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How so?


I kinda like how she has this "even though I've got this Tom-boy thing going so well for me, there's still a beautiful woman behind it all"-look. I mean, if she'd let her hair grow and change some make-up, she'd be a next door hot brunette. Not that it's her thing, but she could, is all I'm saying.

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i still hold a grudge against her since the wikileaks days.




i must not have been paying attention, what did she do?


I've held a grudge against her ever since after the first Obama inauguration Before and even right after Obama got voted in she was frequently very critical of him, I remember her being outraged about his choice of Rick Warren (because he equated pedophilia to homosexuality). Now she like everyone else at MSNBC (besides Hayes) has been a total 100% water carrying Obama -bot. I'm more upset at people like her for simply sinking to the level of Fox News (but for the left) when she is clearly more intelligent than most of the reporters at Fox. So my grudge against her is for acquiescing to the things she used to fight against.

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contemporary media figures embody better the promise and deficits of

faux leftism than MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, a woman whose career since 2008

has been nothing short of meteoric. During the Bush tenure Maddow had

little trouble with her political compass; her reports and critical

commentary--often impressively didactic--were consistently aimed at

Republicans, from the White House mafia on down. This has continued to

date with the GOP, Tea Party and other crazies and operatives of the

right, perhaps at a higher and more strident pitch (no problem there,

they totally deserve it), but of late Maddow has also become something

of an embarrassment, a shrill apologist for the Democratic party and

especially Barack Obama. In this Maddow is not significantly different

than others at the MSNBC corral, especially Matthews, Schultz and

O'Donnell, not to mention countless other liberals on and off the media

beat. What makes her case worthy of mention is her extraordinary

potential, which is now being wasted on systemic apologetics. So why

single Maddow out when uneven and biased performance is almost the rule

with corporate journalists? For one simple reason: she presents us with a

clear and most eloquent example of the limits and dependability of

liberals in the media, and an object lesson on how to distinguish not only foe from friend but also friend from false friend.


were not terribly happy with Maddow's shilling for Obama and the

Democrats. And we didn't much enjoy her tacit endorsement of US

imperialism's wars and gushing about the US military (Maddow is

fascinated with military hardware). But on two dealbreaker issues of

maximum importance for the true left in the United States, she failed

the test ignominiously. (It doesn't help that others also failed one of

these issues.) The two dealbreaker issues were:



disgraceful enough that Maddow, along with others in the "left" media

community failed to alert the public and make a big stink when antiwar /

anticorporate activists across five states were raided by the FBI in

September of 2010 in flagrant violation of free speech and political

association guarantees. (WBAI's Amy Goodman didn't fail. See FBI raids on antiwar activists: A frontal assault on democratic rights).

Publicity about such abuses is just about the only protection activists

have to shield them against all sorts of risks and retaliations from

the government and other parties interested in snuffing them out.

Dropping the ball on an issue like this is unforgivable.

Unfortunately, for Maddow that wasn't all. Recently, during one of her "before a live audience" specials at the NYC 92 st YMCA, she went over the edge by doing a disgusting hatchet job on WikiLeaks

and Julian Assange, its most visible incarnation. This is serious

because Wikileaks is by far the best gift progressives have received in a

very long time, nothing short of a formidable weapon with all the

requisites in scope and efficiency to put the empire on the defensive

(see this excellent Swedish TV documentary on WikiLeaks to get a really good idea about the resiliency and potential of this organization).


any case, judge for yourselves. We recommend you watch and read these

posts more or less in the order suggested below. Then draw your


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Just had to post this video of our local traffic reporter on special assignment during the blizzard. To hear her describe the conditions...



Unfortunately I couldn't find any decent pictures but she's a bona fide cutie.



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Guest onesixoneight



These lovelies brighten my mornings.....

That's the most British thing I've ever seen.


What, the word "lovelies"?

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There's a cute blonde from Australia who reports on my local news station @ 5 PM every weekday - Kate McPherson. I tried finding news photos of her but to no avail. No big deal though.

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Sarah Palin's gig as an 80s weather girl / sometimes reporter. Def more bangable back then, +1 for big 80s stripper hair.


lol, I didn't know she looked like that back then. I'm almost ashamed to say she was governor of my state once.

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