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Jennifer Lawrence is charming


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all women basically think the same way, you can read guides on the internet that leave you with a pretty much comprehensive understanding of everything any woman will ever think.

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I agree that celebrity culture is pretty twisted, but I don't think this thread is feeding into the bad parts of that culture. I wouldn't mind if celebrity culture was a bunch of people saying "Look how great this beautiful person's personality seems in an interview! I would sex that for sure!" Sex can be a horrible declaration of power over another person, but I think usually it's a confused but hopeful expression of a connection you feel.

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she was in the hunger games and silver linings playbook, both of which have gotten a huge amount of praise which i can't see being deserved as one is a movie for children and the other is a romantic comedy, a genre that is inherently fucking awful.


hah, thanks. Now i don't have to point that out, (that ppl don't usually get oscars for those types of films). Someone powerful must want to give her career a push. And the media love a new starlet every 3-4 years to lick, scratch and paw over.

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apparently you don't hang out with a lot of women, either.



So what's the deal? Don't give us a passive aggressive stare down contest.


And for shits and giggles, as a woman you could tell us how women can talk about men. Apparently you're so knowledgable and we're a stupid sausage party who never talk to women, you might want to pull off the lid of that box of knowledge and bring some sanity into our mail chauvinistic piglike minds.




edit: lol i wrote mail chauvinistic pigs... ;p

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Meh, I'm tired of pretending to be politically correct.

There's probably a forum somewhere where the majority of members are female and they're horning over some male celebrity heartthrob. If that's true, then we're even-Steven.

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i;m so glad i didn't post what i wrote like 20 minutes a go


as a raving ly drunk bad person


because thats when my hawt thoughts run free

as a madman


i don't think they lack entertainment valu


its just that the sex value of a hawtf lifestyle means a lot to a lot of people



and we need an sort a thing where we really know we good folks! hehe. buttnuts


because i tell ya


we are hot folks and we gotta be sure we stick it and get hot in coincedental

and make it hot on it


with fashonable non-anti-hotness

L : ) hhaa dont get 2 hot o nus not!

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up until this moment i was resisting the joy of a mass-masturbatory fantasy but frankly.. damn





just, "i'd"


"i'd" do something


and it would be hawt


as long as my car didn't run off the highway

or turn into a skateboard

catch my drift, pinial gland?

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do u guyts like it when girls wear yoga pants at the gym (e: i eman school)? its like captain-hindsight-yoga-pants.jpg

also who thinks natalie portman is hot im not talking in black swan i mean in leon u can tell shes gna be a fitty init


e2: i dont agree with yoga pants when a heffer is wearing them tho its like go put your fuckin burka back on u slag

e3: dont u hate middle eastern men who try and tell women how they should dress etc etc i wish every country was past sexism not just us in the west

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Meh, I'm tired of pretending to be politically correct.


There's probably a forum somewhere where the majority of members are female and they're horning over some male celebrity heartthrob. If that's true, then we're even-Steven.




You aren't pretending to be politically correct. You are being politically correct. Horning over celebrities is not immoral. Nor is it immoral to criticize them. The people who are taking most offense with this thread are ironically being the most critical towards her. So while there is no moral dispute being argued here (in regards to our opinion of Jennifer), there is an inconsistency with the argument that horning is immoral and those that are being horned or desire it are un-worthy of being classified as real human beings.


In the big picture the system requires many different compartments to be filled in order for it to function. Celebrities serve their role in society as being entertaining and collective cultural entities. I am critical of it at times because I don't associate with a lot of commercial stuff emotionally, but for the most part I just avoid it and stay focused on the stuff that does connect with me emotionally. But I still do like to peak into the mainstream collective to get an idea of what page everyone is on. Same idea with reading the New York Times or watching CNN... I read/watch those outlets less for the educational purposes/news but more to get an idea of what the collective is consuming as "news." So that I can better understand what the general political climate is like.


Alas, haters gonna hate and nothing is gained from that other than more hate. Ignore stuff that doesn't interest you and you will be a lot more satisfied with life.

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In the big picture the system requires many different compartments to be filled in order for it to function. Celebrities serve their role in society as being entertaining and collective cultural entities. I am critical of it at times because I don't associate with a lot of commercial stuff emotionally, but for the most part I just avoid it and stay focused on the stuff that does connect with me emotionally. But I still do like to peak into the mainstream collective to get an idea of what page everyone is on. Same idea with reading the New York Times or watching CNN... I read/watch those outlets less for the educational purposes/news but more to get an idea of what the collective is consuming as "news." So that I can better understand what the general political climate is like.


interesting point



I thought the point of conflict was how someone drew that because of her interviews she's "just a normal gal". And I think Hoodie was essentially saying "How do you know this?"


Other than brief inferences from interviews, that's really all we have to go on anything, so ultimately, yeah, argument is pretty damn subjective.


I can see where she's coming from, in my case my lady friends LOVE Ryan Gosling.


They love talking about how gorgeous he is (the man is a good looking guy), so I don't really mind them fawning over his physical attributes. But then they start talking about how he's given out quotes on being a feminist and immediately come to the conclusion that Ryan Gosling is the perfect male because he would treat every woman like a goddess. That shit drives me nuts for (I think) the same reasons as Hoodie with J.Law here. Too much fantastical stuff or whatever.


But I don't have a problem with this here thread, trying to quell the inflamed passions of the J.Law fans before they consume Hoodie's cat goggles.

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apparently you don't hang out with a lot of women, either.

I'm on your side here...

i was referring to candiru and yes, sr4, that is my point. it's surprising to see how touchy many of you are about topics related to gender.




apparently you don't hang out with a lot of women, either.



So what's the deal? Don't give us a passive aggressive stare down contest.


And for shits and giggles, as a woman you could tell us how women can talk about men. Apparently you're so knowledgable and we're a stupid sausage party who never talk to women, you might want to pull off the lid of that box of knowledge and bring some sanity into our mail chauvinistic piglike minds.




edit: lol i wrote mail chauvinistic pigs... ;p

well, i can tell you that 90% of women are not attention-seeking, jealous and (in turn) incapable of discussing another woman's beauty without insulting the other woman, as candiru's statement might imply. the made up statistics bothered me the most about that. yes, many women are annoyingly jealous and will cut other girls down. a lot of women don't do that though. i really hate the tendency of taking a trait from several girls you've met and saying "90% of women are like this." yeah, your tiny social circle is totally representative of all women. give me a fucking break. learn2think and stop relying on your brain to do it for you.

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Meh, I'm tired of pretending to be politically correct.


There's probably a forum somewhere where the majority of members are female and they're horning over some male celebrity heartthrob. If that's true, then we're even-Steven.



it's called /r/ladyboners

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  • i can tell you that 90% of women are not...
  • i really hate the tendency of taking a trait from several girls you've met and saying "90% of women are like this."
a bit of contradiction here :emb:

90% is a ridiculous number.


if candiru can provide evidence to back it up, i would accept it. but until then, i can obviously disregard it since the onus is not on me to prove that 90% of women don't cut down other women when men talk about other women's attractiveness in a conversation.

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haters gonna hate and nothing is gained from that other than more hate. Ignore stuff that doesn't interest you and you will be a lot more satisfied with life.



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well, i can tell you that 90% of women are not attention-seeking, jealous and (in turn) incapable of discussing another woman's beauty without insulting the other woman, as candiru's statement might imply. the made up statistics bothered me the most about that. yes, many women are annoyingly jealous and will cut other girls down. a lot of women don't do that though. i really hate the tendency of taking a trait from several girls you've met and saying "90% of women are like this." yeah, your tiny social circle is totally representative of all women. give me a fucking break. learn2think and stop relying on your brain to do it for you.


Thanks for the answer, Hoodie.


Still don't think I did anything wrong though. Just calling out that I like J-Law's behavior in public/interviews. She's got a great straightforward down to earth sense of humor. And the thing is, lots of women can be that way. But only when they're in a "safe" situation. Most of the time that only with their closest female friends. And that's the thing which saddens me, tbh. Add a guy to the formula, and everything changes. Could be me though, but women in this free/down to earth mode are so much more fun to be around with.

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  • i can tell you that 90% of women are not...
  • i really hate the tendency of taking a trait from several girls you've met and saying "90% of women are like this."
a bit of contradiction here :emb:

90% is a ridiculous number.


if candiru can provide evidence to back it up, i would accept it. but until then, i can obviously disregard it since the onus is not on me to prove that 90% of women don't cut down other women when men talk about other women's attractiveness in a conversation.


But how is forming an opinion on a person from posts on a message board more substantial than judging them based on numerous interviews? Also, you'll notice that trend of jealousy in younger people. Then, as time goes on, people (girls even!) tend to get more confident.


My sincerest apologies for derailing this thread, by the way.

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