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Tribute to Incomplete Skyscrapers Released


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Just finished! A wonderfully fun listen all the way through! Some tracks were definitely heavily influenced by the pervading theme of Incomplete Skyscrapers while other tracks, while still very strong, didn't really evoke that sort of imagery for me.

I love the dark-ambient tip that this ends on; with the Zephyr Nova track scraping it's way through derelict urban waste like a black glacier; picking up and tossing static-burst moraines as it heaves upward, only to come crashing down in a paralyzing death throw... Then the Cubus track closes out in a beautifully foreboding manner as we analyze the irreparable structural damage caused by the aforementioned glacier.


This album flows really well!

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Great track William S. Braintree! I can vividly imagine the frenzied mania of the construction workers as they relentlessly build upward!


Spanks! I imagined something being built in fast motion/elapsed time. The percussion is almost exclusively sounds of construction. Only the kicks and snares aren't samples. Most of the synth patches were made with the FM8.


As for the rest of the comp, I'm about to give'er the ol' one two, right now.

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Listened just once on crap work computer so far. Wow, folks REALLY brought it on this comp. I have to agree that the darker tracks near the end (along with Mr. Rogue’s track) are sensational. Also, cool idea to very subtly mix the tracks together for increased flow; I’m assuming this was a mastering decision? I’ll be listening to this a bunch.

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Listened just once on crap work computer so far. Wow, folks REALLY brought it on this comp. I have to agree that the darker tracks near the end (along with Mr. Rogue’s track) are sensational. Also, cool idea to very subtly mix the tracks together for increased flow; I’m assuming this was a mastering decision? I’ll be listening to this a bunch.


We put in some cross fades, but also some space when needed to get the pacing right throughout the album.

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Wasn't really paying attention to what you folks were doing with this before now. Sounds great!


If you guys do another one of these compilations maybe I'll submit something if I get the ballz to post any of my own stuff on here ever...

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I honestly think this is the strongest watmm comp thus far. i know I say that every time, but this time even more so than usual. I actually like every track quite a lot, no exception. My personal favorite is Cryptowan's, something about the quality of those particular samples with that melodic sequence evokes the magic for me. It pops into my head all the time, even while I'm listening to other music. True story. Other stand outs include... every other track! Also, fucking amazing job on the artwork. Thanks to Root5 for putting it on, and everyone who submitted! A+ comp.

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Wasn't really paying attention to what you folks were doing with this before now. Sounds great!


If you guys do another one of these compilations maybe I'll submit something if I get the ballz to post any of my own stuff on here ever...


We've done one every year for a while now, and I see no reason why we won't be doing one next year. First there's a bracketology to determine the most IDM thing of the year (supposedly in time with March madness but it's been late the past couple of years), and following that there's usually an album to tribute the theme.

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Not many people must care, but here is my submission that did not make it:




I care, and would enjoy the opportunity to hear more of the tracks that were left off!

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Yeah this is great. I really should have submitted something proper Pseloduxy though. My track was an unfinished remnant from my IDM days that I re-purposed for the compilation.

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Yeah this is great. I really should have submitted something proper Pseloduxy though. My track was an unfinished remnant from my IDM days that I re-purposed for the compilation.

hmm i'm not sure i approve


if you took a finished track and unfinished it (replaced all melodies with drone for example), that might have been ok

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... My personal favorite is Cryptowan's...


Sorry, the name on the comp is Owen Gilbride for anyone wondering. I think Cryptowen's his usename here... hopefully I didn't just pull that out of thin air.

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... My personal favorite is Cryptowan's...

Sorry, the name on the comp is Owen Gilbride for anyone wondering. I think Cryptowen's his usename here... hopefully I didn't just pull that out of thin air.

Yup das me. Still haven't commited to using any sort of a fancy music alias

Glad you like the track! The sounds on that one were made entirely with a ukulele, a tape recorder, & a delay pedal


Also I've only listened to the whole thing once so I'll hold off making track comments just yet. I will say I do find it interesting how these things end up having a cohesive sound, like the Tesla comp last year had a lot of old european classical sounding melodies I thought, & now this one has a lot of sparse tracks with really sharp angular percussion

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... My personal favorite is Cryptowan's...

Sorry, the name on the comp is Owen Gilbride for anyone wondering. I think Cryptowen's his usename here... hopefully I didn't just pull that out of thin air.

The sounds on that one were made entirely with a ukulele, a tape recorder, & a delay pedal


Very cool! I had a feeling all the sounds were based off the same source, but had no idea what that might be. It made for a very unique sounding track, super memorable.

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good work all round folks!


for me the most evocative tracks are the lower tempo ones for some reason... the seemingly construction-site-sample-free and less industrial sounding tracks like mr. rogue (who dat?), cryptowen (VERY filmic and catchy!), chestheir (who dat?) and cubus.



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Cryptowen actually submitted 3 additional tracks in a similarly minimal style, and they were all great. He should release them in something so everyone gets to hear them.


What surprises me about this compilation is actually how diverse the tracks are. The Tesla comp sounded very cohesive. This one, on the other hand, is not. The tracks are very very different from each other, which made it challenging to get a good flow in the track list.

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Cryptowen actually submitted 3 additional tracks in a similarly minimal style, and they were all great. He should release them in something so everyone gets to hear them.


What surprises me about this compilation is actually how diverse the tracks are. The Tesla comp sounded very cohesive. This one, on the other hand, is not. The tracks are very very different from each other, which made it challenging to get a good flow in the track list.

The flow is great. The tracks all seems somewhat connected, which is cool considering that the tracks are from 15 different people. Actually, the only track that feels a bit out of place to me, is my own.


Which user on here made the last track? Crazy good closer.

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For those asking for watmm user names, I didn't actually collect them, so I won't be able to answer every question. But I happen to know that cubus is mcbpete.

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Brilliant album... was able to snag it before my plane ride yesterday and gave it two listens. That opening track is brilliant... really sets the mood for the entire thing.


ChestHeir is myself and my brother

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Cryptowen actually submitted 3 additional tracks in a similarly minimal style, and they were all great. He should release them in something so everyone gets to hear them.

They're all currently in the running for Trax 2012, which is probably gonna end up with 2 or 3 dozen of those little 1 or 2 minute vignettes

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