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iPhone iOS 7


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It took me about an hour. When it was done, a ton of shit was different. I think this is Apple's most drastic design overhaul to date, since I can't remember when.

I'm curious what y'all are thinking about it.

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I kinda like it...

But I don't like that the letters on the keyboard no longer show if you're typing with caps lock on or not.

I like the new swipe up menu (I have no idea what it's called) where everything useful is located such as the built-in flashlight, airplay etc.

Can someone explain to me how on Earth it's supposed to be more energy efficient now that everything is white?


Ooooh, but I do like the fake depth of field on the home screen.

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I think it actually would look nicer without the rounded edges on the icons and I think the dock bar and folder icons look crappy


overall I think it is gorgeous though



love the swipe from anywhere on the home screen


like the little zoom in features


I wish there was a way to close all apps at once

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My whatsapp is all glitchy. And I can't seem to filter my mailbox anymore. Also the installation hung and deleted 20gb worth of music of my phone, so gotta reup all over again. Off to a brilliant start iOS 7.


Looks pretty though, and i like the way its organizing all my pictures for me. Too lazy to do that on my own.

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The keyboard changed the letters from capital to lower case and vice versa depending on whether or not you clicked on the shift key or double tapped to write in caps lock

I'm typing on ios6 now and the 'keys' always have capital letters on them regardless of the status of shift/caps lock. Am I missing some feature?
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The keyboard changed the letters from capital to lower case and vice versa depending on whether or not you clicked on the shift key or double tapped to write in caps lock

I'm typing on ios6 now and the 'keys' always have capital letters on them regardless of the status of shift/caps lock. Am I missing some feature?



Wait... you're right. Weird. I was sure the keyboard changed. Well, maybe it's just that it's harder to see if the shift key is active or not now.

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not an iphone user myself right now as i switched to an xperia z, but just installed this on my gf's 4S and am liking it so far...the control panel is nicely done and much needed although i would like to be able to customise what the control panel controls.

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i think the new look is a damn sight better than the web 2.0 bubble-gradient nightmare that was ios 5/6

Yeah, skeuomorphic design had it's heyday, but I think it's time things moved on. Ironic - we now have the colours and resolution to render highly realistic textures and simulate real-world materials, but now the trend is heading back towards flat abstract colours and shapes.

I like the new ringtones and sounds - finally sound decent and not like they were copied from an AOL CD.

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Yeah, Forstall was their UI guy - now Ive has taken over. Forstall also is the guy who royally fucked up Maps on launch (although I personally never had any problems with it).


It's been reported there's the old lock screen bypass bug in iOS 7 now - the new control panel (forgot what it's called) is the culprit.

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