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ultimately, the answer is yes. Kratom has chemically addictive agents, but it's not very likely that you'd get addicted unless using very often. and even then, i doubt it's difficult to kick. i've a friend who uses Kratom regularly and is addicted to it, but he doesn't act like a typical addict when he doesn't have it.

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Yeah, like Luke said, kratom can be addicting. That's why I've been saying "don't do it every day." Space it out to once every four days maximum; tolerance builds fast otherwise and you'll find yourself having less fun on it and craving it more often. Think of it as an herbal vicodin. You wouldn't take vicodin every day for very long without expecting some negative consequences, and likewise, kratom - another opioid receptor agonist - is going to bring you some discomfort if your brain gets used to having it regularly and you take it back away suddenly.



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Tried it a while back since a friend just kinda dumped some bags of it on me for free. Was alright, but didn't really seem worth it, so I gave them away. I hear you're supposed to take like 6 of the caps though, and I only took 2-3. :dry:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now, what about the extracts? Are they worth it? Is 20X really 20X? I've been reading very conflicting things about the kratom extracts on other parts of the World Wide Web.

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does absolutely fuck all


I disagree, I felt a definitive opiate type feeling from a about 2 and a half tablespoons of this stuff with H20, and I used to do a lot of codeine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone.


fair enough. maybe i need to try it again and do more.

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  • 5 years later...

kratom is probably the best drug I have ever taken in my life, the overall effects are so good not only for my mind but also for my body, I feel a lot freer while I'm on it if that makes sense 


too bad the tolerance goes up so quickly, what I do to combat this is take a week off every two weeks 

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Is it possible to become physically addicted to Kratom? For the sake of clarification, I am not implying that I have.



Obviously people are different but I find it extremely easy to quit kratom, I quit cold turkey all the time and after a day or two I don't crave it at all, I'm able to forget about it and go on with my life (I don't have an addictive personality tho, I can see how people can get addicted to this drug)

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I've been wanting to try kratom for a long time but every time I look at the site where I'd order it I get lost in all of the options. What kind would be the best to try? Any recommendations? 

God I feel like such a noob right now. I swear I'm totally hip.

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A red-vein Bali is good and sedating and opiate like. Green Malay is great for working labor and stuff, as it helps with anxiety and pain relief while not being too sleepy, and lasts a long time.

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I used to be into kratom way back when. It's a nice effect if you get it right, but like most said, really depends on the strain you get. I started with the cheapest standard BALI kratom. A ounce was super cheap, and generally you needed like 4gs to start feeling it noticeably, and around 7 to really feel it. I would compare it to a more sedating feel.


I then heard MaengaDa was more stimulating and tried that. Couldn't get down more than 4gs before I felt sick before feeling effects. So I guess it really depends on vendor and batch you get. But the cheapest BALI kind always worked for me. I just downed the powder at first...basically put some water in your mouth, put in a half g of powder, pour in more water and down it without it touching the walls of your mouth or it clogging your throat. Takes some practice. Later years I finally tried the more expensive pre capsuled stuff. Same idea. Not really worth it if u can down the powder since its way cheaper. That or buy your own capsules. I found myself choking more on the giant capsules than the powder.


You can also make a tea. Basically add all of it to water and boil it. Strain, and add powder to fresh water and boil. I''d say half hour each. Then combine both and keep boiling down. The longer you boil, the less water you gotta drink but the thicker and nastier it gets. I remember boiling down to a shot where all u had to do was down a shot and it had 7gs worth. Super nasty, but beats choking on sand. Smells up the whole house though.

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Literally everything you need to know about this impressive plant can be found on Erowid. https://www.erowid.org/plants/kratom/

Check out the factual information and stray from the anecdotal stuff for a better perspective.


Personally, as a bike messenger in downtown Chi-Town, Kratom has proved to be an incredibly useful agent for its alleviation of physical duress over long periods of time. 


I have also encountered the addictive side of this special plant and have combatted that with ordering smaller quantities at a time. (1 oz. at a time is perfect and can provide 30+ individual experiences with proper dosing while also allowing the user to experiment with the effects of different strains)


Overdosing is extremely unpleasant and can lead to strong nausea and blurred vision. Kratom also I've found is a particularly bad companion to alcohol. 


That being said with a little respect and discernment the positives greatly outweigh the negative effects I've found.


Happy Trails

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