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Digging the dog. How old? I love when people have lifesized dogs instead of those oversized yapping rats that everyone gets


You'd like my dog then. He's pretty much a wolf. His name is Bear.


He's a bear-wolf.




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Someone left one of those tacky animal hats on the stage at a chiptune gig the other night.



guy on the right's hair is producing light on the left of the image

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Wow, i really want to cuddle with all these dogs. Had to put my dog down in 2011 and it really took a lot out of me cuz i know im not going to get another dog for many years


It's so tough and I can't imagine dealing with that yet. I hope you get a new buddy soon. For some people the easiest thing to do is go to the animal shelter and start a new chapter asap with another creature - doesn't completely end grieving of course but I suppose it does fill a large part of the void left when you lose a pet. Personally I can't imagine not having dog or a cat for any period of time from now on.

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Guest umop_apisdn


Sophisticated beyond my years.


Digging the dog. How old? I love when people have lifesized dogs instead of those oversized yapping rats that everyone gets

Got her as a stray. She was probably around 6 months to a year at the time, and I thought she was a black lab puppy. She's hardly grown since, and from the original estimate, she'd be around 6-7 years old now. She still looks like a puppy, but she's definitely not. Only breed I can tell with certainty is she has beagle in her (the howl is unmistakable).



Wow, i really want to cuddle with all these dogs. Had to put my dog down in 2011 and it really took a lot out of me cuz i know im not going to get another dog for many years


Only ever dog I've ever owned was another rescued stray. She was a fucking beautiful collie, loyal as could be (and terribly abused and starved when she first showed up). She had to be put down early on in my college years. It was fucking rough, I don't think I've ever cried as hard or as continuously. That was about 10 years ago and I still get teary-eyed thinking about her today. But my philosophy is that you need to let the right dog happen. Don't force it and don't deprive yourself of it. I actually found the one above on my way back from checking dogs out at the shelter, pouting on the side of a rural road during a downpour. I'll never be the "I need such-and-such breed, they're the best" kind of person. Dog personalities run the gamut within and among all breeds...you gotta find the one that clicks.

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