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So my ex-girlfriend just put a spreadsheet on facebook, detailing all the pros and cons of her past boyfriends


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Also, the idea that if someone meets a certain number of things you think you want/need out of a relationship, then the relationship will succeed -- that idea is the pinnacle of naivete.


For me, that was the main reason I sucked at dating, because I kept looking for some scene chick who liked autechre and Zelda, pizza, stupid shit that has nothing to do with what I need in a partner in order to have a flourishing relationship where I'm my best self.


My wife is unlike me in so many ways, but she's right for me and vice-versa. I didn't really have any idea what I wanted or needed out of a relationship until I stopped giving a fuck and was open to meeting whomever.


You might as well think, 'Well if I sit in church on Sundays, say my prayers, eat my vitamins and put a dollar in the collection basket, I've checked off all the boxes, so I'm a Christian.' fecalplam.

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Also, the idea that if someone meets a certain number of things you think you want/need out of a relationship, then the relationship will succeed -- that idea is the pinnacle of naivete.


For me, that was the main reason I sucked at dating, because I kept looking for some scene chick who liked autechre and Zelda, pizza, stupid shit that has nothing to do with what I need in a partner in order to have a flourishing relationship where I'm my best self.


My wife is unlike me in so many ways, but she's right for me and vice-versa. I didn't really have any idea what I wanted or needed out of a relationship until I stopped giving a fuck and was open to meeting whomever.


You might as well think, 'Well if I sit in church on Sundays, say my prayers, eat my vitamins and put a dollar in the collection basket, I've checked off all the boxes, so I'm a Christian.' fecalplam.


Word. Although I hate to break it to you, it seems there was a typo in your memo, you said "I kept looking for some scene chick who liked autechre and Zelda", it was supposed to read autechre and Zelah. Thanks to that mistake, you've now destroyed the universe.

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also mentioned how I wouldn't accept her for her spreadsheet-making self,


Her spreadsheet making self doesn't get interpersonal relations at all, otherwise she'd be using Access.

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But as far as I know she's pretty pro at using Access.


Why am I not surprised? Seriously, though,the spreadsheet itself + the contents speak for themselves. you're better off without her

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But as far as I know she's pretty pro at using Access.


I don't mean to intervene like the new member that I am, just wanted to say:


I read some but not all of the thread, and I thought "Aw, this girl must be troubled, and she needs a bit of positive attention to grow up a bit." Up until you mentioned her being a pro at using Access.


Dude, run. Run for your life.

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Is she doing a masters in accounting by any chance? Making lists in spreadsheets. Good at Access. It would explain her point on ambition as well. This can't be something in arts and/or history. Root5, you're not into accounting, are you?

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I'd confront her face to face explaining that its easy to find out which number you are as they are in chronological order. And tell her the 'abusive' comment has actually had a damaging effect on your personal life. Would it therefore be fair for you go and tell her friends some things she told you in confidence. I think not.


Question: why do people feel the need to waste their life talking such SHITE. I mean who really gives a flying fuck what she's looking for in a man. No offence.

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Is she doing a masters in accounting by any chance? Making lists in spreadsheets. Good at Access. It would explain her point on ambition as well. This can't be something in arts and/or history. Root5, you're not into accounting, are you?


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Guest Atom Dowry Firth



Is she doing a masters in accounting by any chance? Making lists in spreadsheets. Good at Access. It would explain her point on ambition as well. This can't be something in arts and/or history. Root5, you're not into accounting, are you?




oh kiss me cuuunt

oh kiss me cooooock



It's educational

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this girl is pretty mad,

my pc even crashed and tried to run scandisk !


she pulled out this dickmove, while she thinks she hurts some of her ex boyfriends by giving 1 the super highscore and point out private shit of the others,


this is so desperate but her standarts are funny - I even made 19 points, fucking love cats, dogs are stupid


actually what I read out of this is "I'm so desperate, the next one gets my baby, check my list", so she wants a bf asap and she#s acting like a slut to speed up the process.

my suggestion is to have someone that spreads the rumors about her being a frickin cold chicken

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Guest trananhhung

"No family history of genetically inheritable diseases.". Isn't that a bit hypocritical?


This is pure fascism, right there!


I have a type of degenerative scoliosis where my ribs, slowly, get deformed following the rotation of my vertebral column. Meaning, I have, for the moment, a slightly deformed ribcage which will get nasty when I reach an older age. I've dated so many people and not one person was ever disturbed by this. She probably mentions this regarding future children, but in all honesty she must think that anyone with any type of deformity, abnormality, diference!, should not have the right to live and be her child. She doesn't want to deal with the problem. We would be pretty fucked if all potential parents think like her.


Delete the facebook account and never talk to her ever again. What a terrible person!

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The bright side is you are the only candidate without any history of balding.

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