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also the model looks frightened, also looks kind of 'guild navigator'

if you wore that in summer you could go naked under it and not worry about mosquitos biting your balls. I'd find some sleeve length pleather gloves to go with that


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I've actually started wondering what my fashion will look like.


I had a new moment recently where I was looking in the mirror, and I noticed that I was starting to resemble a "hipster." I've been losing weight rapidly and I don't know what it was... I looked in the mirror and I saw a new person, a person who cared too much about their clothing, like the people I "hate" who slobber and conform to the same exact fashion together. Cheap, thrift store clothes combined with a certain sensibility of sneakers. Juno, or something. There was something pathetic about the image staring back at me, so I decided I must make a change.


I must start being more conscious of what I look like in public. It's really a confusing problem. I want to wear clothes that allow people to see that I am superior to them as well as make them shut up when I speak.

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The main thing is I just don't want to look like the average hipster. Because a hipster is basically just a person who is our age and grooms themselves well enough to have sex with attractive Democrat/liberal females with slightly higher IQs who also have moderately more interest in music/film.


I must rise above this and present myself as not part of this culture, because I am truly not part of it. I do not want to associate myself at all with any of these people, however I do want to look good to women. Therein, I think, lies the question of my fashion.


I also do like bright colors such as Turqoise, Yellow, and Orange, and I would like to have excellent quality hoodies+jackets for this purpose. Summer is harder though, I need some kind of simple black shorts as well as T-Shirts with "offensive" things on them (not vulgar, more "confounding").

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well if you don't want to look like 2000's cool nice guy, which you obviously aren't, I'd go for a darker look. Because you aren't really an overtly carefree happy person, are you? I mean you don't necessarily hold the opinion of your 'target audience' in high regard anyhow, do you?

Idk i'm just grasping for straws here but confusion about peer approval and fitting in can screw up your sense of identity. Just cuz you're getting slimmer doesn't mean you have to change your whole shit up. Maybe wear the same stuff you wore before, out of defiance.

Or maybe forget sneakers, get yourself a pair of one of these babies: http://www.militaryboots.com/mens?kwid=1

Lightweight tactical boots are a brilliant investment because they are often waterproof and insulated and ready to go in all terrain, plus they look boss.

Edited by Salvatorin
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"I want to wear clothes that allow people to see that I am superior to them as well as make them shut up when I speak."

I find this humorous as a joke but in a different light it begs to question what your desires are. It rings the 'sociopath' bell ever so slightly, which is fine, but I mean if you really hold these people in contempt what is there truly to gain from 'them'?

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Going with the "well-fitting clothes look fashionable" idea, are more expensive clothes in general better fitting or is it best to buy something cheaper and pay a tailor (or someone else? who?) to alter them to fit you better?

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Street style is a language, first and foremost.

Kind of like how dogs can send a message to all other dogs in the smell of their shit, clothes do the same thing.

The way you present yourself sartorially can communicate a lot.

IMO, the complexity of your outfit ought to reflect how much attention you are comfortable with-and of course your audience matters a lot.

The choice of independent, new branded, vintage branded, consumer-grade, walmart thrift, etc.-they all matter in setting up your message.

It all depends on what you want, and you should know if it is what you truly want, because you could be lying to yourself, and therefore sending out a false message (which you could use if you wanted to trick people, dunno why though)


Of course, the language is highly inconsistent, in that, semiotically, one style element means a different thing to different people.

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Going with the "well-fitting clothes look fashionable" idea, are more expensive clothes in general better fitting or is it best to buy something cheaper and pay a tailor (or someone else? who?) to alter them to fit you better?

What kind of fashionable are you looking for? Bleeding edge, respectable, subcultural, classy, simple? And what is your definition of 'well-fitting' ? (it changes all the time) Tailors are really quite expensive, only really an option for people with upper-middle class income. (most bespoke garments cost hundreds of dollars) It used to be that every man had a few different suits, all tailored specifically to him. Now that is a luxury, really. But of course, tailored clothes will 'fit' you the best.


If you know the right people, going to diy route is awesome! There are lots of people who enjoy doing clothing alterations, I've had a friend in a costume construction class help me change the fit of some late 80's acid wash jeans.

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" I want to wear clothes that allow people to see that I am superior to them as well as make them shut up when I speak."

So would you say this is your message? Is this really 'you'? Or is it how you feel in response to a world you don't really want to be part of?

I can't tell you how to make people feel inferior to you, lol, but I can say that you'll be misrepresenting yourself with any mall-grade, reasonable clothing (lol); anything too easy. Your clothes need to match your megalomania, in your case. Most americans do that with expensive business suits. Something tells me that isn't you.


You need to tell me a bit more about how you dress on average, hair/skin color, waist and inseam size, and what your message really is, and I will recommend you several outfits.

pm me if interested


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Going with the "well-fitting clothes look fashionable" idea, are more expensive clothes in general better fitting or is it best to buy something cheaper and pay a tailor (or someone else? who?) to alter them to fit you better?


Well, tailoring like one item isn't going to be so bad, but in general you want to buy clothes that fit properly. Part of that is being in decent shape. Generally designer clothes are better fitting in my experience than regular clothes, but it all has to do with what you want to look like. Usually the key is to buy certain items that might be a little expensive and then fill in your wardrobe with less expensive items. I'm about to get this nice jacket I bought tailored because it is too big for me now. I'm hoping that it isn't too pricey.

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Most of my clothing are from American Eagle. Not cause I love them, but because I have no idea where else to shop/what the fuck I should wear. I usually tend to be picky about the shit that goes on me but I wouldn't say I'm fashionable. If it isn't from American Eagle than it might be Calvin Klein clothes from Macy's. I actually like the way their stuff looks in an Adult and mature kind of way.


I'm not the type of person to subscribe to any particular thing whether it be, sports, fashion, or brand. The only thing I can say I confidently and proudly subscribe to is the music I listen to, but even then I I don't go around wearing Aphex Twin, BOC or Plaid shirts unless I were gifted one. I once worse a NIN shirt in High School that my Sis got me but I wore it like 4 times (out of respect of Trent and my SIS) and actually got a comment from one classmate but no pussy or anything like that.


American Eagle is just an easy way out for me. It looks normal, is acceptable to most people and they aren't crazy expensive. Calvin Klein clothes are an attempt at putting some variety in my wardrobe that is otherwise nonexistent. I'll also usually be ok with any gifted clothing family or friends may get me but like all people if you don't like it, it never sees the light of day.


Last time I went out and bought cloths was....a year and a half ago? Is that bad or normal?

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Well, usually the only reason I buy a certain brand is because the clothes fit me well and the style is agreeable. If you don't need clothes there is really no reason to buy them. I usually only buy stuff when I need it.

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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" I want to wear clothes that allow people to see that I am superior to them as well as make them shut up when I speak."

So would you say this is your message? Is this really 'you'? Or is it how you feel in response to a world you don't really want to be part of?

I can't tell you how to make people feel inferior to you, lol, but I can say that you'll be misrepresenting yourself with any mall-grade, reasonable clothing (lol); anything too easy. Your clothes need to match your megalomania, in your case. Most americans do that with expensive business suits. Something tells me that isn't you.


You need to tell me a bit more about how you dress on average, hair/skin color, waist and inseam size, and what your message really is, and I will recommend you several outfits.

pm me if interested




will do, I just need to think about it a bit more first. after reading a few of your posts my interest in fashion has tripled/quadrupled

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Going with the "well-fitting clothes look fashionable" idea, are more expensive clothes in general better fitting or is it best to buy something cheaper and pay a tailor (or someone else? who?) to alter them to fit you better?

What kind of fashionable are you looking for? Bleeding edge, respectable, subcultural, classy, simple?


And what is your definition of 'well-fitting' ? (it changes all the time) Tailors are really quite expensive, only really an option for people with upper-middle class income. (most bespoke garments cost hundreds of dollars) It used to be that every man had a few different suits, all tailored specifically to him. Now that is a luxury, really. But of course, tailored clothes will 'fit' you the best.


If you know the right people, going to diy route is awesome! There are lots of people who enjoy doing clothing alterations, I've had a friend in a costume construction class help me change the fit of some late 80's acid wash jeans.


Just normal. Respectable I guess. I socialize with people from different walks of life and don't want anything too subcultural. At 27 most "streetwear" feels a bit too teenager-y for me. At the same time I don't want to look like a yuppie. Seems most people my age prefer the hipster look. I suppose that's what I'm closest to with my current wardrobe, but who the hell wants to look like a hipster?


Well-fitting to me means shirts that don't look like a big sack in the back, t-shirts that wrap nicely around the chest, pants that don't hang in the crotch area, necks on shirts that are the right size, things like that.


I don't know any people who tailor.


Going with the "well-fitting clothes look fashionable" idea, are more expensive clothes in general better fitting or is it best to buy something cheaper and pay a tailor (or someone else? who?) to alter them to fit you better?


Well, tailoring like one item isn't going to be so bad, but in general you want to buy clothes that fit properly. Part of that is being in decent shape. Generally designer clothes are better fitting in my experience than regular clothes, but it all has to do with what you want to look like. Usually the key is to buy certain items that might be a little expensive and then fill in your wardrobe with less expensive items. I'm about to get this nice jacket I bought tailored because it is too big for me now. I'm hoping that it isn't too pricey.


Yeah that's pretty much a no-go. I can easily slim down a bit but with narrow shoulders, large hips and pencil arms it's always the clothes that are gonna have to make me look good and not the other way around.


Seems the consensus here is to look for brands that fit your body shape, which is mostly what I've been doing. Seeing as I'm poor I'll postpone looking at the more expensive brands for when I get a job.

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