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LimpyLoo's 2,000th Post Celebration Thread


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First and foremost I'd like to say big ups to Jah


And of course none of this would have been possible if I had any friends or a proper job


(I blame my upbringing)





I'd like to Thank Joyrex and all the mods for being so attractive and talented


I literally couldn't have done this without you





I'd like to thank hard drugs for numbing the sadness that festers deep inside of me


Like bile that slowly erodes the esophageal membrane


Until the frigid hand of Death doth clutch thy arid breast


And deliver it to sweet Oblivion




And I guess now is probably as good a time as ever to announce my allegiance to Satan


(sorry Jah :sad: )


If being evil is wrong I don't want to be right





I'd like to thank RDJ


For providing meaning to this otherwise-meaningless Universe


At night I often lie awake


gazing out into the night sky wondering


what his hair smells like





And most of all I'd like to thank the WATMM community


which has shown me that


devoting your life to a bunch of bleeps and bloops


Is some truly depressing shit.







Praise Jah Satan,




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hey limpy, i know we dont see eye to eye on pretty much anything, but sometimes you say stuff that's funny. and i respect that

making a guy you dont know at all laugh is a power that a robot could never have

maybe thats why they envy us and know they must destroy us

and eventually will


also i have no life so in that way we are..

well, both losers i guess


and one time i gave satan my soul through an internet website, in exchange for money and hos which i never got


i guess what i'm trying to say here is, happy birthday loopyloo!

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hey limpy, i know we dont see eye to eye on pretty much anything, but sometimes you say stuff that's funny. and i respect that

making a guy you dont know at all laugh is a power that a robot could never have

maybe thats why they envy us and know they must destroy us

and eventually will


also i have no life so in that way we are..

well, both losers i guess


and one time i gave satan my soul through an internet website, in exchange for money and hos which i never got


i guess what i'm trying to say here is, happy birthday loopyloo!



Perhaps in another life we could have been friends


lovers, even

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Congrats to Limpy. Your posts are literally the only thing that stop me from killing myself on a regular basis.




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"*mumblemumble* goddarn newcummer, al dem pos's"


Enter Stage Right: members since '05:


"*mumblemumble* Goshdarn noob, bitchin' about amoun' tof udder goshdarn noobs' pos's."


COBRATS! :sorcerer:

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Perhaps in another life we could have been friends


lovers, even


OR maybe in this life we are actually alter egos of each other. maybe we are the same guy with a multiple personality schitzorder

and we post in here with dupe accounts

and have everyone fooled

even US...


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Perhaps in another life we could have been friends


lovers, even


OR maybe in this life we are actually alter egos of each other. maybe we are the same guy with a multiple personality schitzorder

and we post in here with dupe accounts

and have everyone fooled

even US...



Or maybe we were both put on this Earth


to annoy Kakapo


and to make his depressed frustrated life even worse.

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Perhaps in another life we could have been friends


lovers, even


OR maybe in this life we are actually alter egos of each other. maybe we are the same guy with a multiple personality schitzorder

and we post in here with dupe accounts

and have everyone fooled

even US...



Or maybe we were both put on this Earth


to annoy kakapo


and to make his depressed frustrated life even worse.


If you were a 13 year old girl, I'd find you a bit on the needy side. As an adult you're embarrassing.

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