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Assaulted like a peanut bro

Guest No Pomo

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Guest Glass Plate

So idk I guess I'm just still angry about this and wanted to tell more people about it. I'm temporarily living in Kentucky for a while and I went to the only local bar for the end of the world.. I mean better than staying at home right? No. My step-brother knows a lot of people there and so I met various people who were on his wrestling team and went to his highschool etc. As you've seen in recent pics I have a goofy haircut and they accused me of being a "fag" for it. I told them I'm not gay, but that it shouldn't matter, and generally showed a positive senitment towards LGBT. As the night was about over an I was heading out, one of them came to me again and asked me if I was gay again and I simply said "who cares?" and he started getting very close to me and then he punched me a few times, and tried to choke me to death, my step-brother tried to stop him and then 6 other people basically jumped in against us, and it became 2 vs. I was too drunk to remember how many people actually fought me. I'm probably not going to press charges, not worth it, but that was incredibly stupid.



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Homophobic Neanderthal douchebags. Good thing you're able to talk about it though.

BTW Eugene what does that have to do with Glass Plate's story? Didn't you read it? There were no guns involved.

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thats horrible..im glad you got out alright.



if you did want to go that route...you might be able to press hate crime charges.


one of my gay friends in college got glassed in the face because the attacker "hated fags".....hes now serving a 25 year sentence. Good riddance.

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i can't believe this shit is still happening in 2012. i'm so sorry you had to go through that. at least you have solace in knowing that you are a better person than any of those bigoted losers will ever be.

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I'm assuming your hesitation comes from the fact that you're in Kentucky - if the same thing happen in a major city it'd be in the news and they'd easily be in jail. In some rural part of some less progressive state - there's bullshit like "local resentment" and apathetic yahoo cops to deal with. I can see some letter to the editor now "WELL jus sayin' dat city-boy shuda been askin' for it by bein' all artsy-fartsy and shit and prolly judgin' us and our way of life."


Glad you weren't more seriously hurt, as if the experience wasn't traumatic enough. Make sure you didn't get any other injuries beyond the bruises, a broken bone or laceration and I would of pressed charges. I can't imagine what would of occurred if you actually said something more snarky. Fuck those assholes, the world will become slightly less backward and idiotic when they cease to exist.

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I say press charges and let this horrible person do a couple years.



Big time.

I also say "lawsuit".


These fucking mongoloids do this kind of shit because they face no reprocussions for their actions. They'll also raise their inbred kids with their fucked up ideas.

I say make an example of them so they, and the people they know, at the very least get a sense of what they did was wrong.

Plus, if you have a decent lawyer, you could get some loot out of it.


Fuck them. They made their choice.


I am all about fair litigation. It is your right as an American.
























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Dang, sorry that happened to you GP. Redneck bars are definitely an easy place to find an ass whooping.


To the people encouraging legal action: Not much would come of it (IMO). It would cost GP money to hire a lawyer, the local cops and judges will likely also be bigots and will barely slap the wrists of the kids who assaulted GP (they'd probably get probation), and the only eye-witnesses besides GP's brother seem to be bigots as well. I doubt the rednecks would learn much of a lesson except that (in their mind) "faggots are crybabies." I'm just not sure it would be worth it - they certainly wouldn't go to prison (it was just an unarmed fight in a local bar with no critical injuries)...again, they'd probably just get probation and - as most of us know - that's not exactly an effective form of rehabilitation (and neither is jail)... Having grown up in a backwards rural area, I can unfortunately attest to the strength of bigotry in young rednecks. Sexuality really scares the fuck out of them; it's like they can't help being bigots or they'll implode into actual gays and forget who they are. Weird but true.


Take care of yourself, GP, and try not to talk about Vaporwave while you're in Kentucky.

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city folk with mustaches in kentucky.


in for a nubbin.


I'm really sorry. southern indiana (meine heimat) it's the same deal. No joke, once saw a 8 yr old protesting the opening of a openly gay chef supply store with a sign saying "god hates fags; god hates diversity."


fucking lol fuck this planet.

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Some people want to go forward but these slugs are going backwards.


I call people like the ones who attacked the OP anchors of humanity. Today i read somewhere that a blind guy is now able to see thanks to stem cell transplant, great news but it just got me thinking why do we allow these "anchors of the world" to stop stem cell research, it should be okay those who want to go forwards to step over these anchors like bugs (not killing them but you know what i mean)


OP, sorry you have to experienced the bottom of the barrel of humanity.

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Guest Glass Plate

I will also say the main person who attacked me was Black and short but a wrestler, and after being called a faggot for the 10th time I said to him something along the lines of "yeah fucking right man, I've had more pussy than you even knew existed" and then I immediately said I'm off to smoke, and thats when he followed me out and ambushed me, got in my face and called me a faggot... again... and I like hugged him and said "dude we're all friend what's your problem?" and that's when he snapped. He had already tried to get in a fight though, and I think the homo-hate wasn't even the main reason he tried to beat me up, and it was more so he was just looking for a fight in general. I feel bad for him, and for me to press charges not enough would happen to actually put him away from me, it's a small town, I would just be making more drama and creating a crew that wants to attack me more, so I think it's best I leave it alone. My jaw is still incredibly sore tho and in some ways it was an exciting event, just fucked up.


city folk with mustaches in kentucky.


in for a nubbin.


I'm really sorry. southern indiana (meine heimat) it's the same deal. No joke, once saw a 8 yr old protesting the opening of a openly gay chef supply store with a sign saying "god hates fags; god hates diversity."


fucking lol fuck this planet.

I'm on the Indiana, IL, KY tristate border. Corn country, the worst.

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