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I found my third generation iPod from 2004, and somehow got it to work again. Currently syncing with my iTunes.


Didn't have anywhere else to post this, so I guess it's going here.

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I found my third generation iPod from 2004, and somehow got it to work again. Currently syncing with my iTunes.


Didn't have anywhere else to post this, so I guess it's going here.


how did that go? i also have a third generation, and have had the same music on there since christmas 2003. i've wanted to sync it for a while but am afraid of what might happen. the pc i used to sync it with is long gone.

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I found my third generation iPod from 2004, and somehow got it to work again. Currently syncing with my iTunes.


Didn't have anywhere else to post this, so I guess it's going here.


I've still got one of those lying around, but it died years ago. I loved that device, I thought they looked a lot better with the buttons above the wheel and the touch-buttons were just really elegant. Looked lovely glowing red, too.


As for the new iPhone, I heard some boring middle-aged people on the bus this morning whining about how theirs hadn't arrived. Get a grip!

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The demise of the super genius Jobs is already showing. Apple will crumble within a couple of years!


Except for the fact that Jobs and Ive had devices in the works that would be coming out in the next three years after Jobs' death. So unless they radically changed the iPhone 5 design from what Jobs and Ive intended, this still has Jobs' fingerprints all over it design- and feature-wise.


i thought that too...not the apple crumbling thing (not going to happen any time soon really, let's be honest), but that they have possibly lost some of the "magic" as it were. don't seem as innovative these days somehow...a bit toned down maybe. i think jobs had a much clearer vision of where the company was heading etc and also probably stood up to the board/major shareholders in terms of risk-taking and innovation. i can see apple becoming more bland and "universal" maybe.


That could happen, but as long as they keep the winning formula of creating innovative products and then refining them and keeping a high build quality, they'll be fine.


so what can this do that my trusty GalaxyS can't at a quarter of the cost?

Make the South Pole look like this -




LOL, looks like an Autechre album cover.


function better and last longer?



I've got a 2450mah battery off ebay for £10 and it lasts ages in fact I've got two for festivals and log journeys, I've also got a micro sd card slot :derp:


is the internet browser still painfully slow on iPhones?


It never was... in fact, it's even faster in iOS 6 thanks to a new Javascript engine. The only way the browser was ever slow was due to your connection, which, well, any browser would be slowed down by. I've read where the LTE speed on the iPhone 5 is usually faster than most people's home internet connections - that's the main reason I would want a iPhone 5.


Also, this hate on the new Maps - what was everyone expecting - this is a first-run of a new, from the ground up application - it will take time for data to be refined, entered, and corrected (did Google maps on the original iPhone and subsequent models have as much as it does now? Of course not). Perhaps Apple should have waited a bit longer before dropping Google Maps (perhaps they had no choice in the matter), and from Google's point of view, this would be the best time to release Maps as a separate app like they did with YouTube.


I personally love the new Maps features, especially the turn-by-turn directions, which is finally a good, practical use for Siri.

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I found my third generation iPod from 2004, and somehow got it to work again. Currently syncing with my iTunes.


Didn't have anywhere else to post this, so I guess it's going here.


how did that go? i also have a third generation, and have had the same music on there since christmas 2003. i've wanted to sync it for a while but am afraid of what might happen. the pc i used to sync it with is long gone.


It's a little weird. I have to plug it into my computer to charge, and sometimes it will say it isn't charging or say "Hey, I'm about to die!" for no reason. So it will stop syncing, but will start again immediately once I exit some popup windows. It is adding stuff onto it, though. We'll see what happens when it's finished.


I found my third generation iPod from 2004, and somehow got it to work again. Currently syncing with my iTunes.


Didn't have anywhere else to post this, so I guess it's going here.


I've still got one of those lying around, but it died years ago. I loved that device, I thought they looked a lot better with the buttons above the wheel and the touch-buttons were just really elegant. Looked lovely glowing red, too.


As for the new iPhone, I heard some boring middle-aged people on the bus this morning whining about how theirs hadn't arrived. Get a grip!


One thing that's better about the new ones is the volume buttons on the side, but yeah. I really like this design.


And I guess mine is 4th gen. It has the click wheel, but no buttons above it.

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I found my third generation iPod from 2004, and somehow got it to work again. Currently syncing with my iTunes.


Didn't have anywhere else to post this, so I guess it's going here.


how did that go? i also have a third generation, and have had the same music on there since christmas 2003. i've wanted to sync it for a while but am afraid of what might happen. the pc i used to sync it with is long gone.


It's a little weird. I have to plug it into my computer to charge, and sometimes it will say it isn't charging or say "Hey, I'm about to die!" for no reason. So it will stop syncing, but will start again immediately once I exit some popup windows. It is adding stuff onto it, though. We'll see what happens when it's finished.


I found my third generation iPod from 2004, and somehow got it to work again. Currently syncing with my iTunes.


Didn't have anywhere else to post this, so I guess it's going here.


I've still got one of those lying around, but it died years ago. I loved that device, I thought they looked a lot better with the buttons above the wheel and the touch-buttons were just really elegant. Looked lovely glowing red, too.


As for the new iPhone, I heard some boring middle-aged people on the bus this morning whining about how theirs hadn't arrived. Get a grip!


One thing that's better about the new ones is the volume buttons on the side, but yeah. I really like this design.


And I guess mine is 4th gen. It has the click wheel, but no buttons above it.


third generation iPod as in the one with the 4 light up orange buttons? That thing was so awesome when it came out, that was my first iPod and was such a relief from discmans and carrying CD binders to school haha

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One thing I've noticed recently that I think is funny is how all the cases for iPhones/iPads have that circle cut out on the back so the Apple logo isn't covered.


What's that about? You don't see that on cases for other brands of phones...

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The Apple brand is also sold as a status symbol.


Sad, but true.


I have to admit, when I first got my 3GS, I was on a job in a group of about 8 or 9 tech-y people and they ALL had their iPhones out and were talking about them.

They were all aware that I wasn't contributing to the conversation. At the time, I had a Motorola Razr.

I figured it was about time I had one.


After I bought it, I feel like it did give me a bit of professional caché amongst my co-workers.


I'm addicted to it now, but to be fair, in the line of freelance work I do, I'd be dead in the water without a smartphone. Apple just happens to make a really snazzy one.

The only other smartphone I know enough about to compare is the Samsung Vibrant. My wife as one and it is a piece of shit.

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Lol @ Samsung Vibrant. It's all about the GS3 now. That's their top tier phone. I really like mine. Running stock Jellybean, it's great!


Edit: I know the Apple symbol is a status icon, was just beating around the bush.

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