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Guest theSun

no revolution will happen because those corporate interests everyone is rebelling against control things like network infrastructure, the media, legislation, large-scale food production and of course wall street, which perpetuates control of all those things by consolidating the wealth away from real products and services.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

occupysf is going on right now. i support them although what they actually want is not clear exactly.

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That seems to be the problem with these occupyXX things, there is no clear goal. Yeah, so you are angry at the current affairs and the greedy fat cats on Wall St. so by going urban camping you are going to achieve what exactly? Awareness of the corruption and brokenness of the system? Ok, then make a readable and coherent manifesto pointing out these faults and suggestions on how to fix them and what to replace them with. The thought is good, but execution is lacking.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

it doesn't matter what exactly they want, they just have to spread this "i'm mad as hell and i'm not gonna take it anymore" spirit


i opened my window but couldnt hear anyone shouting in sf. sadly.

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it's not protestors' job to propose solutions, they just have to make the government know that they don't like the state of things and pull as many people as possible. specific solutions will be scrutinized and deconstructed quickly.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

All you need to do is riot and set fire to shit. Worked here. Then it will make the news!


but what did anyone achieve out of the recent uk riots? crazy long prison sentences...

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These protests are peaceful for the most part. Tomorrow I am going down to the Federal Reserve Building here in Dallas and standing in the street with my fellow Americans. In my opinion what protesting the US Govt policies will achieve is not as important as actually getting out and giving my support for positive change. If the US government wants to continue policing the world, spending my tax money on bombs, and destroying the US education system then I feel the need to go out into the streets and voice my opinion. I see no other way to change this system other than to not support it and stand against it. If it leads to nothing but more corruption and all of the supporters of this movement being blacklisted or jailed, and an even worse slant on the US's imperialistic viral actions, then at least I can say I was against it.

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well done ATOP.



it's easy to take the vantage point of the observer these days, even if the vantage point happens to be inside a burning house.

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that i strongly doubt, there's no chance for some real hardcore and violent marxist revolution and some kind of class war. enough pressure from the protest movement (which currently looks like a total weak-sauce) might pave way for some social-leaning reforms and a discourse shift at most.

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that i strongly doubt, there's no chance for some real hardcore and violent marxist revolution and some kind of class war. enough pressure from the protest movement (which currently looks like a total weak-sauce) might pave way for some social-leaning reforms and a discourse shift at most.



why does revolution automatically equal marxism now?


We are in the second Gilded Age. There was violence then, certainly will be again, sooner or later.


The two sides of any possible discourse in this country are all but completely co-opted by shadier interests, we are too polarized as a nation at this point to let some sort of peaceful legislative process solve the problem. Indeed, you could make a great argument that it is precisely the failure of these legislative processes that we are seeing what we are currently seeing. Hate the tea party, but they were disgruntled American citizens. Although they are ideologically misled, they are just the same as these protestors in that they know in some form or fashion they are getting the middle finger by the gov't and private interests. But false tenets of social moral good and their immediate connection with marxism or the evils of "progressivism" (which btw has to be the fucking stupidest modern notion of anything ever) keeps us pushing. Eventually someone is going to shove.


there's an OccupyBrisbane thing on Saturday, ugh. Checked the Facebook page, and the question of the minute is "should we unite with a common cause?". fucking hell


this is ridiculous too. they are uniting for a common cause. the mere fact they are donating time and wasting man hours means they are there in a common cause.

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