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Guest brendyman


Yes! BazTutorials!


My Electronic Music teacher is in a band with the guy that made the Baz Tutorials. I just bought Max about 2 days ago (my teacher strongly encouraged me to get it). I've gone through only the first 10 Baz Tutorials and I already have enough knowledge to do what I'm currently working on in Max (a 10-track sampler/looper) without having to look at any tutorials.


If you just go through the first 10 (or more! Why stop there?) tutorials you'll start getting ideas of other stuff you can do with what you've learned.


I do not in any way regret buying Max, I think it's going to be the best $200 I ever spent.

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After playing around with pure data for a bit, seems like it doesn't have as much community support and patches as Max. If there is anymore of the $200 Max sales, I'd like to buy one. Thanks.

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After playing around with pure data for a bit, seems like it doesn't have as much community support and patches as Max. If there is anymore of the $200 Max sales, I'd like to buy one. Thanks.


yeah but it's a great way to learn Max

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Guest brendyman

After playing around with pure data for a bit, seems like it doesn't have as much community support and patches as Max. If there is anymore of the $200 Max sales, I'd like to buy one. Thanks.


I should probably clarify that I got it for $200 by using the "student" section of the Cycling '74 site

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Guest brendyman

If you're a Max4Live (or Ableton 9 suite) owner you can currently get it for $239 (even if you're not a student) and get Max 7 for free when it's released.


The way Max integrates with Ableton to seamlessly might be the things that finally convinces me to switch over to Ableton from FL Studio

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Ableton is probably the best DAW for usability, but it still feels a bit tedious and cumbersome for making music. It's great for making loop based music though. I'd like to make my own DAW with generative/algorithmic composition methodologies implemented. I'm just gonna experiment with a simple mobile app first for generative music composition. I want to use some synth patches in pure data or max and then add generative elements in the app. Music21 is a great music analysis library. For instance, you can probably create generative music based on reading in Bach's midi files.

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Ableton is probably the best DAW for usability, but it still feels a bit tedious and cumbersome for making music. It's great for making loop based music though. I'd like to make my own DAW with generative/algorithmic composition methodologies implemented. I'm just gonna experiment with a simple mobile app first for generative music composition. I want to use some synth patches in pure data or max and then add generative elements in the app. Music21 is a great music analysis library. For instance, you can probably create generative music based on reading in Bach's midi files.

Define music21 please
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me + max4live + jitter =



didn't realize m4l could talk to jitter – how difficult is that? Would love to add some responsive/algorithmic video to audio stuff without doing a super deep max/jitter dive.


Very cool, regardless :)

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  • 1 month later...

oh man! i haven't even begun to learn gen, & they already release 7?

From what it looks like Max7 is to try and ease in newbies (like myself - despite having it for 18 months) with a revamp to the GUI and object placement (seems to be aiming at using a lot more higher level modules). Also autosaving as standard. But in terms of objects, don't think too much has changed (though Gen is now built in rather than as a separate purchase)


what does the upgrade ccost?

$149 - https://cycling74.com/shop/select-upgrade/
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Here's a video I did a while back using Max/Jitter + my webcam. DIfferent parts of the video respond to different instruments + some live knob tweaking.



Edited by hautlle
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Here's a video I did a while back using Max/Jitter + my webcam. DIfferent parts of the video respond to different instruments + some live knob tweaking.




that is beautiful...


question: can I do that with pd? :)

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