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classic watmm


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I feel misunderstood. again. By you, no surprise, thought i explained that you have to read me as having no ill-will meant towards anyone. I'm not a jock, i'm not looking for an angle from which i can undermine someone. I loves yaz all. ;-] ..


Here's what i rekon about this whole thing.


I think it's sad that it's all gone, but what are you going to do. Maybe it's on an harddrive somewhere and we can mount it into a database one day. As an easter egg for us all (although many would then scream that they don't want some of their less flattering revelations, dug up (luckily everything i wrote was in one version of dleet- or other, and that mostly contained content like this post, and some bad drunken rhyming). Till then, ar well, fuckit.

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yes, it's all still inside us.


No i mean, OMG it's like what happened to the Etruscans. All our precious writings gone !!.. So much cultural effort evaporated.. heh..



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That other 10% though, man, that other 10%... Not pointing fingers at anybody but it's a shame it's gone. I'd love to read from back when I didn't know the difference between hardware and analogue, mr modular was still posting on YLC, and milieu, fieldtriqp and Dorian Concept hadn't gotten too cool for us. Also the ramblings of JSwift (Did anybody ever get a hold of his music?). All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.



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classic watmm at it's finest:

you have access to all the gear, you're 16 years-old and your dad is god. he's sleeping, mama too, you go to a party and kill the dancefloor djing some of the old man's unreleased gems.

you're 22 now, papa showed you how to use the machines, you're starting to get as skilled as him. the year is 2028, robots are replacing humans, papa richard got cloned.

2046: afx is the new wagner, he's got his own festspielhaus. rushup edge has become a place of pilgrimage for fans all over the world.

2053: death of aphex twin. the heritage is yours, the clone is making some of the finest tunes ever heard by human ears. you have the power to change the world, but you take too much cocaine and you die. afx's clone is still there, he has no conscience but keeps doing gigs and releasing albums.

2101: afx's clone controls the earth, drukqs 2 is out on warp. humans kill themselves when they hear the music.

10044: it was all a dream and you were in a coma for 8000 years. you look at yourself in a mirror and what do you see: you are actually harry potter.

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mr modular was still posting on YLC, and milieu, fieldtriqp and Dorian Concept hadn't gotten too cool for us. Also the ramblings of JSwift (Did anybody ever get a hold of his music?).




Just a quick note - Milieu still posts here - his user name is mellow U :)

JSwift got too bluky in the end. Had to go or he would have sucked the board down under his gravitational pull.

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I feel misunderstood. again. By you, no surprise, thought i explained that you have to read me as having no ill-will meant towards anyone. I'm not a jock, i'm not looking for an angle from which i can undermine someone. I loves yaz all. ;-] ..


i was quite grumpy and immediately regretted calling you a twat after i posted it, but i do wish you'd be a little less heavy on the sarcasm sometimes. :flower:

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JSwift got too bluky in the end. Had to go or he would have sucked the board down under his gravitational pull.

is 'bluky' a WATMM-only word? I couldn't find it anywhere else on the nets. I looked at every web page.

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I feel misunderstood. again. By you, no surprise, thought i explained that you have to read me as having no ill-will meant towards anyone. I'm not a jock, i'm not looking for an angle from which i can undermine someone. I loves yaz all. ;-] ..


i was quite grumpy and immediately regretted calling you a twat after i posted it, but i do wish you'd be a little less heavy on the sarcasm sometimes. :flower:


it's all good, it's not sarcasm though, honest. :flowers'n'shit:

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JSwift got too bluky in the end. Had to go or he would have sucked the board down under his gravitational pull.

is 'bluky' a WATMM-only word? I couldn't find it anywhere else on the nets. I looked at every web page.

Yeah we trademarked it, and have received copyright on the word "bluky" in relation to IDM, Aphex Twin, bodybuilding and JSwift.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

hay gais













































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I also heartily laugh at the "up for discussion" bit - we had to move hosts ASAP because the CPU on the old hosts' SQL server was being pegged and the host turned off the site for violating their threshold one too many times. Chaosmachine and I decided this host would be the best and most stable for the site's needs, but the problem was there wasn't enough room for the Downloads section HDD space wise, and we didn't want to peg out this SQL server's CPU and create the same sort of situation, so we (I say we, it was mostly Chaosmachine) decided it was best to remove posts from General Banter from 2008 backwards as NO ONE was even pulling those threads up, and 90% of it was nonsense anyways.


That other 10% though, man, that other 10%... Not pointing fingers at anybody but it's a shame it's gone. I'd love to read from back when I didn't know the difference between hardware and analogue, mr modular was still posting on YLC, and milieu, fieldtriqp and Dorian Concept hadn't gotten too cool for us. Also the ramblings of JSwift (Did anybody ever get a hold of his music?). All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


I pruned genban threads with no replies for 2 years (or something along those lines). No threads in the other subforums were touched. Also, it was done before we moved hosts, as a last attempt to avoid having to do just that. I think it gave us a few more months, but ultimately, we ended up on a VPS.


Even before that happened, we had nothing prior to November 2005... I think that was when we moved from a dedicated server onto Dreamhost (ah, there's another host we got kicked off, lol)... I seem to remember we set up the forum, people opened new accounts, started posting again, etc... We had a thread about whether to bring the old stuff back, but the consensus was not to bother...


Anyway, we lost the DB a lot in the old days, this is probably the longest we've gone without a complete reset.

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I think I now realize why there was a "print thread" button all these years.


So you can paste them to your walls and be embraced by WATMM's loving touch first thing in the morning?

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Guest Lady kakapo

i still think turning a forum of adults into a kids forum is weird as fuck. I cant think of a single conceivable benefit.


American men turn into George Lucas once they hit the age of 35.

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hmm this is hard ... In defense of our rulers, for a while the forum turned into 4chan and the terror effectively killed most of the stuff but now we can't talk about sex and bodily functions? It would be cool if we had a 'troll' button for every poster / post and once it gets enough votes (by members + moderators) the forum automatically bans the person.



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Guest 277: 930-933

hmm this is hard ... In defense of our rulers, for a while the forum turned into 4chan and the terror effectively killed most of the stuff but now we can't talk about sex and bodily functions? It would be cool if we had a 'troll' button for every poster / post and once it gets enough votes (by members + moderators) the forum automatically bans the person.




That's a terrible idea, ever heard of the tyranny of the masses?

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Yeah and it works for what they do but I'm convinced watmm needs a proper memory.


So, let's put this in money terms that we can all agree to. I bet the forum is extensible. I have seen guys asking for programming work here before. Why don't you get some of these dudes to make the necessary addons and then sell it back to whoever else needs it so the forum sustains itself and in return we are allowed to be adults again?

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