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Scientology tells its members to censor the Internet

Rubin Farr

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Yes, another delusional directive from high nutball David Miscavige. I have to admit, watching the Cruise divorce play out has me smiling for the light it's finally shining on Sea Org and the other truly evil wings of selfosophy, whateva. Hopefully the national news will keep digging if their divorce gets nasty?



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With the amount of dirt exposed from past members and the publicity around the Cruise divorce, I hope Scientology gets called out for the scam it truly is and allows Cruise and Travolta to finally embrace their gayness.

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damn people, believing in shit! i mean, we're all just monkeys, right?


operative word is "shit".


believe in beer instead of shit like scientology.


when has beer ever done you wrong?




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Guest sirch

damn people, believing in shit! i mean, we're all just monkeys, right?


operative word is "shit".


believe in beer instead of shit like scientology.


when has beer ever done you wrong?





I don't know much about Scientology. bought a book on it once. never read all of it. sounded wack.

but if Cruise and all that lot wanna believe in it, fair enough. it's their lives and he's got enough money to fund several religions, if he wanted to, anyway... so... yeah


Cruise, make Top Gun 2! NOW!

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damn people, believing in shit! i mean, we're all just monkeys, right?


operative word is "shit".


believe in beer instead of shit like scientology.


when has beer ever done you wrong?





I don't know much about Scientology. bought a book on it once. never read all of it. sounded wack.

but if Cruise and all that lot wanna believe in it, fair enough. it's their lives and he's got enough money to fund several religions, if he wanted to, anyway... so... yeah


Cruise, make Top Gun 2! NOW!


Top Gunt 2



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Guest sirch

i say let people believe in shit... and spend their money on shit, for it is their own lives and money to spend. on shit.


"let them eat cake".. and binge drink... and eat junk food.. and give all their money to false religions/idols. why not ...

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Sounds fair enough. Lets get started on writing top-gunt 2 though.


It's going to star this woman, she has the biggest gunt I could find. You might say, she has the top gunt. When we're done casting we can come up with the script.



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holy shit. so that's what a "gunt" is...


Lol! Yeah sorry m8 maybe it's a north american term, it's slang... Not quite a gut, not quite a cunt. Gunt!



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People are free to worship in the US, but you need to realize this cult destroys countless families every year. Parents have left ther children, and spouses bc the "church" says so. There is no redeeming quality to this organization, unless you count their "drug counseling" which is heavily filled w Dianetics training and brainwashing.

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Guest sirch

People are free to worship in the US, but you need to realize this cult destroys countless families every year. Parents have left ther children, and spouses bc the "church" says so. There is no redeeming quality to this organization, unless you count their "drug counseling" which is heavily filled w Dianetics training and brainwashing.


so does capitalism. so does fashion. so do drugs. so does alcoholism. so does every other religion.

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People are free to worship in the US, but you need to realize this cult destroys countless families every year. Parents have left ther children, and spouses bc the "church" says so. There is no redeeming quality to this organization, unless you count their "drug counseling" which is heavily filled w Dianetics training and brainwashing.



That's why there is some kind legislation towards 'Cults', 'Religions', etc

They can't do whatever they want inside their community, there are some basic law that maybe the Church of Scientology can't overcome, but since they have enough money to pay good lawyers in the U.S.A. they're safe.

In other countries they are prohibited as a sect...

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L Ron Hubbard killed children and beat his wives.



Can't wait for the Master!



Go Katie and Suri Go!




Christian churches have been giving their members "not watch or listen" lists for years.




yay humanity!

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Guest chunky

Why did she marry him in the first place? No sympathy for her now she expects us to side with her because she has a better publicist. She's a damn fool for having a kid with him.

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I think there has to be something to Scientology like there is for all other religions - something that works. Something that makes people happier or better able to deal with life, even just temporarily. Otherwise I don't think those at the top could maintain power. It seems to me that, in religion, a lot of people are helped by these good things and so accept the bad or uncertain ones. It's a harsh learning experience, but I think the people who are rejecting Sci leaders now are probably getting the most out of it. They took the good but not the bad. Good luck guys.

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