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A thread on Henry Rollins!?


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Hey SR4, what's the deal? Trying to troll me by posting gogurts in all kinds of threads? Do you need to prove something? Got something to say? Want me to do something? Or is this about just being "cool"?


If you want to call me a dick, I'm open to hear it in a PM, or even a special thread. I'm not made of sugar. But please keep the gogurts out of this thread.

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He usually has no problem making smart responses. I'm guessing he's posting gogurts out of some passive aggressive disinterest. Or perhaps it's his attempt to start a new kind of Warhollian pop-art. Go-gurts! He might have an entire directory. Perhaps some unknown tumbler even.

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I barely remember a story about him working at a science lab, him delivering animal corpses or something or other. This was in one of his comedy routines.

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Honestly, he never really seemed punk rock to me.

Keith was way more punk, IMO.


I liked Rollins band when I was a kid, but now I hear it and think it wasn't anything too incredible.

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I'm imagining a new Quentin Tarantino movie which is called "The Americanist". A political action drama starring Henry Rollins in the main lead.


Please, someone make some calls and make this happen.

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Guest Starblazer

Rollins is great. His stand up is a great mixture of story telling natural humour and some well channelled aggression haha.

I was in London on a trip with a few mates around crimbo time, many moon's ago. Bumped into rollins and had a brief chat, sadly done the fan thing and got him to sign some fish net stockings for my ex lol. And went on my merry way. Nice chap, shorter than I imagined but still a bit bloody intimidating. I know he hates all the fan shit, but hey....as he said in the video...gotta take the opportunities when they present themselves :D

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Hey SR4, what's the deal? Trying to troll me by posting gogurts in all kinds of threads? Do you need to prove something? Got something to say? Want me to do something? Or is this about just being "cool"?


If you want to call me a dick, I'm open to hear it in a PM, or even a special thread. I'm not made of sugar. But please keep the gogurts out of this thread.


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