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Guest disparaissant

my friend DID end up getting the car he wanted, so i DID just end up buying a 1997 jeep grand cherokee with lowish mileage and in perfect working condition for $500. super psyched to not have to take the totally unreliable bus anymore!

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my friend DID end up getting the car he wanted, so i DID just end up buying a 1997 jeep grand cherokee with lowish mileage and in perfect working condition for $500. super psyched to not have to take the totally unreliable bus anymore!

Thats an unbelievable price for a car. Hope you dont have to pump too much money in if it breaks down

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Guest disparaissant

yeah, the blue book value is 3 times what i paid for it, on the low side. also, my friend bought a $600 dollar sound system for it about a year ago, and left it in there. a sub, bluetooth, the works. sounds great, if a bit heavy on the bass.


the only work it needs is a new serpentine belt, and my brother said he'd replace that for a case of beer.

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i just checked my bank online and the government put 1006 dollars in my account, obviously a fuck up and i have to be honest about this but i'm just laughing and shaking my head. what the fuck...

maybe they were hoping that you'd spend it so they could crush balls ..

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Guest Sprigg

I just started my first actual full-time job with benefits! Pay's not fantastic, but 40 hours a week, 10 paid holidays and 2 weeks of paid vacation a year? I'll take it.

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i harvested my vegetables from holland! smells good in the bedroom hallway

Maybe it's just because you mentioned Holland, but I'm going to assume all of this refers to some sex act.

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beginner calculus question that's been bugging me...


Prove f'(x)lnx = 1/x...


= ln(x+h) - lnx

= ln(x+h) / ln(x)


= ln (x+h/x)*(1/h)

= ln(x+h/x)*(1/h)*(x/x) << change form

= ln(x+h/x)(x/h)(1/x)

= ln(x+h/x)x/h(1/x)

= ln(1+h/x)x/h(1/x)


Let h/x = s.




(1+s)^1/s for sufficiently large s = e


= (1/x)lne

= (1/x)(1)

= 1/x


tada =)

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i've got two private tutoring gigs this fall and both of these ladies approached me of their own accord. i'll be seriously helping at least one of them get a raise at their job if she can do well in her class. makes me feel good to know people think i can help them (and that they're offering me money to do so)... especially since I just dropped my own engineering class and was feeling pretty down in the dumps about my brain workings for a bit there.

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engineering physics iii (light/waves/particle)... mostly it was a combination of a lightning fast asian instructor/lecturer with very poor english skills, no recommended textbook, and not enough time for me to study alongside other obligations. it was a recipe for disaster, lol. sucks because the teacher was pretty accomodating, i just couldn't keep up with her, and neither could most of the other students. i truly hate "just passing" a class, it feels like paying for frustration, so i opted out and got a bit of a refund.


in general engineering courses are pretty tough (though that sorta depends on if you're studying mechanical, electrical, civil, etc), but i also say that with the disclaimer that i'm not an engineering-minded person...i naturally tend to view things more holistically, and the physicists' method of understanding the world feels very unintuitive to me. i love pure mathematics but the applied branch confuses me much more than any pure math concepts i've studied. i dunno. engineering might be easy for you. it's similar to comp sci in a lot of ways i think.

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Guest Sprigg


I just started my first actual full-time job with benefits! Pay's not fantastic, but 40 hours a week, 10 paid holidays and 2 weeks of paid vacation a year? I'll take it.

well done Sprigg. Nothing feels better than telling Fat Blue to fuck off.



Thanks, man! Seeing management's dumbstruck looks as I told them I was quitting on the spot because they treat their employees like shit and won't give enough hours right before my shift was priceless.

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i've got two private tutoring gigs this fall and both of these ladies approached me of their own accord. i'll be seriously helping at least one of them get a raise at their job if she can do well in her class. makes me feel good to know people think i can help them (and that they're offering me money to do so)... especially since I just dropped my own engineering class and was feeling pretty down in the dumps about my brain workings for a bit there.

what engineering class was it? I'm considering studying engineering when I go back to uni. it'll be my first attempt since my aborted comp.sci degree, not sure how engineering would pan out as a first choice in this situation,

there is still demand for engineers in oz. Depends which area you want to go into. If you were doing comp sci perhaps you're interested in electrical engineering and relsted fields which we don't sadly focus on much here. Do something structural and i can do geology and we can found a company to first mine the seas and then space. And my friend sam can design the robotic AI to help do it.

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Completed my first half marathon yesterday. 2:04:44 which I'm fairly happy about for my first one. And it was a lot more hilly than expected. Legs are feeling it today.

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electrical is indeed what I was thinking of, although it sounds a bit limited perhaps? I want something hands-on and practical which gives me ideas about how shit works and how to get into the guts of machines and figure them out/fix them. science-driven but hands-on, like.


edit: also I'm thinking about sustainability and would like to be involved in projects that develop alternate ways of doing things we currently do, especially in the energy arena.



that's awesome. you and I think very similarly - i've also been trying to work out what to study to get into the energy sector and in particular w/ a focus on sustainability & electricity. I don't think electrical engineering is too limited at all, especially if you're somewhat intuitive about comp sci/programming stuff. I might recommend trade school over universities though (that's the path I took and I wholeheartedly stand behind it. Maybe education is quite a bit different in Oz though, I dunno)...


at any rate, I think you should pursue this, sounds like a good, meaningful plan to me.

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I live across the street from a high school, specifically the gym and marching band hall parking lot. Last night, Phoenix taped a secret show. As luck would have it, I was on the other side of town at my night school class the entire time. My wife listened to most of it from our backyard. At first she thought some kid was just blasting his car stereo.


Tonight things were back to normal: my evening soundtrack was the marching band practicing the same 4 bars of horn section music.

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Sort-of-helped a lady stuck in a chinese restaurant today.


I was walking to a lecture and passed said restaurant which has a big glass door. Out of the corner of my eye I see a middle-aged woman banging on the glass with both fists, and stop. For whatever reason my initial split-second reaction is 'wtf, lady is crazy as fuck'. But there was another woman outside who turns to me and explains that said lady is locked inside the chinese. So obviously I walk over and the woman outside and I ponder for a moment or two what to do. Through the glass the lady in the chinese, who seems a wee bit distressed, explains that she went to the loo and when she came back the restaurant had closed (they open for a lunch special and close again till evening), and thus she is locked in.


There's a pharmacy next door to the chinese, so the woman outside and I explain that we'll be back in 2 minutes, and explain to the people in the pharmacy what's happened, i.e. there's a lady trapped inside the chinese and freaking out, and ask if they have a key. They haven't got a key but they do have the number of the owner, who apparently comes in there for his prescriptions. Cue several minutes of phone calls, after which it transpires that the number the pharmacy have is actually just calling the phone inside the restaurant, which isn't very helpful. By now quite a crowd has gathered about the unfortunate lady who's locked in and we go and explain the situation thus far. Cue several more minutes of idle pondering, in which we briefly wonder if it's a prank by one of those hidden-camera shows to see if people will be a Good Samaritan or whatever, before we finally get the pharmacy people to call the police and let them sort it out. I say an awkward goodbye to the lady behind the glass and fuck off to my lecture.


So yeah, I didn't really do much, but I'm sure there's a moral in there somewhere. She wasn't there when I walked back post-lecture, so I'm assuming everything worked out ok.

Kewl story
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electrical is indeed what I was thinking of, although it sounds a bit limited perhaps? I want something hands-on and practical which gives me ideas about how shit works and how to get into the guts of machines and figure them out/fix them. science-driven but hands-on, like.


edit: also I'm thinking about sustainability and would like to be involved in projects that develop alternate ways of doing things we currently do, especially in the energy arena.



that's awesome. you and I think very similarly - i've also been trying to work out what to study to get into the energy sector and in particular w/ a focus on sustainability & electricity. I don't think electrical engineering is too limited at all, especially if you're somewhat intuitive about comp sci/programming stuff. I might recommend trade school over universities though (that's the path I took and I wholeheartedly stand behind it. Maybe education is quite a bit different in Oz though, I dunno)...


at any rate, I think you should pursue this, sounds like a good, meaningful plan to me.





is "trade school" the same thing as an apprenticeship?



nah, but I'd definitely recommend an apprenticeship over any schooling! trade school = technical school = vocational school. two year education program w/o the frill of studying The Humanities, basically. I have no idea what the education system is like in Oz except that modey writes the algebra books, so maybe that's not a good idea for you.. but to land a decent job without sinking into debt in the US, trade schools/2 year programs are currently the best shortcut to success imo. i'm almost done w/ a program and am getting job offers that grad students are after, lol

Edited by luke viia
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