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who should play the next Doctor Who?

Rubin Farr

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He looks like a villian in the image for that youtube video. I do appreciate that it's finally a more mature individual though. I always thought that you should look up to the doctor, who's this kindly uncle like figure, gently and sometimes firmly helping those lower lifeforms on earth.

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As much as i like armando iannucci, i could not bear watching a show about office politics on the grand stage of actual politics. I was quite happy with Yes Minister/Prime Minister and didn't need to take it any further. Not to mention that i see those things more as dramas than cutting edge wit delivery devices. And i fucking hate dramas (that don't have animated characters(but they're usually doing stuff instead of just standing around moaning)). People being nasty to each other all the time is not at all my cup of tea, it's bad enough getting it at work, on the road to work, ..... you know what i mean.


This doesn't invalidate your interest in that program and film. ;-] Just pointing out one of my quirks.

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they're gonna alienate their fanbase with this. the only reason all those teenage girls watch doctor who is so they can fantasize about having the doctor whisk them away in his space-time machine. sooo yeah.

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It's nice to see twitter so united on their support for the man. And it's a bloody ace choice too (erm, not that I watch Doctor Who)


For overseas-ers, this is how he's best known over here -




(well also for being fucking good at acting too, but just more immediately recognised for his cursing)


i fucking hate dramas (that don't have animated characters(but they're usually doing stuff instead of just standing around moaning))

Buh ? :shrug:
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I'm chuffed beyond belief it's Capaldi - none of this youngin' wet-behind-the-years stuff we've had for the past two regenerations - hopefully Capaldi's Doctor will be more serious, mysterious, and dare I say "darker" in his determinations...

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I'm chuffed beyond belief it's Capaldi - none of this youngin' wet-behind-the-years stuff we've had for the past two regenerations - hopefully Capaldi's Doctor will be more serious, mysterious, and dare I say "darker" in his determinations...


Power plays in gallifrey, perhaps you say?

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Neil Gaiman is claiming a black British actor (I'm assuming Idris Elba) turned down the role before it was offered to Capaldi. although after his awful acting in Pacific Rim, maybe that's a good thing.

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Neil Gaiman is claiming a black British actor (I'm assuming Idris Elba) turned down the role before it was offered to Capaldi. although after his awful acting in Pacific Rim, maybe that's a good thing.

Gaiman seems (although unclear) to be referring to the prior casting, when Matt Smith was being auditioned.

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  • 3 months later...

Tom Baker to appear in Day of the Doctor. Sweet

Supposedly - Tom is crafty like that, and at his age, he is all out of fucks to give. Still, it will be nice to see him if true. Rumours are he may play a museum curator, or a patron a la John Cleese appearing in 1979's City of Death.

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