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SO there has been a lot going on in New York, protesting the top 1% money earners being the ones who truly call the shots in our country. It was said a long time ago that this is not how a democracy works. It didn't work in Ancient Rome and it doesn't work now. How many of you slave your asses off for not enough money? I am sure a lot a lot of you do but instead the US government spends all of OUR money on bombs and other clandestine activities. Here in Dallas Texas we are going to peacefully organize a rally around the Federal Reserve building and see if our voices can truly be heard.


The protesters in New York are standing together in the midst of police brutality. Hopefully this will not be the case here in Dallas but this is probably just wishful thinking.




I hope all of you who agree with me will organize in your town to make positive change happen. Our government is not going to do it. The media is not covering this issue as much as they should. We should be the ones running our country and we no longer do this.


This is not me being an alarmist.


Positive change needs to happen in this country and this is how it gets done.


Standing against the US govt could be futile but at least I know I will go to my death having tried to make this world a better place to live in.

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I support these protests all the way. They are not being reported by any major news source or media outlet, and in this sense, the media have failed very badly. Please, anyone reading this, spread the word of this movement wherever you can. All you need to do is paste a link.









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I wish I could do something like that here. I even have a couple of friends crazy enough to try some sort of protest but I live in a country that is corrupt beyond belief, every once in a while there are these micro happenings but they get ridiculed very hard in the press. Also, I fucking hate being called communist. So, all the power to you guys. All I can offer at the moment is this excerpt of an article by French rockstar dude Michael Delahaye for Cahiers du Cinema May 1967 that gets you in the spirit.


one would not know whether to range Godard on the side of the optimists or on the side of the pessimists. Those whom one designate thus are the weak, who are not able to resist the pullings. They have ended by reclining toward the side on which the pull is stronger. They have remained thus. Stiffened. Specialized. Bernanos said of the optimist and of the pessimist that the one is a gay imbecile, the other, a sad imbecile.


mods the articles are freely available no copyright panic here please.







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Guest abusivegeorge

I've seen this kind of thing happen in the town I live, I've seen it twice and both times it was a handful of cops 3-5 at the most. Both times, the police had the absolute fuck kicked out of them. I guess that's one benefit to the cops not carrying guns in this country.

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the chaining of greed. It's worked pretty well for other kinds of crime. Through laws and regulation and stuff.

Yeah, but the people aren't making the laws and regulations and stuff. Greedy politicians are.

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for this to succeed it has to streamline and broaden the demands, it has to be all inclusive, especially for republicans. a bunch of whiny hipsters who've read some marx will never move anything, the focus shouldn't be on police brutality but on how the police are getting screwed by the same system.


at least this is what i inferred from the recent protests in israel, should be applicable to u.s too.

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The right to protest peacefully is our only lawful option. Hopefully some of the greedy rich politicians are compassionate and want the dichotomy of rich vs poor to end. I believe that most don't. So being a socialist, a capitalist, a Marxist, a republican, a democrat, a Whig party member, a libertarian, a 'the rent is too high' party member, or a hipster or a hippie, doesn't matter. Most of us belong to the group of slaves that keep the infrastructure solid for the 1% wealthy class to build their wealth and empires upon. They should show us more respect than to keep allowing the homeless epidemic to grow, people to go without any or proper health care, and to keep allowing the poor to go either uneducated or not very well educated. Most of them do not respect us. Now is the time to pull that beautiful infrastructure out from underneath their feet. This will help change everything for better or for worse but at least there will be a change. We are due one.


I enjoy making decisions for myself and not blaming other persons for my problems. Within this government, only local changes can be made and anything outside of that is up to politicians arguing/never coming to a proper decision and being paid off by corporate lobbyists. The way we live is not up to us. We need and deserve more of a say in how our lives our managed. A fascist/corporate/imperialist regime does not have my best interest at heart and this is exactly what the United States government is, a fascist/corporate/imperialist regime and that needs to change back to what most people believe is a democratic government.


Wish us luck, we are going to need it.

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So, other than commenting on the internet about it, what are you doing about it?


I've seen a lot of this 99% malarky the last few days on imgur and whatnot, but for all the people complaining I've not seen many people taking any action.


This sounds like a shitty, judgmental post. I don't intend it that way, I'm genuinely curious what you're doing about it.

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wasn't pointing that at anyone. I just think that's the situation we're in. Misinformed, naively coopting other peoples' struggles under the vague heading of "world revolution", dissolving the specificity of what people are fighting for in the first place (read: "sticking it to the man"), acting in ways without tangible real-world results, shouting into the void

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