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Guest Coalbucket PI

Not sure how people manage to feel so strongly about it. I did prefer it being there although I never really got into any conversations for more than ten minutes or so. Often seemed like either the chat moved so slowly that I stopped paying attention or it was going too fast to keep up with. Never experienced anything particularly against the rules. If it had to go for money reasons then fair enough but it doesn't seem like it did.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

didnt you already write that a while ago or did i just have an omega huge dejavu???


Yeah I probably did the last time chatmm got deleted

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RIP Chatmm.



My best memory of Chatmm was the 12 hour autechre web broadcast from last year, and the running lols and commentary from the watmm crew. Great stuff.


Otherwise, not overly fussed that its gone.

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Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. I think it's time for a little retrospective. Favourite memories:


early ae syncs

kenny g - songbird sync

having a bad trip on shrooms and then coming onto chatmm and they turn it into a great trip

10 ppl being drunk/high syncing the best ceephax live set ever

in fact, being drunk/high on chatmm all the fucking time, even logging into chatmm while at parties just to say hi

learning the wonders of j dilla

lil b - angel's exodus sync

aphex live in norway sync ("you've just heard aphex twin with 'i want to eat your soul'")

bubbha giving me honorary black man status after syncing my funk don't front mix

talkmm - call meh!

u-ziq digging my ambient tune

the word amazon

nas - illmatic sync

kramer's syncing warcry "just let me finish loading my bowl"

alex explaining that I won't stop breathing involuntary from the substance I just took...

burzum syncs!

maximus mischief, cause i know you wouldn't have spent all that time if you didn't enjoy our company.

all the fucking drama...

getting quantum'd

last but not least, discovering absolutely amazing music that I wouldn't have bothered to check out on my own.


I keep thinking there should be more intact memories, but chatmm in its prime made fear & loathing in las vegas look like a d.a.r.e meeting.

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RIP Chatmm.



My best memory of Chatmm was the 12 hour autechre web broadcast from last year, and the running lols and commentary from the watmm crew. Great stuff.


Otherwise, not overly fussed that its gone.


YES! This was such a blast. I sat in there ALL DAY listening to Autechre, and I would never have made it all the way through if it wasn't for Chatmm. That was my first real Chatmm experience as well. Good times...


RIP Chatmm.... :sad:

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great now with sirch blabbing joyrex is gonna think theres a split in the community where some people agree with the deletion of chatm.

thanks sirch


i don't so much "agree" with it as i do... just not care about it, either way, whether it's there or not, like i said earlier.

also, again like i said earlier, i understand why it was taken away... it's obvious. and the reasons make sense to me, and probably make sense to the other 439 people, too! lol

and, AND, at the end of the day it's gone. GONE! so quit whining and crying about it.


by your reasoning, 500 people visit a day, yet only about 60 actually post so lets get rid of the forums too, the other 400 odd people wouldnt care


guess what, some of them might be talking to each other via PM, like i do a fair bit!, ever think about that, Einstein?

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Sirch, I'm asking you to please respectfully leave this thread. If Chatmm really is gone, we should stop arguing about it, and make the rest of this thread about all the good times we had.


I still don't see why we can't have a separate Chatmm donation system. I think if the frequenters of Chatmm all throw in a little money, we could easily afford to keep it up.

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I still don't see why we can't have a separate Chatmm donation system. I think if the frequenters of Chatmm all throw in a little money, we could easily afford to keep it up.


that's a good idea. do that. like i said before i've used chat before but don't really mind or care either way if it's gone or if it's there.

but if you guys miss it so badly and want to pay for it... i, personally, don't see why it shouldn't be brought back...?

Accross Canyons had a good idea yesterday, or whenever it was, about agreeing to a disclaimer? that basically everything people post/say is down to them and their own responsibility, so that if somebody does post any illegal links or leaks or whatever then nobody else but that person will get into any trouble for it.

i dunno... just my 2 cents. i don't think it'll be brought back, tho....... maybe some people 'in the industry' have already complained about sharing of copyrighted stuff, who knows...

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dont go to freenode go to MY WATMM IRC channel in the GAMESURGE server!!!! http://www.gamesurge.net


freenode ircmm is grambage compared to my gamesurge ircmm, plus i have a CONVINCING argument why u should go to MY irc room in gamesurge not the freenome one.


- INDEPENDANCE - my room is free of chains of the watmm admins who shut it donw and the "esteblishment" members who hate chatmm anyway it is instead run by me (a real WATMM MAVRICK)


- PRIVACY - in freenode if u wanna hide ur host u gotta do all these hoops like asking admins and what !!!! do u wanna let this watmm creeps see your ip adn stuff? for gamesurge u just register, make sure u authorize on your connect and set ur usermode to +x so u get a host mask cloak, plus u can make it a custom thing choose from the list! im ballbasaur.E-THUG.gamesurge!!


- BENEFITS - if u join my room ill make u a op no matter who u are (even joyrex) good look with that in the most likely facist freenode watmm room!!!


- TRUSTEDNESS - im on gamesurge for years i know you can trust this site


so remember go to gamesurge.net and make a account then set ur connect to auth and +x and go in my #watmm room


Sounds like you really don't need your WATMM account anymore...

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btw I never saw any link trading in chattm, just discussing music and bullshitting... Joyrex, this is bullshit man. Bring back CHATMM


also i would argue that there is more disrespect and rudeness in the forums than there is in chatmm

i usually don't get along with max, most people know that.


but he is right on the money here. don't know what it was about chatmm that made people be more civil towards each other, but it's true - chatmm was more respectful and civil than WATMM forums


i 2nd this


A method of communication shouldn't make your more civil... that should be there regardless if you're chatting, or writing a letter on the back of a moldy cibatta loaf with a wood etching tool and taking the crumbs to be later used as an exfoliant in your cucumber-hummus facial pack.


current ISO 9000 watmm standard:


1) random board change/upgrade/alteration/etc. surprises board members like a leaky waterbed on monday morning.

2) board members complain. management lays down the law, quite often on rhombix.

3) arguments. things settle down.


proposed OVR 9000 watmm standard:


1) board change/upgrade/alteration/etc. is announced i.e. "we'll be doing this on monday sometime."

2) announcement post serves as a lightning rod to attract whining and drama. ideally, there would be two-way communication at this point.

3) lack of drama on roll-out date allows watmm's engineering team to meet OVR 9000 standards


i feel this will provide for a more satisfactory board atmosphere


LOL, still butthurt about the board upgrade...


come on... i never saw more than 10 people in there at a time... out of the hundreds that visit everyday! it's not worth bringing it back... there's plenty of other ways to chat to people from watmm.com

I think it's less busy in the summer time. I for one went on it maybe twice this summer, but I was on all of the time during my last school year. It's probably one of the many reasons I received a low grade in my college algebra class.


When you graduate with high honors, I expect a thank you note (on Cibatta loaf, as prescribed above).


it's just pointless having a chat room when hardly anybody uses it!


How much use would be using it enough?



i dunno. regularly more than 10 people?

mostly whenever i looked at chat there was like 1 or 2 people there... but sometimes i would see around 10... ish


i think the main reason is the illegal linking, then second is the fact that it just wasn't used 'much'.

if there was like 40 or 50-odd people in there regularly... or at least over the weekends... ???



You can't even get 40 or 50 people in there....


Pretty sure the max was like 20


oh. well that's a bit shit!


We were paying 20USD/year for a 25 user limit - more users would up the cost, and frankly, it's not worth it.


I wish WATMM had rules more like Something Awful. Shit like "ur" and "ppl" should be rewarded with instant banishment.


Don't tempt me...


RIP Chatmm.



My best memory of Chatmm was the 12 hour autechre web broadcast from last year, and the running lols and commentary from the watmm crew. Great stuff.


Otherwise, not overly fussed that its gone.


YES! This was such a blast. I sat in there ALL DAY listening to Autechre, and I would never have made it all the way through if it wasn't for Chatmm. That was my first real Chatmm experience as well. Good times...


RIP Chatmm.... :sad:


Sadly those experiences (although they technically had nothing to do with CHATMM) were far and few between. Everyone's also forgetting how "buggy" it was, as I got regular complaints about it being slow, not advancing the chat scroll, etc. Not worth the money nor the headaches.


It's NOT coming back.

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Only $20? I would definitely pay for a whole year right now! Right this instant!


And what do you mean that had nothing to do with Chatmm? That day had everything to do with Chatmm. I don't understand your logic there at all. Chatmm was never buggy for me in any major way either. I never experienced any headaches. I really don't know what you're referring to. I honestly would have stopped coming here if it weren't for Chatmm. Wtf. This really is silly, JR. It's been one of the best things about Watmm for a lot of users!

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btw I never saw any link trading in chattm, just discussing music and bullshitting... Joyrex, this is bullshit man. Bring back CHATMM


also i would argue that there is more disrespect and rudeness in the forums than there is in chatmm

i usually don't get along with max, most people know that.


but he is right on the money here. don't know what it was about chatmm that made people be more civil towards each other, but it's true - chatmm was more respectful and civil than WATMM forums


i 2nd this


A method of communication shouldn't make your more civil... that should be there regardless if you're chatting, or writing a letter on the back of a moldy cibatta loaf with a wood etching tool and taking the crumbs to be later used as an exfoliant in your cucumber-hummus facial pack.

this has got to be the most naive thing you have ever said, Joyrex.


you should know more than anyone that a method of communication, for some people, completely changes how they communicate with other people. the internet is awash with people who use it as some alter-ego for spewing bile towards others.

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the internet is awash with people who use it as some alter-ego for spewing bile towards others.


Shut up you disgusting cunt

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btw I never saw any link trading in chattm, just discussing music and bullshitting... Joyrex, this is bullshit man. Bring back CHATMM


also i would argue that there is more disrespect and rudeness in the forums than there is in chatmm

i usually don't get along with max, most people know that.


but he is right on the money here. don't know what it was about chatmm that made people be more civil towards each other, but it's true - chatmm was more respectful and civil than WATMM forums


i 2nd this


A method of communication shouldn't make your more civil... that should be there regardless if you're chatting, or writing a letter on the back of a moldy cibatta loaf with a wood etching tool and taking the crumbs to be later used as an exfoliant in your cucumber-hummus facial pack.

this has got to be the most naive thing you have ever said, Joyrex.


you should know more than anyone that a method of communication, for some people, completely changes how they communicate with other people. the internet is awash with people who use it as some alter-ego for spewing bile towards others.




hmmm, i'd say you're both talking from experience, but Joyrex is right. and it's not naive at all. he's obviously aware that people can be cunts online. but just because you can be it doesn't mean you should be, all of the time. ;)

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btw I never saw any link trading in chattm, just discussing music and bullshitting... Joyrex, this is bullshit man. Bring back CHATMM


also i would argue that there is more disrespect and rudeness in the forums than there is in chatmm

i usually don't get along with max, most people know that.


but he is right on the money here. don't know what it was about chatmm that made people be more civil towards each other, but it's true - chatmm was more respectful and civil than WATMM forums


i 2nd this


A method of communication shouldn't make your more civil... that should be there regardless if you're chatting, or writing a letter on the back of a moldy cibatta loaf with a wood etching tool and taking the crumbs to be later used as an exfoliant in your cucumber-hummus facial pack.

this has got to be the most naive thing you have ever said, Joyrex.


you should know more than anyone that a method of communication, for some people, completely changes how they communicate with other people. the internet is awash with people who use it as some alter-ego for spewing bile towards others.




hmmm, i'd say you're both talking from experience, but Joyrex is right. and it's not naive at all. he's obviously aware that people can be cunts online. but just because you can be it doesn't mean you should be, all of the time. ;)

welcome to human nature?

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was just as many people trolling and taking the piss in the live chat as there is on the forums, really, ime...


the only time/place where it is really civilised and respectful pretty much all of the time is when it's one2one via PM, when people aren't trying to show off or 'out cunt' each other...

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Guest AcrossCanyons

joyrex - you still haven't explained why it's gone. we've already solved the mysteries of the money and the illegal activity problems. :shrug:


[edit] why it should still be gone, should I say.

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