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Shpongle - Museum of Consciouness


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Used to listen to Shpongle also and went to a gig once. But haven't listened in a few years. I'm kinda over with the whole psybient/psydub thing. It's the same stuff over and over and over again.

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Posford hasn't really done any psytrance since the Lone Deranger, too busy with Shpongle, Younger Brother and other projects. I wonder if he'll ever do a third Hallucinogen album. Hope it will be something different and not whatever is the craze now in the psy scene, haven't followed what the hell is going on there recently. There were plenty of producers who used to make good goa in the mid nineties but then went on to do formulaic full-on after the millennium.


Ordered this as I like Shpongle and they are probably the best of the bunch (along with Ott) in a sea of pale imitators. And the production will be top notch as usual.

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Reading this thread inspired me to put back on Are You Shpongled after days of trying to like Tomorrow's Harvest. Man am I glad I did. I really think it's one of the most underrated electronic albums ever. And as you say, the production is unmatched by pretty much anyone out there with the possible exception of Ae on Exai. Are You Shpongled is the sound of pure musical joy, eargasm.

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Considering that Are you Shpongled? came out in 1998 makes it even more impressive. It probably gets unfairly dismissed as "lol psytrance space hippy shit", but it is as you say a joyous listen and a classic by all definitions.

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that's exactly what happened with me and the couple of idm-oriented friends I had at work at about that time. I tried to turn them on to Shpongle at around the time they had started listening to V Snares, and they basically went "what is this bullshit hippy shit?" Whatever, their loss. I may not be so keen on their later excessively Terrence McKenna'ed stuff, but I'll defend the quality of Are You Shpongled? to the death.

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you guys hear the proto Shpongle project by Simon and Raja Ram, Infinity Project? It sounds like a more classic early Warp era version of the Are you Shpongled album. I think it would appeal highly to many people in this forum, possibly even Lump!

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nice, had no idea that made it online, i took mushrooms at this show and i wore a shirt that said DMT on it. At one point during SImon's set he looked over at me and told one his entourage to come talk to me about it, and then the guy just ended up asking if i had any DMT i could give to simon, and i said no. Great night though

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first is great!! third one good as well! didn't really get the 2nd and never picked up the latest one, that said, i too have a soft spot in my heart for shpongle. good, well-produced fun. Terrible, terrible artwork. I wonder if thats a requirement for all psy music - really just no fckin clue about visual aesthetics at all.

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I've always loved Shpongle and am very excited for this new release. My favorite album for sure is Are You Shpongled? although I like all the rest and have enjoyed the progression through the years. Have to give respect to the other projects as well, Hallucinogen has some legendary tracks and I have a special place in my heart for Younger Brother - The Last Days of Gravity. Shpongle's last album was good albeit different, and I particularly appreciated Storm Thorgerson's covers of Ineffable, which was a nice change of pace from the usual artwork. RIP good sir :D

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first is great!! third one good as well! didn't really get the 2nd and never picked up the latest one, that said, i too have a soft spot in my heart for shpongle. good, well-produced fun. Terrible, terrible artwork. I wonder if thats a requirement for all psy music - really just no fckin clue about visual aesthetics at all.



so true

I've always loved Shpongle and am very excited for this new release. My favorite album for sure is Are You Shpongled? although I like all the rest and have enjoyed the progression through the years. Have to give respect to the other projects as well, Hallucinogen has some legendary tracks and I have a special place in my heart for Younger Brother - The Last Days of Gravity. Shpongle's last album was good albeit different, and I particularly appreciated Storm Thorgerson's covers of Ineffable, which was a nice change of pace from the usual artwork. RIP good sir :D



totally agree

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