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So who here listens to Hecq? Recently discovered him thanks to a post in a thread about dubstep, although I was delighted to discover that the majority of his back-catalog is pure IDM goodness. The new album 'Avenger' is pretty good, and as far as dubstep goes it has the advantage of not reminding me of kandi kids and glowsticks and shit, but I feel like it might get slightly stale as time goes on.


I'm referring more to his earlier works. So far I've really settled on the album Bad Karma, as well as a handful of the tracks off of 0000 and Scatterheart.


Unfortunately I can't find much of his stuff from Bad Karma on youtube, but that whole album is pretty fucking ace. Particularly a fan of The Fiend, Into the Unseen, Lightning Slots and Scrumdrum but there's lots of other good stuff on that album.



What's the general attitude towards Hecq around here? I've heard him referenced but really not that often.



On that note, what other genius IDM may I not have heard about at this point?

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everything up to 'avenger' is pure gold for me, especially 'night falls' and 'steeltongued'.

really really really talented man. i also love his collabs with rob chiu..actually all his sound design work for motion graphics stuff.









On that note, what other genius IDM may I not have heard about at this point?


access to arasaka maybe? there are loads more, can't wrap my head around this now...

Edited by candlestickmaker
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Just to add to this, one of the main reasons I like Hecq over some of the other B IDM artists is that a lot of them tend to try to be all sweet and happy and sometimes melancholy. Hecq tends to be a hell of a lot more dark. I like dark IDM. That's what I need and Hecq is giving it to me harder than I've gotten it in a long time.

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Well I'm glad to read that thread because some days ago I completely randomly borrowed 0000 from the library and it seems like I had a good intuition :)


Never heard of that guy


I didn't listen to it so far but I'm ripping it ( :ohmy:) right now

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Hecq is giving it to me harder than I've gotten it in a long time.




I really like his ambient productions.


Ive seen he got a lot of criticism about his new album, some ppl like it tho. Hope he leaves that scene and proceeds with idm.

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hecq 0000 offered up at the library?


well I'm not sure I used the right word. In french we use the word "bibliothèque" = "library" for describing the place you go for borrowing books / music / movies. That's the same in english right ?


Anyway yes, the city where I live has a rather big library and I found this album. The cover and the name seemed IDM so I gave it a try ^^


they also had the recent Ae EPs collection. Sweetness

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I've always seen Hecq's name around but never really listened to any of his albums, I have seen some of the sound design stuff he's done... pretty cool. I suppose it's about time I give his albums a listen.

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hecq 0000 offered up at the library?


well I'm not sure I used the right word. In french we use the word "bibliothèque" = "library" for describing the place you go for borrowing books / music / movies. That's the same in english right ?


Anyway yes, the city where I live has a rather big library and I found this album. The cover and the name seemed IDM so I gave it a try ^^


they also had the recent Ae EPs collection. Sweetness


i was expressing disbelief. obviously, not all libraries are equal. you may want to compliment yours for good taste or maybe even make further suggestions for their collection

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i was expressing disbelief. obviously, not all libraries are equal. you may want to compliment yours for good taste or maybe even make further suggestions for their collection


Yeah I agree this is surprising. Even more surprising because the electronic music spot in that library is relatively small, and it also contains a lot of shitty discs.

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hecq 0000 offered up at the library?


well I'm not sure I used the right word. In french we use the word "bibliothèque" = "library" for describing the place you go for borrowing books / music / movies. That's the same in english right ?


Anyway yes, the city where I live has a rather big library and I found this album. The cover and the name seemed IDM so I gave it a try ^^


they also had the recent Ae EPs collection. Sweetness


quite a library you've got there

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I've always seen Hecq's name around but never really listened to any of his albums, I have seen some of the sound design stuff he's done... pretty cool. I suppose it's about time I give his albums a listen.

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0007 is really really good. Alongside this I'll list other dope tracks:


Tahoe, Reptile Prog, Coup de Lune, Flood Me, Doraccle, H7 (I've already covered most of Bad Karma earlier in the thread), 0002, 0003, 0012, 0014, 0004 reanimated (last minute is fucking bliss), Ghosts, Steeltongued.


Avenger has some good stuff. Bete Noir, and Suture make me cream my pants, closely followed by Bane, Nihilum and "With Angels.


Wow this guy is good at what he does, but yeah I really hope he goes back to IDM for his next album.

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I nabbed Night Falls for a dollar at Amoeba a couple years back. Absolutely breathtaking ambient/idm crazy dark glitchiness.

glitch? i think its pure ambient dog? better gonna check it out again...btw, my fav track from that album is NightFalls :)

Edited by logakght
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