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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Debt collection shit that isn't yours isn't fun. I received a letter and phonecall because some dude with the same name AND birthdate as me is racking up debts somewhere in London. I mean the name being the same is one thing, but born on the same day? Unimaginative parents in naming us I guess...


Hope the job / debt collection errors fuck off soon Chaos!

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My computer has been acting up so I took a look inside. Water loop has algae growing in it. Tubes went from crystal clear to green gunk. Learned a lot about how to maintain a loop though. Will be a few days without my gaming rig, maybe now I'll be able to focus on some school work. Even once my new tubing arrives I'll still have to see if that fixed my PC woes or if I have to waste more time fixing it, might just reformat.

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I was listening to RATM's Renegades cover album for the first time since highschool, and none of the original artists are credited in the liner notes! I am very bothered by this... maybe even offended, which is an exerience I am pretty unfamiliar with.


Yeah, what's with that? Aren't they obligated to credit the original artists by law?




One would think. Even if it's legal, it's still extremely disrespectful. They probably have thousands of fans who assume those are RATM originals, and thousands more who would have checked out some of those artists had they been credited in the inlay.

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Been trying to get all of Shitmat's tunes, but apparently he shut down both his Shitmat site and the Wrong Music label site... Can't even find some of the comps on soulseek

any idea why he might have done that? I miss his shitmat moniker. He said on facebook about a year ago that he's retired that moniker.

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Here it is:




Managed to find the comps on soulseek; one's downloading at 5 kb/s and the others are queueing. I'm 9346th in line...


New FWP: searching for music in soulseek is a pain in the ass

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- boss breathing down my neck about arbitrary shit all day, additionally blaming me for his own mistakes because he can't hear shit and apparently "if I'm not looking at you, I'm not listening" is his MO despite his hollering at me from across the warehouse all day, and this is somehow a problem on my end. ffs.


- USPS has marked two packages of mine as delivered last saturday, but they never showed up, furthermore they indicated one has been delivered twice, apparently the second "successful" delivery was earlier today. I can't get through to a representative on their phone line. :facepalm:


- i've been getting crazy hangovers from 2-3 beers a night over the last week, wtf is this crap

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I'm trying out fb's fan-page ad campaign thingy to attract more attention to the last ZN album. So far 300+ people have been reached, 7 have visited the page, not a single one of them pressed play on anything! Why did they visit in the first place? I mean, i get that pinging 300 random people for something they're not interested in isn't likely to accomplish anything, but those 7 visitors are baffling to me. This is why I've never bothered much with promotion offers in the past, as it all seems futile.

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Feeling like absolute shit today. A former student of mine (17 y.o. girl) was found dead in a forest near a beach this morning (suicide). A forest I walk/bike through once in a while. I was actually on that beach nearby today because of a teambuilding event we organized for other students, one of them being the found girl's little sister that found out about it while we where there. Fuck.

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uhm... that's really fucked (sorry can't think of a better word).



Sorry to hear that.... It's absolutely messed up but I'm sure you have no reason to feel guilty or anything. Are counselors available to you?

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Sorry about that Herr Jan, i hope that this doesn't delay the interview translation.
























/runs a mile. And i really am so sorry, that's not gotta feel good. /hands out hugs or beer, whichever you prefer, both if you want.

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Will be enough counseling next week at the school for people that want to, but I'll be ok, thanks Stephen. Thinking more about the family and friends/classmates, but also can't stop pondering how such a seemingly happy 17 y.o. girl that seemed to have absolutely everything going for her would be capable of such a thing.

So yeah, translation coming tomorrow :happy: I'll take both delet, cheers :)

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one of them being the found girl's little sister that found out about it while we where there. Fuck.

oh noooo.


that's rough, man. hope you and the sister and everyone else concerned pull through. all this suicide business lately throws into sharp relief what a terrible effect it has on the people left behind.

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Will be enough counseling next week at the school for people that want to, but I'll be ok, thanks Stephen. Thinking more about the family and friends/classmates, but also can't stop pondering how such a seemingly happy 17 y.o. girl that seemed to have absolutely everything going for her would be capable of such a thing.


So yeah, translation coming tomorrow :happy: I'll take both delet, cheers :)



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