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Global Revolution


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I went to all the major US TV news outlets to see how much they'd ignored these protests. The only headline that i found was a small video link on the msnbc page stating "80 arrested in wall street protest".


You can see why they just go into the crowd and grab random peaceful protest participants. They need to build up the numbers of arrested so even the one tiny headline that bothers to mention the incident is basking in negative light.

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Once again, I hate to be the pessimist, but I think its going to require far, far more violent means for the system to actually change in America. Most poor people here aren't exactly cultural proponents of non-violent resistance.

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Once again, I hate to be the pessimist, but I think its going to require far, far more violent means for the system to actually change in America. Most poor people here aren't exactly cultural proponents of non-violent resistance.


Most people are too busy desperately clinging to what little they have, but once enough people start losing everything, it would be fantastic to see some corporate executives get kidnapped/executed... and worse.

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i would like to help the revolution, i mean to make NDC music is already part of the solution (for real read the NDC manifesto) but how else can a coolvillian help??

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Global? Did I miss a memo? Since when have they gone global?

Um, Arab subjects are coming around to the fact that they're getting fucked by their dictatorships/theocracies. The Eurozone is about to crap it's pants. Is time.


The only way we're gonna do this is to be subtly subversive, on some underground railroad shit. Don't even post on watmm anymore, is too dangerous.


Look out for your brotherman. With the key, at the crossroads, sissies.

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Global? Did I miss a memo? Since when have they gone global?

Um, Arab subjects are coming around to the fact that they're getting fucked by their dictatorships/theocracies. The Eurozone is about to crap it's pants. Is time.


The only way we're gonna do this is to be subtly subversive, on some underground railroad shit. Don't even post on watmm anymore, is too dangerous.


Look out for your brotherman. With the key, at the crossroads, sissies.


but it's the idea of taking the Arab Spring global which gets me

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The arab spring was so that they could take over Libya. The previous 2 regimes weren't so happy about the idea, so they had to go. Anywhere not adjacent to Libya had their little revolutions stomped on or stymied . The notable exception being Syria, who they've wanted to fuck with for a long time, and isn't really an uprising, more like israeli sponsored malcontents troublemaking. As for Yemen, that's been a shitstorm for a while now.

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The Arab spring is of an entirely different order, imo. Calling it a global revolution sounds like a poor marketing trick. Hey look, the rest of the world is protesting, maybe we should too.... Yeah, right. Are those people on Wall street protesting for the people in Syria? Or because of bad networks for their smartphones?


Sorry to be a whiny little bitch, but this smells of bad anti-globalists marketing tricks.

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