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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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On the bright side my gearlust is pretty much gone. I just don't give a shit anymore.that seems to be a depressing way to end a kind of depressing post. but i totally relate to it which is maybe why i take it that way.

Well, I kind of made it sound like I'm not interested in making tunes anymore. Which is inaccurate although I've finally accepted that I'll only ever be a faceless bedroom producer/wanker, which is fine cos shit is fun. Rather, what I meant is that I've recognized that "improving" the "setup" is just a distraction. Literally the ONLY productive thing I can do is work with the tools in front of me.


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i got drunk on this crap last night, i'm just out of anything to mix it with today and being whiny. it's pretty bad stuff. what's really irritating me in the first world tonight is Ctrlr, or midi yoke, i can't tell. probably both. FURIUS

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It takes an excruciatingly long time to upload albums to bandcamp. Furthermore, I think I mistook the 350x350 tiny album art minimum as being the specific size bandcamp required on past uploads. :facepalm:

Also, I woke up this morning with a random "what if I never have a kid and then regret it at the age of 50" panic. Never had one of those before. It passed when I actually got my ass out of bed. I think I have an inability to worry about things for an extended period of time, which is good in the sense that I remain content for the most part, but because I never worry about the future I never prepare for it either. I think my 40+ years are going to be extremely difficult.

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I accidentally spilled half of my noodles down the sink drain whilst trying to drain the water out of the spaghetti before making the sauce. I said the word "fuck" several times.

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I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.


That site is aids. I had a profile on there for about a week to see what it is about. Not fer me. Fuck'em as I say.


I've had a couple of good experiences, but generally the girls I like don't like me, and I'm not interested in the girls who like me. A little phenomenon I like to call Costanza syndrome.

It's helped me understand my taste in women a bit more though, in that it's allowed me to tighten up my standards a little and realise that it's ok to be a bit shallow sometimes, especially since most girls on that site are anyway.


I should start a blog about okcupid from a male perspective..


I had a couple good experiences myself in the past, one little summer fling, and one I dated/fucked for a couple months til she went all crazy on me. (which seems to be a common case with girls met online)

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i'm drinking REALLY bad whiskey, and i'm the one that bought it. for myself.

worst whiskey i've ever had was j.t.s. brown which i bought to try to be cool like Fast Eddie Felson. i ended up being the opposite of cool. it's cheap. i got the bottled in bond vers which is 100proof and i think a buck more than regular which is 80proof. maybe the 80proof doesn't taste AS horrid but i actually couldnt finish that bottle and had to give it away to a guy who actually drank it and claimed to like it.


best cheap stuff i've ever had was black velvet, which to me seemed at least on par with JD black label.

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I suggest you keep it up and just don't go on it for a while. That seems to be the time when girls actually send me messages rather than me having to send them out. I picked it up from a girl at work saying that she browses through profiles looking for people who haven't been online in a couple of weeks or so.. kinda weird but I guess it makes sense?

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That Obama inauguration made me realized this world is completely insane, watching the whole thing was so surreal, is this really happening?


So ridiculous, so unnecessary, and millions of people went out in the cold and stood there for hours and hours for this, bunch of fucking idiots.


(And i know there has been some outrageous presidential inauguration but this is the first one i payed attention to/lived it)

Edited by YO303
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Actual first world problem that is not even remotely a legitimate problem in the global sense of "problems":


I bought a really beautiful new 27" iMac with a 680mx graphics card and an i7 processor so that I could do some fancy photowork and make computer musics again, and it's the nicest looking screen I've ever seen with no dead pixels and pretty even backlighting and great resolution, but whites are slightly warmer on the bottom half of the screen than the top half of the screen, and it's barely noticeable, and then only with full-white screens when viewed from certain angles, and it won't interfere with photo editing, and I might be able to reduce it with some calibration, and it's definitely not worth replacing an otherwise flawless machine over because other people are having much worse problems with these apparently complex machines, but I will always know it's there.


Meanwhile I'm squinting to read from a shitty dell monitor at work and it feels like someone sanded my corneas in comparison.

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Electronic music isn't fast enough anymore. Whenever I go out to a friend's gig with the aim of dancing, it's always footwork stuff with halftime claps and an emphasis on 'chill'. I don't go out to chill, I go out to lose my shit on the dancefloor!

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="AdieuErsatzEnnui" data-cid="1935986" data-time="1358815053">

Be sure to note the douchey girls who are in relationships, but still use the website.</p></blockquote>


My recent ex. Bah.


Fwp: I have to choose between the shit part time job I have or a less shit temporary full time job I can get.

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I plugged the wrong a/c adapter into a hard drive enclosure I was planning to use and the most frightening tiny-ass explosion occurred.

I've always feared that this would happen to me and out of all the mismatched a/c adapters I've used I was begining to think they were all interchangeable.

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I plugged the wrong a/c adapter into a hard drive enclosure I was planning to use and the most frightening tiny-ass explosion occurred.

I've always feared that this would happen to me and out of all the mismatched a/c adapters I've used I was begining to think they were all interchangeable.


I plugged in a mini muff one time and it started smoking so I turned it off. It still works though incredibly.

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A local music store once rented me an external sound card with the wrong adapter. It exploded (internally) with a loud pop and smelled fantastic afterwards. Somehow I managed to get them to pay me $10 in addition to giving me the right adapter and striking the rental fee.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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Not quite an adaptor story, but I was once sampling the bible on cassette, and at a part about hellfire, the batteries exploded acid all over the back of the player's case. It was pretty awesome... I thought Satan himself was getting down with my samples. Turns out I had just mixed a rechargeable battery with a standard AA.


exploding electronic fwps ftw.

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Not quite an adaptor story, but I was once sampling the bible on cassette, and at a part about hellfire, the batteries exploded acid all over the back of the player's case. It was pretty awesome... I thought Satan himself was getting down with my samples. Turns out I had just mixed a rechargeable battery with a standard AA.


exploding electronic fwps ftw.



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