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Being sober, snapping out of your trend trance and realizing how shitty IDM actually is


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idm is shit, i've been working for more than a year now to open up peoples minds im glad there are more mature and rational people in here like me and you watkins.

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WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS (after stopping heavy use)
  • mild to moderate, non-life-threatening withdrawal symptoms occur after daily use in some users.
  • Withdrawal symptoms normally last 2-4 days, up to six weeks with long term use. Severity of symptoms is related to frequency and duration of use and individual sensitivity.
  • anhedonia (reduced experience of pleasure)
  • headaches, general unease/discomfort
  • difficulty sleeping
  • desire to smoke cannabis
  • slight loss of appetite
  • finding non-stoned life a bit dull, increased boredom (<--- dat one is of importance)
  • fatigue, lethargy
  • slow thinking, talking
  • stoned-like abstract thinking, impatience with or annoyance at linear thinking

Other than that, good on you for challenging the popular opinion! It smells like an example of Counter-counter-counter-counter culture





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this is not realising how shit any music is. it's realising that smoking weed alters your perception.

and not realising that you don't have consume drugs just cos you listen to a particular kind of music.

or listen to a particular kind of music because you consume drugs.

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Yeah, though I'm sure they're not serious posts.


agreed...exhibit A:




i cant believe people would actually waste their lives with this crap

im not joking you fucking prick, people like you are one of the reasons i hate this shit, cant stand it anymore.



fuck off douche

hey guys, i knew this was going to happen. not trying to start a flame war so everyone calm down please. this place is so ridiculous, cant even start a civil discussion about how one may perceive certain types of music. you are all very immature.

lololol didn't even see this.


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this is not realising how shit any music is. it's realising that smoking weed alters your perception.

and not realising that you don't have consume drugs just cos you listen to a particular kind of music.

or listen to a particular kind of music because you consume drugs.


I listen to music sober most of the time, and because of that I've had very visceral and intense reactions while high or drunk (for me drunk = nostalgia/emotional connection, high = sound and aesthetics are enhanced). I feel bad for people who put priority on the mind-altering first, and the experience and context second. Music should be appealing to you sober, if it's not don't even both listening to it on drugs.


(Also, is that why mediocre jam bands and club music exist, because the core audience is perpetually high?)


I don't understand the 'IDM' hate on this board... As far as compositional potential goes there really are no limits which is why it's trite to even refer to it as a genre. Sure, maybe it's not 'relevant' now but I am struggling to understand why so many people on an electronic music board are citing 'cultural relevance' as a hallmark of artistic validity. I'll admit that around 2000 there was an awful lot of reverbed white-key melodies with syncopated clicks going around, but any genre has its share of detritus which serves to buoy the best producers in the scene above the trash.


Good point.

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(Also, is that why mediocre jam bands and club music exist, because the core audience is perpetually high?)

I always see/hear this kind of music as cokecore, don't actually know the real name of the genre.



What the fuck is going on at 3:05 - 3:50. It's just an absolute mess ...

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(Also, is that why mediocre jam bands and club music exist, because the core audience is perpetually high?)

I always see/hear this kind of music as cokecore, don't actually know the real name of the genre.



What the fuck is going on at 3:05 - 3:50. It's just an absolute mess ...


obviously it's "the information".


or is it "the inflammation"....



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(Also, is that why mediocre jam bands and club music exist, because the core audience is perpetually high?)

I always see/hear this kind of music as cokecore, don't actually know the real name of the genre.



What the fuck is going on at 3:05 - 3:50. It's just an absolute mess ...


obviously it's "the information".


or is it "the inflammation"....




Goddamn, those ironic band names... "Joy Orbison"... FUCK THE FUCK OFF

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(Also, is that why mediocre jam bands and club music exist, because the core audience is perpetually high?)

I always see/hear this kind of music as cokecore, don't actually know the real name of the genre.



What the fuck is going on at 3:05 - 3:50. It's just an absolute mess ...


obviously it's "the information".


or is it "the inflammation"....




Goddamn, those ironic band names... "Joy Orbison"... FUCK THE FUCK OFF


He's been around 4 a while, just one guy not a band, he's actually very good most of the time

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Believe it or not, I visit this forum to find out about and chat about new and old music that I enjoy. Sometimes I visit threads on other topics. I generally ignore threads like this, but there seems to be a trend going on here lately. I don't care whether CharlieWatkins is joking or not. Either way, this thread is quite negative. How about considering starting a constructive thread, the next time you're in the mood for starting a discussion of a new topic? The world is fucking depressing enough as it is; we don't need this shit.

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(Also, is that why mediocre jam bands and club music exist, because the core audience is perpetually high?)

I always see/hear this kind of music as cokecore, don't actually know the real name of the genre.



What the fuck is going on at 3:05 - 3:50. It's just an absolute mess ...


obviously it's "the information".


or is it "the inflammation"....




Goddamn, those ironic band names... "Joy Orbison"... FUCK THE FUCK OFF


He's been around 4 a while, just one guy not a band, he's actually very good most of the time



^ I actually like that track, it was played with other bass heavy and good (imo) garage and dubstep, even though that vocal sample phrasing is a bit too off, reminds me of these dark tunes:





I don't think any of these tracks endorse coke, if anything it's the opposite. I think Sicko Cell is a homage to those more than anything. It was a notorious white label 12" btw - people didn't know it was Joy Orbison officially for over a year.

Edited by joshuatx
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(Also, is that why mediocre jam bands and club music exist, because the core audience is perpetually high?)

I always see/hear this kind of music as cokecore, don't actually know the real name of the genre.



This is the shit I was talking about and I think you described aptly



^I just put "EDM molly" in youtube search - never heard it before today




jam band stuff - just not my taste but it's ok, but seriously, major pothead following and it's hardly that amazing - just blues and rock improv




I mean, fuck, some of the most out there music has been made by teetotalers, Frank Zappa being a great example. Likewise the absolutely most dull trap and mainstream hip-hop is produced by dudes who smoke weed 24/7

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