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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Wow Bechuga, do you have an appetite? If you're eating and not putting on any weight you could have worms or something.


Some people just have crazy metabolism like that. It doesn't matter whether I eat a pizza, a loaf of bread, and a bag of chips as my diet for a few weeks, or if I barely eat a meal per day every day, I'm always the same weight (scrawny little guy weight), plus or minus 5 pounds. Been that way since grade 10 and I'm 32 now.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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I think the birds that hang out outside our work building are plotting something. I've seen more bird crap than usual the past couple of days, and yesterday my coworkers reported that there were birds all lined up along the fence line when they showed up and then flew away. I've even seen the occasional magpie creep into our building. Probably a spy.

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I think the birds that hang out outside our work building are plotting something. I've seen more bird crap than usual the past couple of days, and yesterday my coworkers reported that there were birds all lined up along the fence line when they showed up and then flew away. I've even seen the occasional magpie creep into our building. Probably a spy.


Someone's been feeding them. It's an inside job.

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Crashing at my friend's place and hearing her roommate fuck the shit out of her boyfriend.



Find a wall shared with their room and loudly drum and drag your fingers up and down it, so that it sounds like rats in the wall. Works errtiem IMO. Edited by baph
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I'm in a cheapo hotel/hostel in Costa Rica and I want to go to eat somewhere but there's some American girl having a meltdown outside my room and I'm too embarrassed to go out now.




A couple of months ago some guy I know sent me a message on Facebook. I did not read the message, but I thought I knew what he wanted to ask me, so I wrote back: "Sure thing, man!". Turns out I didn't know what he wanted to ask me, because he asked if I wanted to buy an Espro.

So, I accidently just bought another coffee brewer. I have like 5 different ones already.

Anyway, that was a couple of months ago and tonight I'm seeing him and some other guys, so I'm sure he's bringing the Espro and will ask for his money. God damnit.

Ok, so I tried the Espro last night. It was pretty fucking good. Such a nice and smooth cup of coffee.

pls compare to aeropress


is it just French Press with less sediment?

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I'm in a cheapo hotel/hostel in Costa Rica and I want to go to eat somewhere but there's some American girl having a meltdown outside my room and I'm too embarrassed to go out now.




A couple of months ago some guy I know sent me a message on Facebook. I did not read the message, but I thought I knew what he wanted to ask me, so I wrote back: "Sure thing, man!". Turns out I didn't know what he wanted to ask me, because he asked if I wanted to buy an Espro.

So, I accidently just bought another coffee brewer. I have like 5 different ones already.

Anyway, that was a couple of months ago and tonight I'm seeing him and some other guys, so I'm sure he's bringing the Espro and will ask for his money. God damnit.

Ok, so I tried the Espro last night. It was pretty fucking good. Such a nice and smooth cup of coffee.

pls compare to aeropress


is it just French Press with less sediment?



Aeropress has nothing on the Espro.

Compared to a normal French press the Espro has 2 filters that are 9 and 12 times finer than common french press filters, so there's absolutely no grit in your mouth once you reach the bottom of the cup. I got three cups of coffee, each brewed on the Espro, a French press, and a Chemex. The French press was muddy as you'd expect, the Chemex was a bit too bitter, but the Espro was so god damn smooth and clean.

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well i'm glad it all worked out for you, why didn't you just say that you obsessively want to try different coffee making devices ya buggerizer. I wouldn't have had to look like such a badgering fanny.

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well i'm glad it all worked out for you, why didn't you just say that you obsessively want to try different coffee making devices ya buggerizer. I wouldn't have had to look like such a badgering fanny.

Well, I didn't know it was going to cost me 130 dollars

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A guy on my facebook feed posted some PETA (probably) vid of dogs getting brutalized/slaughtered for eating, and now I'm just going to imagine dogs being tortured horribly all day. Why post that? No one on his friends list is eating dogs, and we're all helpless to prevent this cruelty from happening, so what the fuck? Anyway... nice guy, I didn't delete him, but his posts have been blocked.

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I'm in a cheapo hotel/hostel in Costa Rica and I want to go to eat somewhere but there's some American girl having a meltdown outside my room and I'm too embarrassed to go out now.




A couple of months ago some guy I know sent me a message on Facebook. I did not read the message, but I thought I knew what he wanted to ask me, so I wrote back: "Sure thing, man!". Turns out I didn't know what he wanted to ask me, because he asked if I wanted to buy an Espro.

So, I accidently just bought another coffee brewer. I have like 5 different ones already.

Anyway, that was a couple of months ago and tonight I'm seeing him and some other guys, so I'm sure he's bringing the Espro and will ask for his money. God damnit.

Ok, so I tried the Espro last night. It was pretty fucking good. Such a nice and smooth cup of coffee.

pls compare to aeropress


is it just French Press with less sediment?

Aeropress has nothing on the Espro.

Compared to a normal French press the Espro has 2 filters that are 9 and 12 times finer than common french press filters, so there's absolutely no grit in your mouth once you reach the bottom of the cup. I got three cups of coffee, each brewed on the Espro, a French press, and a Chemex. The French press was muddy as you'd expect, the Chemex was a bit too bitter, but the Espro was so god damn smooth and clean.

Bro how fine are you grinding your beans bro? French press needs a medium coarse grind bro. I never get grit in my coffee.

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He's probably trying to get the word out that such things happen so people do something about it.

Edited by Braintree
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He's probably trying to get the word out that such things happen so people do something about it.

Yeah, that is of course what he's doing. I just don't think I or anyone else on his friends list can do anything about it, other than feel disgusted.

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A guy on my facebook feed posted some PETA (probably) vid of dogs getting brutalized/slaughtered for eating, and now I'm just going to imagine dogs being tortured horribly all day. Why post that? No one on his friends list is eating dogs, and we're all helpless to prevent this cruelty from happening, so what the fuck? Anyway... nice guy, I didn't delete him, but his posts have been blocked.

Must be in regards to that Yulin dog meat festival in China from a week ago. I didn't bother watching any of those vids because I'd already seen enough factory farm ones last month - part of the reason I stopped buying beef and pork products.


As disturbing as that event is to most of us Westerners though, is it really our place to delegate authority over another country's traditions?

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A guy on my facebook feed posted some PETA (probably) vid of dogs getting brutalized/slaughtered for eating, and now I'm just going to imagine dogs being tortured horribly all day. Why post that? No one on his friends list is eating dogs, and we're all helpless to prevent this cruelty from happening, so what the fuck? Anyway... nice guy, I didn't delete him, but his posts have been blocked.

Must be in regards to that Yulin dog meat festival in China from a week ago. I didn't bother watching any of those vids because I'd already seen enough factory farm ones last month - part of the reason I stopped buying beef and pork products.


As disturbing as that event is to most of us Westerners though, is it really our place to delegate authority over another country's traditions?



Good on you for cutting out the beef/pork. The meat industry for the most part is pretty deplorable. I went vegetarian for a month but couldn't hack it. Friends were concerned for my health, since I have a hard enough time getting the nutrients I need as it is. Plus I wasn't enjoying my meals and felt like the whole thing was futile. My becoming vegetarian wasn't influencing anyone to do the same, and certainly wasn't doing anything to hurt the meat industry. I know, I know, it's a cynical way to look at it... but I think it's true. I felt I was just ruining something I enjoyed most and not affecting anything else in the process. Seemed like the only thing to be gained was a sort of vain sense of moral high ground.

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He's probably trying to get the word out that such things happen so people do something about it.

Yeah, that is of course what he's doing. I just don't think I or anyone else on his friends list can do anything about it, other than feel disgusted.



I think the idea is that he shares it with a friend, then another friend shares it with someone outside of his social circle, and then jumps to another social circle again.



No shame in trying.

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A guy on my facebook feed posted some PETA (probably) vid of dogs getting brutalized/slaughtered for eating, and now I'm just going to imagine dogs being tortured horribly all day. Why post that? No one on his friends list is eating dogs, and we're all helpless to prevent this cruelty from happening, so what the fuck? Anyway... nice guy, I didn't delete him, but his posts have been blocked.

Must be in regards to that Yulin dog meat festival in China from a week ago. I didn't bother watching any of those vids because I'd already seen enough factory farm ones last month - part of the reason I stopped buying beef and pork products.


As disturbing as that event is to most of us Westerners though, is it really our place to delegate authority over another country's traditions?



That's not a "tradition", that's being idiot. At least western people don't celebrate the brutal death of pigs and cows.

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Personally, I don't really see the difference between eating a pig and eating a dog. They're both intelligent animals, but somehow one of them is okay to eat and the other isn't.

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