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Black Hole Eats Star: Researchers Detail Astounding Cosmic Occurrence (VIDEO)


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prepare to have your mind blown. Back in March, when NASA's Swift spacecraft first detected what scientists believed to be a black hole eating a star 3.8 billion light years from earth, many didn't quite know what it would mean. But now it seems the cosmic event not only sent a beam of X-rays shooting towards earth, but it also rejuvenated the black hole.







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Us humans are nooooo match for space. When we actually start traveling it for real, we are going to get our ass handed to us. Heed my warnings.

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would seriously consider trying to endure old age if there is the slightest chance that I get to upload my consciousness to the internet so I get to travel as a future robot to see all this awesome stuff in space x hundred years from now.



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Guest nene multiple assgasms

let's see, life on earth began about 3.7 billion years ago, so the events being observed took place before that.

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not sure how to parse whatever that was but I won't apologize for finding SPACE exciting, maaan.


I was thinking of this when I wrote that





computer graphics about the end of the universe = fun.


Also, I think I'll stop posting snarky comments on the rate what the person above you is listening to thread because people hurt my feelings when they have an indifferent / negative reaction to some of my favorite bands and I suspect I'm inflicting the same pain on others. Peace!

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