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does anybody else feel like something is going on?

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id rather sense it and react to my emotions.


Sometimes I worry that by the time I'm 40 I'll be absorbed into some global superconcious, taking the form of a giant biomechanical flesh cube floating through space, absorbing aliens & shit.


Why on earth would you worry about something like that?

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id rather sense it and react to my emotions.


Sometimes I worry that by the time I'm 40 I'll be absorbed into some global superconcious, taking the form of a giant biomechanical flesh cube floating through space, absorbing aliens & shit.


Why on earth would you worry about something like that?


fifth world problems.

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Sometimes I worry that by the time I'm 40 I'll be absorbed into some global superconcious, taking the form of a giant biomechanical flesh cube floating through space, absorbing aliens & shit.


I had that same fear, till I took an arrow to the knee.

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Sometimes I worry that by the time I'm 40 I'll be absorbed into some global superconcious, taking the form of a giant biomechanical flesh cube floating through space, absorbing aliens & shit.


My biggest disappointment since turning 40 is that this didn't transpire.

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Guest RadarJammer

The imagination can extrapolate so much about what can happen short distances into the future based on the recent rates of technological development. I think the more people there are in the world the harder it gets to disseminate new technology and ideas, and if we suddenly found the population trimmed down to a 1/10th or even 1/100th its current size, there would be quite an explosion of technological advancement that would seem to come from nowhere but really its always there waiting. There is a red button somewhere and all someone has to do is use one cheeto's worth of calories to push it to unleash the most terrifying and beuatiful chain of events imaginable, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_and_burn

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We need to encourage adoption more, people keep having fucking babies, all you are doing is creating a darwinian future for them and the rest of the world.


i just want to have kids so i can raise them listening to geogaddi?


is that so wrong

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As we exponentially move towards the inevitable invention of AI, knowledge is being absorbed spongelike through our use of the internet. A growing minority of humanity think subjectively about reality in a new way. Many of us are processing information and thinking more than most of us ever have. As soon as we create AI, all of our wildest dreams will manifest because of new machines that we build from the abundance and superfluous new information that comes from the greatest invention mankind will acheive. We must not abort the mission Dave. HAL9000 must be born.

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We need to encourage adoption more, people keep having fucking babies, all you are doing is creating a darwinian future for them and the rest of the world.


i just want to have kids so i can raise them listening to geogaddi?


is that so wrong


Just adopt, there are plenty of babies without a home that you can raise to be BoC fans.

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As we exponentially move towards the inevitable invention of AI, knowledge is being absorbed spongelike through our use of the internet. A growing minority of humanity think subjectively about reality in a new way. Many of us are processing information and thinking more than most of us ever have. As soon as we create AI, all of our wildest dreams will manifest because of new machines that we build from the abundance and superfluous new information that comes from the greatest invention mankind will acheive. We must not abort the mission Dave. HAL9000 must be born.


The threat of AI is pretty fucking overrated. The idea of something like HAL9000 is like having a pug as a bus driver. But it makes for some fun, if cheesy, sci-fi.


Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

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I don't understand by people are obsessed with passing their DNA, a baby is a baby, just raise them how you think its best, it won't make a difference if its your DNA or not.

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We need to encourage adoption more, people keep having fucking babies, all you are doing is creating a darwinian future for them and the rest of the world.


i just want to have kids so i can raise them listening to geogaddi?


is that so wrong


i hope not

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Ppl like to laugh off this idea, but it's true. I feel we're at an important crossroad right now and many of the decisions we make in the near future will resonate for many more generations to come


you are true hero friend. it is time to see things for what they truly are, whether we like what we see or not. soon those who force their eyes shut or lack the searching qualities inside, will be made to see the truth against their own will. soon there will be no where to hide from the truth, falseness will no longer have the ability to hide. the world and its deepest deceptions, even the subtle lies which has been woven into the fiber of space-time itself, will be revealed

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It's not a feeling of widespread panic, it's a feeling of widespread "should I panic?"


We're being softened for the kill, bitches.

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I don't understand by people are obsessed with passing their DNA, a baby is a baby, just raise them how you think its best, it won't make a difference if its your DNA or not.


I see your software has overriden the hardware's commands. Earth needs more of you

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I don't understand by people are obsessed with passing their DNA, a baby is a baby, just raise them how you think its best, it won't make a difference if its your DNA or not.


I want to pass on my genetic material. 99% of people are doing it, so I feel peer pressured.


Also, my womb has control of my mind, so that too.

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