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stupid first world achievements and successes


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Guest jasondonervan

Just back from my very first beginner Japanese class (ie back to pre-school/kindergarten). We went through some basic greetings, and practised some Hiragana. I'm happy to report that my teacher is delightful, and I can already tell she has a deviously good sense of humour. I can't wait for next week's class!


mods(ean) pls remove my deliberation on whether or not to sign up for said class from the first world problems thread, as it is no longer a fwp ;)

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After 3 years of comfortably working part time I finally got off my ass to get a new job and change things around a bit. New job seems pretty damn cool, is in a completely different environment and I'm probably going to visit the offices in Vietnam in november. It's exciting, but I'm going to miss all the free time and over the top partying.

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Guest jasondonervan

After 3 years of comfortably working part time I finally got off my ass to get a new job and change things around a bit. New job seems pretty damn cool, is in a completely different environment and I'm probably going to visit the offices in Vietnam in november. It's exciting, but I'm going to miss all the free time and over the top partying.



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lol have to give you the old "it's not you, it's me" here, usagi :flower: ... i was about to post it in the FWP thread and realised it's not really a problem. there's a few contributing factors and i will list some of them with the aid of bullet points if i may...

  • i went on holiday (about 6 weeks ago now) and didn't miss watmm (or anything internet) at all and when i tried to come back it just didn't feel right...
  • it's no longer my internet home like it used to be... it's not the same here and neither am i.
  • i looked in occasionally and found nothing funny, interesting, stimulating nor any urge to contribute...
  • there's a few newish folks that post too much for my liking (of course there always has been). there's certainly no issue with regards to age (olduns v younguns).
  • my home life has been pretty heavy duty since daughter no.2 arrived and it's taking all my effort to hold things together there, meaning i'm mentally and physically worn out and can't be arsed with internet chitchat and tom foolery...
  • i spend the tiny amount of spare time (ie: time when i'm not working, doing up our new house and being a dad) i have sterilising equipment to make beer, making beer, reading about making beer, drinking beer.
  • i've got a problem with the donation meter rolling over 3 times in just over a month and still saying it's short of target. i've no problem with JR getting a few quid extra for his trouble but that system is fucking dishonest (as i've already mentioned publicly).
  • i may have misplaced my mojo. actually i'm not even leaving or anything... i just can't be arsed at the moment.
  • my :wang: is well and truly deactivated.

ps edit - no idea where jules is, man. he made the halloween thread recently. no?

Edited by keltoi
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lol have to give you the old "it's not you, it's me" here, usagi :flower: ... i was about to post it in the FWP thread and realised it's not really a problem. there's a few contributing factors and i will list some of them with the aid of bullet points if i may...


  • there's a few newish folks that post too much for my liking (of course there always has been). there's certainly no issue with regards to age (olduns v younguns).


I hope I'm not one of those newish folks (I think i'm like, a quasi-mid-un)

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have you ever missed watmm when you were unable to access it? i never have apart from when it went down. but like going on holiday or something, i would never think about a website. also, it always seems shit when you return because it is, but it's always shit, you just get used to it.

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have you ever missed watmm when you were unable to access it? i never have apart from when it went down. but like going on holiday or something, i would never think about a website. also, it always seems shit when you return because it is, but it's always shit, you just get used to it.

truer words..

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yeah. But then there's a new album or something that you're interested in and it's thread will be a buzz of cool gossip, and then there's a topic on genban which requires your opinion ... and you get sucked back in.


Take it easy keltoi, seems like you've got a lot on your plate now anyway. For a few of you this place is a distraction while at work yes. So you can get on with your non-work lives without watmm being a drain. Ultimately any activity where you are consuming content and not producing is time wastey and should be used in moderation. This generation is still a bit naive with the net, but then again over watches TV too, so perhaps we just fail at life.


In some ways, a place like this doesn't work without constant attention, updating, a rolling diatribe, with a number of theads that each member is actively engaged in simultaneously to keep them engaged and coming back.




So we need to use this place to do more projects together things like that. But then again, all that's going on is talking bollocks with your mates, and that is a positive life affirming thing too. And once IPboard V5000 comes out, we'll be able to go to virtual shows together, whilst sharing a beer. ahh those will be the days.

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lol have to give you the old "it's not you, it's me" here, usagi :flower: ... i was about to post it in the FWP thread and realised it's not really a problem. there's a few contributing factors and i will list some of them with the aid of bullet points if i may...


  • there's a few newish folks that post too much for my liking (of course there always has been). there's certainly no issue with regards to age (olduns v younguns).


I hope I'm not one of those newish folks (I think i'm like, a quasi-mid-un)



definitely not. more of your ilk around here would be a good thing.



have you ever missed watmm when you were unable to access it? i never have apart from when it went down. but like going on holiday or something, i would never think about a website. also, it always seems shit when you return because it is, but it's always shit, you just get used to it.


bad choice of words on my part... i've never missed it when on holiday but always opened it up automatically without thinking when i got back to work.


yeah. But then there's a new album or something that you're interested in and it's thread will be a buzz of cool gossip, and then there's a topic on genban which requires your opinion ... and you get sucked back in.


Take it easy keltoi, seems like you've got a lot on your plate now anyway. For a few of you this place is a distraction while at work yes. So you can get on with your non-work lives without watmm being a drain. Ultimately any activity where you are consuming content and not producing is time wastey and should be used in moderation. This generation is still a bit naive with the net still. In some ways, a place like this doesn't work without constant attention, updating, a rolling diatribe, with a number of theads that each member is actively engaged in simultaneously to keep them engaged and coming back.




i've mostly only ever been on when at work anyway, but even at work i just can't be arsed. + thanks.



lol have to give you the old "it's not you, it's me" here, usagi :flower: ... i was about to post it in the FWP thread and realised it's not really a problem. there's a few contributing factors and i will list some of them with the aid of bullet points if i may...

  • i went on holiday (about 6 weeks ago now) and didn't miss watmm (or anything internet) at all and when i tried to come back it just didn't feel right...
  • it's no longer my internet home like it used to be... it's not the same here and neither am i.
  • i looked in occasionally and found nothing funny, interesting, stimulating nor any urge to contribute...
  • there's a few newish folks that post too much for my liking (of course there always has been). there's certainly no issue with regards to age (olduns v younguns).
  • my home life has been pretty heavy duty since daughter no.2 arrived and it's taking all my effort to hold things together there, meaning i'm mentally and physically worn out and can't be arsed with internet chitchat and tom foolery...
  • i spend the tiny amount of spare time (ie: time when i'm not working, doing up our new house and being a dad) i have sterilising equipment to make beer, making beer, reading about making beer, drinking beer.
  • i've got a problem with the donation meter rolling over 3 times in just over a month and still saying it's short of target. i've no problem with JR getting a few quid extra for his trouble but that system is fucking dishonest (as i've already mentioned publicly).
  • i may have misplaced my mojo. actually i'm not even leaving or anything... i just can't be arsed at the moment.
  • my :wang: is well and truly deactivated.

ps edit - no idea where jules is, man. he made the halloween thread recently. no?


so life, basically. thas coo', thas coo'. it happens eventually, I mean you can't imagine yourself hanging around on an internet forum for the rest of your life.



aye i've had one of those life things for quite a while alongside hanging out here. i'm just weary. i want to lie down like the guy in the "just" video. and no i can't imagine being here for the rest of my life. that's why it's not a problem.


:flower: to all.

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After a year of so of gradual apathy I broke up with Pitchfork yesterday: unsubscribed from their updates on FB and Twitter and will now stop checking them daily as I have since 2005. I'll still check in their electronic and experimental reviews every couple weeks (their metal writers are good too) but that's it.


Seems trite but it was a part of my routine for over 8 years.


I had to let them go.



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Guest Ron Manager

After a year of so of gradual apathy I broke up with Pitchfork yesterday: unsubscribed from their updates on FB and Twitter and will now stop checking them daily as I have since 2005. I'll still check in their electronic and experimental reviews every couple weeks (their metal writers are good too) but that's it.


Seems trite but it was a part of my routine for over 8 years.


I had to let them go.


For the last few years I've only checked out Pitchfork every now and then. even though they still have their favourite artists & labels that they clearly agree they're going to push, I thought they'd eased up on their stupid 'statement reviews', but then recently I saw this: http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/18560-pixies-ep-1/


I'm not saying I like this release - I haven't listened to it. I just hate the way they express their disapproval through such hyperbole.

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What's ironic is I actually used to like that aspect of their reviews: they were either very niche and informative (this is still the case with some genres - metal and experimental especially) OR they were often ranting diatribes of extreme lauding or dismissal. When they picked "Best New Music" it was a surprise, now I always know what artist is going to get BMN and the typical "8.5" rating. So when I read a review that was ridiculous and hyperbolic like the one you posted, I would always go and listen to it. It was like a litmus test.* Now they promote (indirectly) artists for weeks and months and even fucking run cover stories on artists the day before awarding a glowing review.


That's the main reason I've given up. I'm not even convinced it's straight up payola but there's definitely a feedback loop of promotion and marketing intrinsically tied to their acclaim and news coverage. They have become extremely safe and predictable. Also, with FB and twitter feeds most of their reviews and news on tour dates and such are redundant to me. And hell, my knowledge of music is more broad, more refined, and more focused: I've simply changed too.


This observation of Zappa seems fitting: most of the old pitchfork writers have either left on or lost their edge. It's all too calculated now. All the good writers are usually contributing writers or guest columnists anyway.



*Some of their past reviews were hilariously awful (and since deleted) - (fuck I can't even find the parody video of the infamous Coltrane review...laaaaaaaaame)

Edited by joshuatx
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I have two FWA/S's.

The first, I replaced the crappy tape deck adapter I destroyed. I bought the most expensive one they had in the store, but it paid off. It hasn't ejected once, despite cold temperatures, and the sound quality is better as well, not to mention getting equal volume distribution from both truck speaker channels.

The second is a little weirder. A good friend of mine from S. Korea I met four years ago has a birthday today. But last year, I unfriended her on FB because she didn't wish me a happy birthday. But I later regretted it as one of the most childish things I've done in my adult life.
Anyway, I attempted to re-friend her today after nearly a year and she surprisingly accepted my request. I did it to acknowledge that I remembered her birthday and felt sorry I unfriended her last year. Maybe she forgives me after all.

As embarrassing as that second one was, I had to get it off my chest. Shit. What an awkward post.

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hah really, yeah that's pretty weak. You must have had the hotty hots for her for it to have meant so much that she didn't click the happy birthday post link, or like your birthday status.

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Just fixed my laptop screen by kind of noodling around in there with a screwdriver. For a dude who knows basically nothing about fixing stuff I have pretty good luck. I suspected there was a mechanical problem with the ribbon connectors and it turns out that kind of moving shit around in there fixed the issue. I feel 15% less worthless hooray

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One of the lights on my Volca Bass is dimmer than the others and it's annoying the shit out of me. Does it affect the sound in any way? no, not at all. It's just dimmly staring at me and mocking me.

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