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The Great Porn Experiment

Guest fiznuthian

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porn sex is too much on the hard/violent side

ah fa sha

for a while when i was a teenager i thought I must've been asexual because porn & fetish stuff just gave me the willies. But for real a lot of porn these days seems less about the sex & more up on some hyper-masculine anti-woman power trip. And fetish stuff quickly runs to "guy rocking back & forth & talking to himself & wearing a trenchcoat & listening to alex jones on the back of the bus, also he smells like pee" territory.


but self-marinating to things that don't fall into the "horrible person" or "horribly weird" camps seems perfectly yolo in my book

(i don't actually have a book tho)

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I´ve cut down my porn intake last year as well, I just watch some maybe twice a month. I didn´t notice any change about myself really, just that sex got way better. Which also reduced the need to masturbate lol

I wasn´t a porn addict like that guy and my gf didn´t really have a problem with me watching porn, I just thought I´d cut down a bit to make it more exciting the next time, since I do the same with coffee, chocolate, M&Ms, Burgers, Cola, drugs etc...those just get boring if you have them too often.

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porn isnt really a problem for me. choking the chicken however is. maybe i will try to abstain for a week and see where it goes from there.


didn't an episode of seinfeld address this phenomenon years ago?




(im a very imaginative individual)

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Guest fiznuthian

is this that nofap bullshit? its hilarious it overlaps with crazy christian fuckheads who hate themselves for jerking off.

TEDx omg so cool



Wow, did you read or watch anything here?

Nofap isn't just a bunch of crazy Christians depriving themselves of pleasure to please imaginary whatevers. I feel like very, very few partaking would fit in that category.


For me, just giving it a rest for a while elevates testosterone. It's quite noticeable. But at the same time i'm not going to sit around going "oh my god i'm aroused, I can't do this!" and beat myself up over it. I just try to make other productive things more important than sitting around jacking off and sleeping.


​Not surprisingly giving up porn makes it a hell of a lot easier to masturbate less frequently.

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Got mixed feelings on those guys. On the one hand, waterbed shake Up for making smart decisions. If you spend allday errday tootin the flute, to the point it's interfering with your life, trying to cut that out is a good thing. Some of em think merely avoiding the great spooge deluge will make them stronger & more social & more productive, which is plain gooftroop, but most seem to realize it's only a first step.


My problem with those dudes is a lot of them seem wayyy over-zealous, like saying a kid shirkin his first gerkin is now on a slippery slope to being a 30YO dude who spends all day in a darkened room looking for ninja turtles hentai while dressed up in a giant rat costume. Sure, that happens in some cases but mostly...it doesn't, right? I know I'm not really into anything weirder than when I was 12. Nofap kind of reminds me of someone who got off hard drugs & is now hardcore anti marijuana, because IT HAPPENED TO ME IT'LL HAPPEN TO YOU

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i watched and read into this a few months back - since then i've been on the week long abstain philosophy - steer clear of porn + no master'fun till at least the weeks up - then, one may relieve one's self if throughout the course of said week no action has gone down. Which is more of a health reason more then anything, its good for the ole' body to relieve oneself - however, i have found once you break the 7 day mark you could easily keep going and going (if theres something to occupy your time)

its those down-time moments sitting in front of the laptop with nothing to do when porn'man wants to strike you

personally i havn't noticed HUGE differences, but i'd say theres definatley some there - makes one want to actually hit the town and look for some ladies more'so then one used to, which is good

but for me, the main factor is curving off this desensitisation porn has done to me - In years gone by, when encountering a female in the bed, one wouldnt be as aroused as these days - probably because within the vicinity to the alteration, one would have relieved oneself via internet pleasures - thus, for me anyway, taking away the innate NEED to find lady and fuck

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I give nofap a 5.9/10



porn really plays into mental illness. it's all about power and control, and domination. it's disgustingly evil. it really is. it's not free spirited or any of that shit. it's bad. it creates bad ideas and mentalities. sadly, it is also part of a world of sexual repression, of some sort. i think we all want to gang bang, and get sex easily. porn turns you schizophrenic by creating a dual world and a split personality between murderous sex rampage, and normal daily self. sex should be part of your normal daily self. the kind of sexuality in porn cannot be integrated into a healthy daily mind, and inevitably leads to the same mindset of a sex addict. a sex addict can be a person who never has sex but masturbates constantly. the person has no reason to meet real women and come into contact with them. all they need is the image of an ass or the repetitious domination procedure. inevitable perversion. enjoyable scopolomania!


similarly, it can turn you into a power hungry sex addict who goes the other way toward narcissism and fucking everyone you meet. the kind of disgusting person, similarly.


next up is third stream, giving up pornographic sexuality for a healthy, integrated sexuality. masturbation is good unless it contains pornographic sexuality. to be sure: pornographic sexuality is the dominant sexuality of our times. the majority of people are part and parcel to this kind of sexuality. I vote to go to the park, be normal, meet people, and have healthy integrated sexuality that is anything but shameful, merely part and parcel to the experience of being human and having relationships. Sex is a joy, a very fun and good thing between people who may or may not have feelings of various levels. Life should be fun, we should enjoy eachother as people. Some people have different ways of doing this, such as Sasha Grey. If you are like that, you are like that, if you are not like that, you are not like that.



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We can abandon porn without giving up wanking I think. The latter is liberating, but the former is toxic.

In fact, I hear wanking is actually healthy, and reduces the risk of prostate problems later down the road.

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I´ve cut down my porn intake last year as well, I just watch some maybe twice a month. I didn´t notice any change about myself really, just that sex got way better. Which also reduced the need to masturbate lol


This is the number one reason to quit porn, though. Any other benefits are just a bonus.

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Any guys here who have given up the porns?

How'd it go?





I've been off porn completely since September 2007. Took me a long time to admit to myself that I had a problem. I quit cold turkey and I am a much more sane and fulfilled person because of it.

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Guest fiznuthian



Any guys here who have given up the porns?

How'd it go?





I've been off porn completely since September 2007. Took me a long time to admit to myself that I had a problem. I quit cold turkey and I am a much more sane and fulfilled person because of it.




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I think it would be wise to state that everyone has a varying amount of sexual urges.


One watches porn to masturbate right? The two are almost synonymous(masturbating and porn.). Masturbating is healthy but like with anything moderation is key. We all have access to porn through some means but we aren't all masturbating every free moment we have.


I'm pretty shy and introverted on my own. Circumstances have to be appealing in my eyes to approach a girl and before I can consider dating a girl I like to get to know her. Given this, I don't have access to woman in a sexual manner all to often, porn is there for me.


Having seen the video, I can't say I agree with the guy. At least going from my own personal experiences. Maybe for some people it is detrimental. But again, moderation. The solution isn't to stop entirely. Plenty of people consume alcohol safely in moderation, alcohol addicts on the other hand have to stop drinking entirely or risk relapsing,


I am pretty lazy, but I can't say that is from porn/masturbation as it is just how I am / having a lack of things to do. During summer when I was at the beach I pretty much stopped for weeks because I had other things to take up my time.



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I watch porn once a day. It helps me wake up in the morning. I don't feel like it really affects me at all, but I'm sure it affects other guys. Seems like a lot of younger dudes think that porn is reality. It gives them a very skewed view of what interacting with a woman is like. I think it's only dangerous for those that don't understand that it's all fantasy.


One of the things I like about some of the bondage/rough sex sites is that they have the interviews before and after. First of all, the viewer gets kind of a 'behind-the-scenes' point of view for a few minutes to see it's fake. Second of all, the viewer gets to see that they're real people with likes/dislikes and emotions. Personally, I like the interviews that have questions about their motivations and whatnot. It's interesting.


It stimulates my mind SO HARD.

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Interesting talk. The next one will help as well.


Seriously though, I'm nowhere near ED.





Found myself sliding my hand down my pants and staring at her tits about 60 seconds into this one.

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Interesting talk. The next one will help as well.


Seriously though, I'm nowhere near ED.




Jesus Christ I hate when Bayesian math is misused like this. You see the same thing in Creationists trying to demonstrate how mathematically absurd Evolution is.


If you go to beach and drop a pin in the sand, you don't say "holy shit there was a 1-in-500,000,000,000,000 chance that I hit that particular grain of sand" (or however many grains of sand there are on a beach).


Although technically it is true, it is highly misleading as there is exactly a 1-in-1 chance that this seemingly-miraculous event will occur.


[/nerd emo]

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I have the opposite problem, i rarely watch porn, i've always masturbated without porn ( i usually do it when im taking a shower), lately its been getting hard to imagine a sex scene worth masturbating to, even past girlfriends aren't working anymore (this coincides with my current recluse phase im going thru). The other day i put on a porn video and tried masturbating and it was one of the easiest sessions since i started having a foggy mind.


I've read about yourbrainonporn dot com and i think there is something to it although i rarely watch porn and i have all of the "arousal addiction" symptoms (probably more to do with the time i spend online, so its probably more about being online all the time rather than watching too much porn, i want to see if these arousal addiction symptoms occurs in someone who reads a lot of porn magazines but never goes online )

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