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Things people write on Facebook

Guest Mirezzi

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Damn bitstrips are becoming more widespread on my feed. They should at least be satirical ones were the people get pooed on by seagulls and pigeons or some other ill fate.

I'm about to go Sam L. Jackson up in this bitch if this bitstrip shit don't stop.

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But if I ditch Facebook, I ditch almost everyone in my life outside of family. Fuckin' dilemma.


I used to think this as well but it turns out that you don't.

People now send me e-mails and texts to invite me for events and we get to have talks that don't involve the sentence "yeah I saw that on your FB page"

Ditched FB almost a year ago and never looked back.


edit: Obviously I do actually look back by living through others in this thread

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Posted by my sempai whom I shared a flat with in Sapporo six years ago


I won't complain if more establishments adopt this trend

I showed an old man yesterday in starbucks how to log into the local wifi and then we talked about Twin Peaks, because of my background...so I dunno :unsure:

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I finally got so fed up with the "DEMOCRATS GOOD; REPUBLICANS BAD" sorta posts on FB that I just snapped on this random dude.



But in fairness to me he is a brainwash jingoist that just reposts anything that confirms that Democrats are in fact good and Republicans are in fact bad.

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no help there, but I just remembered this quote, megalol:


"I really want to go to school for art, but parents do not like. But I know in this doggy dog world, haters are a diamond dozen. Irregardless, I shouldnt take my dreams for granite, and know I should take theyre insults with a grain assault. I mean its Marrch after all, and for all insensitive purposes, my future is upmost importance to me, expesially since Im not that up in the high-arkey of sociality yet, y' know? I minus well just go."

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no help there, but I just remembered this quote, megalol:


"I really want to go to school for art, but parents do not like. But I know in this doggy dog world, haters are a diamond dozen. Irregardless, I shouldnt take my dreams for granite, and know I should take theyre insults with a grain assault. I mean its Marrch after all, and for all insensitive purposes, my future is upmost importance to me, expesially since Im not that up in the high-arkey of sociality yet, y' know? I minus well just go."


Reminds me of George W Bush speeches




fuck you all (indicating), I'm going to communicate exclusively with my own made-up sign language.



look at what you've started

you asshole



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no help there, but I just remembered this quote, megalol:


"I really want to go to school for art, but parents do not like. But I know in this doggy dog world, haters are a diamond dozen. Irregardless, I shouldnt take my dreams for granite, and know I should take theyre insults with a grain assault. I mean its Marrch after all, and for all insensitive purposes, my future is upmost importance to me, expesially since Im not that up in the high-arkey of sociality yet, y' know? I minus well just go."



Yeah that was a good one. I posted it in the Facebook-Group of my "school for art" back then when I just started studying there. But no one reacted.

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My friend stumbled upon an extremely messed up guy's profile.






His Likes are the NPD (the German Nazi party) and some Stegosaurus Browser Game.

He also writes posts that suggest that he's completely dyslexic but then all of his friends and family write the exact same way. It doesn't translate into English but i's literary like he's typing with his forehead, like Jerry Jackson style but without the 1337 speech.


He regularly posts oddly done nazi-stuff




(^this one along with the line "shit komonist!") but then he also posts pictures of his cats and tacky shit like this:




And his toy-tanks ...





He also re-posts every single thing that is asking him to re-post. Like those missing people things or this "KILL CHILD ABUSERS!" one (even though the kid in the pic actually has a disease...)


NSFW-ish (but looks like a really poor shop anyway)







Here's his friends shopping for Christmas or something. Ironically, the text in the back says "more intelligent" but I don't think they're aware it's in the picture.




There's so much more.

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these guys look a bit like chavs (or lads, as we call them here)


does Nazism spill over into chav culture in germany much? (i'm assuming this dude is german based on pics and language?)


the only nazis here are punks as far as i've seen. the lads and rough kids we have tend to associate pretty freely with people from all sorts of backgrounds, or at least in the city...take that oprah, you racist hypocrite!*


oh yeah, and i'm not saying all chavs in germany are nazis either. i just find the correlation of ignorance amusing.


*this is in reference to oprah referring to the entire nation of australia as racist and backwards a few years ago, which i consider quite offensive


Oh oprah, how clueless thou art. She did something equally clueless to that hapless swiss shop steward. Guess it comes from floating around in her yes people bubble that amplify the value of her every utterance, drowning out the concept that she could ever have made a misstep.

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these guys look a bit like chavs (or lads, as we call them here)


does Nazism spill over into chav culture in germany much? (i'm assuming this dude is german based on pics and language?)


the only nazis here are punks as far as i've seen. the lads and rough kids we have tend to associate pretty freely with people from all sorts of backgrounds, or at least in the city...take that oprah, you racist hypocrite!*


oh yeah, and i'm not saying all chavs in germany are nazis either. i just find the correlation of ignorance amusing.


*this is in reference to oprah referring to the entire nation of australia as racist and backwards a few years ago, which i consider quite offensive


The German equivalent of chav-culture (we call them Asis, Prolls or whatever) is usually not mixed with Nazi-stuff. In fact, most of them hate on Nazis, yet sometimes there's racist tendencies amongst certain groups. Many Germans are afraid to say anything that could be interpreted as racist or discriminating because of our "history", so a big portion of the chav-slot is actually filled by people who immigrated but aren't really into German culture. I guess it's actually more common for native Germans to get picked on by your traditional "chav" than vice versa. I've seen groups of people from all over the world call somebody a Nazi even though he's just a random dude. Sometimes being German is regarded as derogatory. Really silly. But I guess that happens in all countries when there's groups of immigrants who haven't been integrated properly and formed their own community.


The Neo-Nazis are a group of their own and ironically mostly dwell in places where there's no foreigners to begin with, like the "new states" in East Germany (former German Democratic Republic), that's where Facebook-guy is from, too. Also large cities don't usually have them at all, mostly just the villages. Kinda like the Bible-Belt.





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a guy i know (who's a life coach) just posted


"FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between two hearts sharing seven colours: feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret & respect."


it took all the strength in my body to stop myself from posting this in reply


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