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So WATMM, tell me, what's your definition of a loser ?

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i think the latest solondz film explores this concept very well


good call. when the people in the Call center are talking about Andy (loser) from Happiness


10/10 movie




here it is FLOL



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I associate the term with someone who lacks the ability to get money, get out of dead end jobs, get girlfriends, get general control of their lives and also have some kind of passion and interest in life, but as Braintree says, I think it's very harsh and judgmental so I don't use it. I've spoken to people online for years who have issues and trouble getting into the real world and doing all this shit, but they are great people and smart, it's just hard to get everything together, especially if you had a slow start in your 20s or you have social anxiety or depression.


Plus, I don't wanna pretend like I know how anyone else should live, if I go calling other people losers, it sort of implies I'm not a loser, but I feel like one all the time even though I have shit I do and am interested in. Everyone should be kinder to each other and see the good in people, not judge them for not living the way they they one should live, or some other societal pressure. Usually people don't give a shit how anyone else lives and it's more a tool of social dominance, which is just shit. The end goal for anyone should be being happy themselves while not being a burden on someone else. Anyone that strives for that is not a loser. Feeding off others on purpose cause they're lazy, still don't make them a loser, if they can work to better themselves. We should all be given chances and encouragement, not judgmental crap. ESSAY OVER

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Compson is a loser. He's the measuring stick which all potential losers are measured against.


Man that hurts me. :(


Haha, I'm joking.


Someone who doesn't enjoy pubs, clubs and tv and who doesn't work all week and party out in the weekend.



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Someone that has various options of making his life better yet makes bad decisions all the time and gets stuck with lousy results.


I like this definition.


What if this person had extroardinary emotional intelligence ? what if this person had extroardinary compassion and helped people a lot ? I guess he wouldn't be a loser....

Making one's life better in my book doesn't necessarily means getting more loot from the world. I'm not calling all tramps losers too. It's just losers that are losers.

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i know that i do consider certain types of people to be "losers" and i don't like that i do that because i know plenty of people probably consider me to be a loser. assigning people negative labels based on your subjective perception of them is just fucked up. you don't know their life. you don't know what they go through on a daily basis. maybe it is hard for them to take a bath, lose weight, move out from their mom's house, not shit their pants, etc, etc. or maybe they just enjoy their lives the way they are and don't care about social pressures to be whatever a "winner" might be. and i'm not saying that sarcastically!


armchair speculation about other people's position in life is a pointless activity. it might make people feel better about themselves, but surely there are ways to get a self-esteem boost without degrading others.

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I haven't read anyone else's definition yet.


I think a looser can be many things. But ultimately, I think I associate being a loser with being lazy.


A looser can be someone that thinks they can just coast by without putting in any effort.

It could be a spoiled rich kid living off their parent's credit card or some poor, fat slob sitting on their couch, getting high, eating junk food and playing video games all day.

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yeah, imo a loser is someone who is upset and also unwilling to do anything to change their situation. i can't imagine a situation in which being both upset and stagnant could help you succeed at anything.

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soooooooooooooooooooooooy uuuuun perdedooooooooooooor


(Understands reference)


I think Chimera Slot Mom and Hoodie have produced the best answers thus far. The term "loser" itself almost seems outdated. I think it implies that one has failed to fulfill false expectations imposed on them by the rest of society. But we all make our own way in life and do what's best for ourselves, but also help others along the way. Plus, it's short-sighted to judge someone you barely know.

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I call someone a loser when I'm pissed off at him/her. Probably in the context where he/she thought he/she got it right and felt the need to show off to other people. But got it (obviously) wrong after all. It's a temporary emotional thing though.


Labels like that generally don't stick to people, from my perspective. Apart from some exceptions. But those are exceptionally rare. (duh) Whenever I notice myself getting pre-judgemental, I know I'm becoming a loser myself.

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People who loosely labels other people as 'losers' are not even losers, they are just scum. I think of anything worse than people who are pre-judging others, and judging others less fortunate then themselves.
i know that i do consider certain types of people to be "losers" and i don't like that i do that because i know plenty of people probably consider me to be a loser. assigning people negative labels based on your subjective perception of them is just fucked up. you don't know their life. you don't know what they go through on a daily basis. maybe it is hard for them to take a bath, lose weight, move out from their mom's house, not shit their pants, etc, etc. or maybe they just enjoy their lives the way they are and don't care about social pressures to be whatever a "winner" might be. and i'm not saying that sarcastically!


armchair speculation about other people's position in life is a pointless activity. it might make people feel better about themselves, but surely there are ways to get a self-esteem boost without degrading others.


Good post.

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Macho bros that are secretely homosexual, but spend their life gay bashing. They are the biggest loser.

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a loser is someone who isn't progressing along whatever the namecaller thinks is a road to success

you just cut right through all the un-necessary over-long definitions, straight to the heart of the thing. i also like your definition because it reminds me of the 'Devil's Dictionary', which has similar wording and wit. A+!

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