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iPhone 5


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I plan on hopefully ordering it online, never tried it before though. I know I'm up for an upgrade beginning of November but usually AT&T has let me upgrade early at no cost because my family has been good customers, so I'm not sure how that will affect my order?

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I'm more than happy with my 4S, but this looks like a pretty nice piece of hardware. If the pattern holds, the 5S will be blazing in this nice form-factor, and I might be ready for an upgrade sometime during that generation.


A nice, dense, well-saturated 4" screen is a sweet spot for me. I can appreciate the huge android displays, but it's too much of a footprint for my kind of daily use.


Smartphones (across all platforms) have become fairly amazing since my second-gen iPhone 3G (not S), which felt pretty limited after a year or so of application evolution. Pretty healthy specs, these days!

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Looks like there will be a Retina iPod Touch, new Nano, and more. Can't wait!


are you gonna buy all that stuff?



depends on this month's donations








i really wish i could wait for the 5s but im not sure mine will make it. plus this thing looks sick. that panorama feature is killer.


im still stuck on why this is the iphone 5?

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I plan on ordering it online


I may do this, as well. I'm curious about renewing my AT&T contract or going to Verizon or sprint.

Does anyone have any reports on experiences with those two?

Also, can you talk and web-browse at the same time with all three carriers now?

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it all depends on the coverage in your area. what you may want to consider is that you will be giving up your unlimited data plan. if you got on att with the 3gs, you probably have unlimited data. and you are grandfathered in. just keep that in mind homie.

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yeah if it aint broke don't fix it, essentially.


nothing game changing, but jesus the engineering of this new thing is actually unbelievable. Like a serious feat of engineering we rarely come across. You simply do not get this obsessive amount of care taken to a single project in the tech sphere this often, and certainly not in the smartphone market nothing really compares. And it's all cause at this point apple can afford to have the best engineers.


also lol at the nokia thing totally thought that as well. wish they would update the ipod classic to like a 500 gb model. (I know it's never going to happen.)


also sprint has unlimited data and I've always been happy with my connection (3g only tho i think)

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