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If you could live through any point in History?

Guest El_Chemso

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I'd choose 1960-1980, being filthy rich and flying around to concerts in LA, San Francisco, New York and London. The Beach Boys, The Beatles, The Who, The Byrds, Zombies, Love, Zappa, Beefheart, Hendrix, The Stones, Dylan, Stooges, Ramones, Pistols, The Clash, Talking Heads, James Brown, Coltrane, Miles, Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Television, Early Iron Maiden, Kraftwerk, Stevie Wonder+++

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I don't really think his whole life needs to be reduced to bellendhood because of a pathetic and rather sad end. That's just compounding the sad.




but what a silly bugger??????

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I'd be a pharaoh in ancient egypt or a 1920's gangster.


If I could time travel, I would start a prehistoric/extinct pet store, where I would go back millions of years, or just a few, and grab animals and sell them for millions.

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*waits for someobody to make Louie CK joke about black people not being interested in time travel*


i posted a link to that already :(



no sarcasm (a spin on no homo)


i would go back to 1-2 years before RDJ was born and put an ice cube made from Sean Booth's semen in his mom's vagina

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*waits for someobody to make Louie CK joke about black people not being interested in time travel*


i posted a link to that already :(




no sarcasm (a spin on no homo)


i would go back to 1-2 years before RDJ was born and put an ice cube made from Sean Booth's semen in his mom's vagina



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i love late 40s, 50s and early 60s. this must have been an amazing time. the music the skirts and cars. just awesome.


or maybe living in dark medieval times, circa 1300-1400 a.d. would be very interesting as well. but I'd just go on time vacation, like for a year or so, not entire life.

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  • 8 years later...
4 hours ago, Enthusiast said:

Stalingrad 1942/43. Seems like it was really bad. I'd like to check it out.

Quite a way to contribute to a resurrected thread. That's some deep cold shit right there, you sick puppy :ok: Just remember not to leave your infant child laying around, cause you know, famine and all...

My time is definitely end of the nineteenth century and onward. Introduction at 1880, exit at around 1913 (fuck war). Age at intro; 25. Financial situation; mildly rich. Location; Brussels (plus the occasional excursion to Paris). Keeping a keen eye on the arts, watching as the belle epoque unfurls. Ah, the last age of the true decorative arts...

Gay! ? But so good...


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