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I had 2 and a half Cinnabon's today.

syd syside

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Every time I see your username 'Straight outta Compton' starts playing in my head but I replace Compton with Compson.

Just so you know.

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I must be the only one who said to themselves "He's going to die" after reading the title alone.


Why'd you do it man.



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I had a friend who worked at cinnabon. He became fat. He hooked them up for free, and I had to avoid going near his work, for I would become fat as well.


Cinnabon, you get a 7.23 out of 10 on pitchfork


EDIT: dear god, someone please make sure compson is stil breathing, 2.5 cinnabombs can tax a persons mind, body, and soul. May god have mercy on us all.

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Guest abusivegeorge

He's alive, he became respondent in the chat after a lengthy sleep, he passed out after a sugar rush but he's safe and well and planning to continue he's watmmixes champion career.

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Guest uptown devil

you should get a pair of these earrings to commemorate the experience.




looks like it's in need of some more frosting though.




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