and etc limpy. i know how you feel about mysteries. i've dwelt on some shit for years, if not over a decade..

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sympathies, limpy. I feel kind of shitty about posting just a regular old fwp after something like that.


I dropped my bike for the first time. I was so pissed off. 7 months of riding it, careful as a motherfucker. I was proud of taking good care of it. then just the other day I'm riding out of a friend's place, I approach an intersection, slow down to let a car pass, and clamp on the brake just a tad too quickly which, coupled with the slope of the road and the angle of the turn, led to it just falling over retardedly. I've gotten out of much worse situations before but this is what finally gives my bike its first scars. fucking lame. at least I managed to get off it instead of landing with it/under it though.


now I have a bent clutch lever from the bike landing on it and it's becoming a pain to ride with because it strains the hand when I pull on it (I'm constantly manipulating the clutch to control speed). I'm going to take it off and heat it with a pencil blowtorch so I can carefully bend it back into shape.


WTF man


how dare you continue to live your life despite my problems


so rude


please sit and put your hands on your lap until everything in my life is fixed

Edited by LimpyLoo
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woke up to an email confirming that I'm going to be giving two 25 minute talks to a university group touring through our lab today... i had completely forgotten this was happening :cerious:

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