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Worst track on TH


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Guest crowndicey

Honestly, I have to say Reach For The Dead. Just doesn't do it for me. With all the talk about build ups to nothing, this takes the cake. I really don't notice with any of the other tracks because they're all amazing, but with RFTD it's like it STARTS to build up to something cool and then just stops. Most of the rest of the album actually hits a peak. Usually short, but still, you get your fix. I really don't know why they chose this as the single. Also, the sounds on New Seeds are not guitar. Well, maybe a few, but the samples at the beginning are definitely interference from cell phones coming out of speakers. Next time your phone is near a speaker and you are about to get a call listen for it. And the beats on Jaquard Causeway may sound strange if you don't catch the rhythm when the synths really kick in. It's in 3/4 time with a Waltz feel. But yeah. Reach For The Dead.

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Reach For The Dead.

Think of it as a pot of boiling water, noodles, and a freshly cracked egg, just dropped in. If you leave it unattended, boiling, the egg white will froth up and spill over the top of the pot, getting all over your stove top. You're gonna want it to simmer, and keep it under supervision. Maybe it's cooked just right, noodles al dente, egg solidified. No mess.

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Thread is allright ! Its interesting to hear the explanation why somebody dislikes a track !

The only track i dislike is Sundown because its extmrly boring and easy to recreate , i now it should be some kind of interlude but its soo boring,

and the beginning of Transmission Ferox with the strange resonator if my ears heard it correct.

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Guest isaki

It's funny how people dislike "Jacquard Causeway". It's my personal favourite so far. Really love that track. It's got the repetition going on, basically similar to another personal favourite of mine "Rue the Whirl".


I love the sluggish beat in this one. In my head it seems like someone is struggling to do something and barely succeeds, on the verge of failing. It keeps dragging on and then halfway the track when that little tri-tone melody pops in on the background is just nothing but pure bliss. Awesome track!

I feel just the same way


I don't know about "worst", I'll decide in a long while - for now though, I was rather disappointed in the intro track. the trumpet thing I like, but after that it's not as impressive as ready let's go or wildlife analysis. I think for an album that is best listened all the way through, the intro and outro are very crucial parts... (and the transition from gemini to RFTD isn''t the greatest imo) the outro track is great btw


edit: disregard that, my opinion will probably change after a few more listens

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cold earth. it's a shame cause the drum programming is nice, but the melody is just flat and repetitive. of all the tracks on the album, this one feels most like they're "spinning their wheels", though that is a disservice because it's not that bad

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This album it is pretty hard to pick (I could easily pick from Geodgaddi (Devil is in the Details) and MHTRTC (Color of the Fire). I do find Jacquard Causway's melodies a bit to shrill and trebly but relaly like the track when I'm not listening to it. New Seeds and Nothing Is Real are the only other tracks I can cast in a partially negative light. Palace Posy's payoff is just too good.

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I hate the tribal ending of palace posy


it reminds me of those stupid indie rock songs that try to take this tribal drumming plus children chanting angle at the end for dramatic/euphoric effect

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I'm quite amazed at so many people saying Causeway, how can you not like that beat! And when the synths come in over the falling melodies it's heaven.

I'm going to listen to it now ;)

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