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what.cd is a good resource for music, watmm is a community not some troon subforum, it's absolutely worthless without genban. it's been discussed a lot though and you've made your position clear once again..so whateves.

old threads not being bumped doesn't mean people didn't need old content, i can't be the only one who uses search.


what.cd is a good resource for piracy...


But yes, that's right - they are gone, and even if they still existed, trying to shoehorn the data back into the forums wouldn't be worth the effort.


it's actually horrible, i've always thought they are archived somewhere, it's like deleting hundreds of people's diaries.

why wasn't it ever up for discussion ? there are better solutions than just "shit+delete" years of history of the community.


Horrible? It's a FUCKING MESSAGEBOARD, not some great literary work worthy of preservation - you lot take all this WAY too seriously. Sure, WATMM's a great resource for music, but General Banter could be nuked tomorrow and the world would be none the worse for wear.


I also heartily laugh at the "up for discussion" bit - we had to move hosts ASAP because the CPU on the old hosts' SQL server was being pegged and the host turned off the site for violating their threshold one too many times. Chaosmachine and I decided this host would be the best and most stable for the site's needs, but the problem was there wasn't enough room for the Downloads section HDD space wise, and we didn't want to peg out this SQL server's CPU and create the same sort of situation, so we (I say we, it was mostly Chaosmachine) decided it was best to remove posts from General Banter from 2008 backwards as NO ONE was even pulling those threads up, and 90% of it was nonsense anyways.


is the person who is locking "inappropriate" threads left and right really complaining about someone else taking the site too seriously? fuckin' lol.


There's a difference between making WATMM's worthless GenBan content out as something worth preserving and acting like it is a travesty some of it is lost forever and maintaining order and not allowing more worthless garbage to pollute the forum, thus perpetuating the very thing under discussion - how worthless GenBan's content (the vast majority of it) really is.


The forums belong to the users not the creators


You pay the bills tho


this message looks pretty childish but knowing joyrex won't change his mind i didn't feel like typing an elaborated message. Well then why didn't you post anything? that's better than posting a shitty message. well i dunno


The forum belongs to ME, not any of you - you are guests and contributors here who make the forums what they are (for better or worse), but if I wanted to shut the site down and delete all the content I could do so without any repercussions whatsoever, whenever I wish to do so.


so when am i going to get a PM with an HTTP to a ZIP of an SQL that is watmm DB with the password hashes and salts zeroed out?


if you know what i mean


You're not, because it doesn't exist, nor would I ever give anything like that to you.


i still think turning a forum of adults into a kids forum is weird as fuck. I cant think of a single conceivable benefit.

Yeah and it works for what they do but I'm convinced watmm needs a proper memory.


So, let's put this in money terms that we can all agree to. I bet the forum is extensible. I have seen guys asking for programming work here before. Why don't you get some of these dudes to make the necessary addons and then sell it back to whoever else needs it so the forum sustains itself and in return we are allowed to be adults again?


I'm not quite sure what you're implying or suggesting here - what addons does the forum need, and what for?


As for 'allowed to be adults again' - I don't think we'd be having this discussion at all if more people acted like adults on here. Being able to post porn and discuss bodily functions for a cheap laugh is not what I would consider being an adult.

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The forum belongs to ME


No. The forum belongs to IP.Board. The users submit the content - and that's apparently what this argument is about. You didn't create the community, it created itself and that probably would have happened somewhere regardless of you creating your electronic music website.


"WATMM" belongs to you, but that doesn't mean a thing seeing as other than this forum there's not been any actual content for years.

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The forum belongs to ME


No. The forum belongs to IP.Board. The users submit the content - and that's apparently what this argument is about. You didn't create the community, it created itself and that probably would have happened somewhere regardless of you creating your electronic music website.


"WATMM" belongs to you, but that doesn't mean a thing seeing as other than this forum there's not been any actual content for years.

You're equivocating on the meaning of 'belongs' here. The forum 'belongs' to IP.Board in the sense that they created the software and (unless I'm mistaken, which I probably am) provide hosting space.


But the forum 'belongs' to Joyrex in the sense that he pays for it, not us. The fact that we submit the content has nothing to do with whom the forum 'belongs' to in that sense.


You might not agree with Joyrex's decision about what can and cannot be posted on the forum (many of us seem to disagree), and complaining about is okay, even reasonable, in many cases. But to claim ownership over a privilege that someone else bought for you is just rude.

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Encey: People donate to the hosting of WATMM, do they not? I've even donated a few times in the past.


The thing is people are complaining about content being arbitrarily deleted, which I think is a fair argument. I didn't even want to stick my oar in because Joyrex gets very touchy whenever anybody criticizes. He shouldn't take the forum so seriously.

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The forum belongs to ME


No. The forum belongs to IP.Board. The users submit the content - and that's apparently what this argument is about. You didn't create the community, it created itself and that probably would have happened somewhere regardless of you creating your electronic music website.


"WATMM" belongs to you, but that doesn't mean a thing seeing as other than this forum there's not been any actual content for years.


Wrong again, asshat - I created this community, and set the rules in motion for it to thrive and prosper, as well as getting rid of people who have plagued it from time to time - you only need to look to other failed forums like xltronic and PlanetMu's forums (and dare I say WARP's own forums) as examples of how NOT to foster a community. I'd even use your own pathetic attempt to wind me up with the whole 'content' thing by saying it's a testament to how well things have generally been run DESPITE there being nothing more than the forums...


Am I perfect? Hell no. Have I made mistakes in running this place? Sure I have. But give me a bit more credit than that...


...a cheap laugh is not what I would consider being an adult.


*contemplates the multitude of shitty Joyrex LOLTM posts that plagued this forum for many moons*


Yeah, that was my lame attempts to fit in better with the vibe that was on the forum at that time, and that was a mistake - notice your own reference was in past tense...


Encey: People donate to the hosting of WATMM, do they not? I've even donated a few times in the past.


The thing is people are complaining about content being arbitrarily deleted, which I think is a fair argument. I didn't even want to stick my oar in because Joyrex gets very touchy whenever anybody criticizes. He shouldn't take the forum so seriously.


Threads are not being 'arbitrarily' deleted - they are deleted when I feel they are not appropriate for this forum based on the rules. I'll accept unilaterally, but not arbitrary.


And I've said this many, many, times before - donations do not equal representation or a 'voice' in how this site is run. Donations are voluntary, and if you purchase a subscription package, you get direct benefits for doing so. Donations without subscriptions are appreciated, but again, come with no entitlements other than my thanks and the thanks of the other community members that benefit from it.

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The forum belongs to ME


No. The forum belongs to IP.Board. The users submit the content - and that's apparently what this argument is about. You didn't create the community, it created itself and that probably would have happened somewhere regardless of you creating your electronic music website.


"WATMM" belongs to you, but that doesn't mean a thing seeing as other than this forum there's not been any actual content for years.

...a cheap laugh is not what I would consider being an adult.


*contemplates the multitude of shitty Joyrex LOLTM posts that plagued this forum for many moons*


Yeah, that was my lame attempts to fit in better with the vibe that was on the forum at that time, and that was a mistake - notice your own reference was in past tense...

Aw, I'm heart broken. I always thought Joyrex's dorky dad sense of humor was genuine Joyrex, not him "fitting in better with the vibe".

I liked that period of watmm, there was a brief time when I thought both the users and moderators were in agreement, and we all could just treat each other equally (I'm not defending or attacking either side).

Maybe chatmm (and later the ripoff website) made the rift between the disgruntled users and the administration worse, so maybe it's good that it's gone. Or maybe Joyrex is bitter about the fact that people are always bitching. Or maybe it's all sup's fault :emotawesomepm9:


Why can't we all just get along :flower:

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Joyrex occasionally can and does come off like a dick when he says it (playing the evil administrator cliché doesn't help), but he seems to have a genuine idea with most of these decisions and he's pretty crafty at what he does. Remember that most other idm and electronic music forums are fucking retarded. There's the watmm clone site, that is worldfiltered but not xltronic, if you want dick jokes and porn. There's even a chatmm on there. Also I cant believe that people still don't get that donating money doesn't earn you shares in WATMM® Co. Ltd nor any of it's subsidiaries. It gets you the feeling of making a heroic and generous sacrifice to a worthy cause, and a nice little title that means fuck all.


But I also agree with the people saying the users make the forum what it is, the spirit/vibe which attracts new users etc, and they ultimately decide whether it's hospitable or nice enough, which the administrator has to accommodate (the problem here is that he doesn't accommodate what he sees as pushing the forum into stupid territory). The death of a forum comes when it's not being taken care of good enough and the barflies leave, which leads me to the funny thing in all this: despite the various grievances some of you seem to have with JR and his minions, you're still here.

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Interesting that it was all an artifice. I never found the bodily functions thing funny. Didn't care if they did it, but certainly wouldn't have joined in.


Anyway, whatever.


Let's all just get along :flower:

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Guest hahathhat

Yeah and it works for what they do but I'm convinced watmm needs a proper memory.


So, let's put this in money terms that we can all agree to. I bet the forum is extensible. I have seen guys asking for programming work here before. Why don't you get some of these dudes to make the necessary addons and then sell it back to whoever else needs it so the forum sustains itself and in return we are allowed to be adults again?


if they emailed me the DB dump i'd be happy to put together a "WATMM Deep Archives" for free. since there don't seem to be any ancient DB dumps, i guess this is an idea for the future?


The forum belongs to ME, not any of you - you are guests and contributors here who make the forums what they are (for better or worse), but if I wanted to shut the site down and delete all the content I could do so without any repercussions whatsoever, whenever I wish to do so.


so when am i going to get a PM with an HTTP to a ZIP of an SQL that is watmm DB with the password hashes and salts zeroed out?


if you know what i mean


You're not, because it doesn't exist, nor would I ever give anything like that to you.


you're acting like a rude little child with a toy.

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seems like a lot of you guys just want to press joyrex's buttons more for the sake of trying to start trouble rather than for genuine love for the forum. not all of you complainers, but definitely some. i do wish more people gave him credit for keeping this place a fun place to hang out for so many years, and i still do find it fun even if some threads are not allowed anymore. i'm over that, it is no big deal and i actually do support a lot of those decisions.


i am curious though about 1 thing joyex. for one, i love genban and i couldnt imagine watmm without it. if you want all serious content about music, how would you expect that to happen without new content from those artists? obviously when aphex and/or boc release some new stuff you will see those subforums take off but with one proper album from those two artists in over ten years, it seems there isn't much to chat about other than bitching about not having music from the people that this forum was built around.


that said, i do regret that this thread turned into this, i am not one to bitch about much here and i genuinely enjoy most of the members. i have a few favorite posters but i can't really think of anyone who really annoys me at all around here to be honest. and i also have no probs with the way it is run at all by any of the mods.

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Guest hahathhat

i used to give joyrex crap because he got his lame threads while mine got deleted. i kind of regret that now, because after Lame Thread Joyrex came Crabby Overbearing Joyrex. i guess we should try to hang onto Crabby Overbearing Joyrex in case Deleting WATMM Joyrex is next.


at least we still have the WATMM toilets

what happened to gaarg?

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I'm still here but can't post wrong things so I linger and stuff, you know...


Thinking of making my own forum, blog or something that will have no restraints whatsoever, very gaarg-like.


Saying that I (still) respect Joyrex and love (quite a few of) you guys!

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