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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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running into the meter maid putting a ticket on your windsheild right after the meter expired. the fine is 25 dollars. that is entirely fucking unreasonable.


Shitty :(


I think they should wait at least five or ten minutes after the expiration before issuing tickets.


They don't have time to wait around when they're doing their rounds. That's ridiculous. Sure it sucks, but glunk was the one that didn't put enough money in the meter to cover her actual time parked in the spot. Why complain about it being 'unreasonable' when it's entirely your fault.



No offense at my tough love and a lesson in empathy mate ';-p It erked me because i come across people all the time at work who have never done anything wrong in their lives and the fault is always our company's. It's immature.


i predicted that someone would say something like this. not dissing on the meter maid at all but the fine used to be 15 dollars. it changed to 25 very recently, which i think is unreasonable. you'd have to be parked there all day to justify that. i'm mainly sad about my rotten luck and just wanted someone to empathize :( isn't that the point of this thread?


cooleeoe. ;-] ... /dishes out hugz


The fines here are much higher. And if you wanted to park in a carpark in the city, 25 bucks wouldn't even get you a spot for more than an hour!

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four tracks of sludge metal

*ears prick up*

two releases sounds good modey:


pselodux -- "zole"

pselodux -- "zole 2: return of teh zole"

I suggest that the sludge metal stuff be separated out for its own full release and that it be titled In the Absence of Zole.



Actually you'll like this stuff, I think. It's like Isis mixed with 80s King Crimson, or Talking Heads style postpunk. And lots of ambience.

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Well, as the plan goes it's going to be four tracks of sludge metal and four tracks of experimental guitar pieces, with the metal up front as the first half. I wonder if bandcamp would allow me to place a divider between the halves or if I'll just have to write an interlude for them. Hmm.

two releases


yes two eps FTW

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The top half of my bialetti Moka express-can slipped from my fingers and fell about 5 centimeters chipping the edge of my ceramic stove top along the way.

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The free eggs at this hotel are burnt or something. They taste like the smell of burnt hair, but I'm eating them anyway. I'm hungry.

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main music computer won't turn on, not sure if it's the power supply or the mother board, no coffee in the house, tried to pet the cat but he got startled and slashed my arm, and it's not even 7:30am. fuck this gay earth.

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I went to dinner and a movie tonight with a really nice girl I've known as a friend for some time. I can't figure out if it was a date or not. I meant for it to be so but I can't tell if that's what she was thought as well.


Did you pay for everything?

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I keep meaning to speak my mind in certain threads but I don't feel like contradicting people that I like.

Go for it! Good people can take a healthy debate.

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Guest Frankie5fingers



I went to dinner and a movie tonight with a really nice girl I've known as a friend for some time. I can't figure out if it was a date or not. I meant for it to be so but I can't tell if that's what she was thought as well.


Did you pay for everything?


no, I bought both tickets early and we split dinner

why not just ask her?

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I keep meaning to speak my mind in certain threads but I don't feel like contradicting people that I like.


how righteous of you.




all i'm saying i disagree with people i like


have you never disagreed with a friend or relative and bit your tongue?

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