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baph, that flood one would have been great if you didn't use so many goddamned fonts in the bottom corner.


New entry coming up.

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baph, that flood one would have been great if you didn't use so many goddamned fonts in the bottom corner.


it's a choose-your-own-font Gay Ska/Pop album from 1996.

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Okay, so with the picture that was selected for me, the bandname I got and the quotation I got, this couldn't have turned into anything BUT a car ad. So I went with that vibe. Both wikiquote entries for the book that this guy's quotes come from would make one hell of a magazine ad feel for this. I'll just post them here:

  • Humanity has emerged from its former degrees of limitation and preliminary training. Man must now become imbued with new virtues and powers, new moralities, new capacities. New bounties, bestowals and perfections are awaiting and already descending upon him.

  • From every standpoint the world of humanity is undergoing a re-formation. The laws of former governments and civilizations are in process of revision, scientific ideas and theories are developing and advancing to meet a new range of phenomena, invention and discovery are penetrating hitherto unknown fields revealing new wonders and hidden secrets of the material universe; industries have vastly wider scope and production; everywhere the world of mankind is in the throes of evolutionary activity indicating the passing of the old conditions and advent of the new age of re-formation. Old trees yield no fruitage; old ideas and methods are obsolete and worthless now. Old standards of ethics, moral codes and methods of living in the past will not suffice for the present age of advancement and progress.
    This is the cycle of maturity and re-formation in religion as well. Dogmatic imitations of ancestral beliefs are passing. They have been the axis around which religion revolved but now are no longer fruitful; on the contrary, in this day they have become the cause of human degradation and hindrance. Bigotry and dogmatic adherence to ancient beliefs have become the central and fundamental source of animosity among men, the obstacle to human progress, the cause of warfare and strife, the destroyer of peace, composure and welfare in the world.


and now, with no further ado, may I present to you 2003's car-of-the-future, the Reyero:



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we should vote for the best album/artist and make a watmm comp






Stache for Cash as album title or artist. Or both.

Stache for Cash is a great band name. Yeah, WATMM collab album for the best band/album/cover combination in this thread.

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