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I am now convinced that capitalism is evil


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Zuck's brain will eventually get hacked and midway through testifying before congress, he will suddenly start speaking Mandarin. His eyes will glow red and milky cyberbiotic fluid will pour out of his mouth as members of the Senate furrow their brows and wonder if the party's really over. Unfortunately for all of those involved, this will not take place during a closed hearing, this shit is televised and the networks have only a few seconds to recognize what they are seeing and go to damage control with the reflexes of a cat on meth. Their excuse will be "food poisoning" and will inadvertently blame a locally black-owned business who doesn't even make food according to tha Zuck's strict cyborg dietary requirements. Smelling blood in the water after being alerted though his ear implants, Jack Dorsey leaves his zero gravity tantric nude yoga enema session to usurp the throne of Zuck. Drones hover outside the bulletproof windows of his remote compound, and when he notices the kale in his garden has been vaporized, he knows this is not an idle threat. "This must really be my chance" he whispers to himself, as his Tuesday lover, a Bosnian model named Dajana sprawled on the bed beside him speaks five languages, but not a lick of English, as determined by algorithm. Closing the shades and turning the lights off provides only momentary relief as he hears the front door to his expensively barricaded home slam shut. Jack looks in the mirror, and sees Dajana's eyes glowing red. 

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3 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

How were you able to read Kapital with that same attention span?

people don't read it.. they have it inserted.. into their anus.. sometimes stuffed in a condom first. it's a fetish. if you check pornhub you'll find it. usually, you can search for 'communist butt plug' and the Kapital butt insertion videos will show up. 

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23 minutes ago, ignatius said:

"Space Slaves" are the future. 


people act like im crazy for wanting to change the economic system to meet the needs of the biosphere and human population, then we got the actual bozos in power thinking they live in the year 2350 in star trek universe, as far as im concerned this dipshit needs to be sent to the nursing home

"space explorer" bitch rode his dick rocket into space with a cowboy hat, this nerd needs to be bullied into a depression

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46 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

people act like im crazy for wanting to change the economic system to meet the needs of the biosphere and human population, then we got the actual bozos in power thinking they live in the year 2350 in star trek universe, as far as im concerned this dipshit needs to be sent to the nursing home

"space explorer" bitch rode his dick rocket into space with a cowboy hat, this nerd needs to be bullied into a depression

it's obvious the whole system needs to change (burned down then something new) to be compatible with existing on the planet. regardless, if we don't change it it will be changed by climate collapse which will bring all the big bad things that humans won't know how to deal with for the most part. gonna be ugly. 

hey, but black friday is coming so let's buy some useless shit no one needs. 

the want vs need glass is actually a product now. 


Edited by ignatius
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7 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

and by nursing home i mean prison

No dude, the taxpayers pay for prisons. It's basically payed vacation for him, and he will be able to mingle with like-minded people. Let him work 12 hour shifts in a warehouse for a shit wage and piss in bottles like his employees had to. Or give him a shovel and send him to mineral mines in Africa. Or give him a hammer to strip rusty old ships in India. Or send him to a landfill picking out copper from old chip boards. Let him and people like him get a taste of their own medicine.



i think he's fundamentally right though.  there isn't room on earth for people like him

He probably meant that "elites" will remain on the lush, green Earth, while others will have to go offshore living in capsules, eating processed food and mine asteroids.

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12 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

No dude, the taxpayers pay for prisons. It's basically payed vacation for him, and he will be able to mingle with like-minded people. Let him work 12 hour shifts in a warehouse for a shit wage and piss in bottles like his employees had to. Or give him a shovel and send him to mineral mines in Africa. Or give him a hammer to strip rusty old ships in India. Or send him to a landfill picking out copper from old chip boards. Let him and people like him get a taste of their own medicine.


He probably meant that "elites" will remain on the lush, green Earth, while others will have to go offshore living in capsules, eating processed food and mine asteroids.

if there's one thing that truly, 100% requires communism, not just as an ideal scenario, it's mass migration to space.  no way in hell i'm stepping aboard a private space community.  it has to be communist, free and open source, built communally and completely socially open, it's the stepping off point and it requires a HIGH level of human consciousness to even be able to maintain yourself socially in a scenario like that, only communist consciousness will do.  and I mean that not just for those around me but myself.  I am definitely not good enough yet.  it won't happen in our lifetimes clearly, but future generations will agree with this assessment.

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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6 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

He probably meant that "elites" will remain on the lush, green Earth, while others will have to go offshore living in capsules, eating processed food and mine asteroids.


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16 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

people act like im crazy for wanting to change the economic system to meet the needs of the biosphere and human population, then we got the actual bozos in power thinking they live in the year 2350 in star trek universe, as far as im concerned this dipshit needs to be sent to the nursing home

"space explorer" bitch rode his dick rocket into space with a cowboy hat, this nerd needs to be bullied into a depression

Nobody acts like you crazy, you intellectualise the most conformist current view (reddit consensus). The truth is billionaires ride that discourse to their interests (Amazon, Google et al sponsor AOC), it's socialism minus economics for the masses, and separate conditions for the minority elite. Most of the so called communists are/were part of the elite beginning from Marx & the French, and now they just attack the real working class (which is racist, fascist, non-conscious etc.) for petty issues that suit the elite's interests. 

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13 minutes ago, Amen Lare said:

he real working class (which is racist, fascist, non-conscious etc.) for petty issues that suit the elite's interests. 

wat da fuck??? an educated european man from the 1800s was rich and racist????

now this is some very shocking information that i had simply not seen coming :0


also to edit this post - the words in the quote box are possibly the stupidest thing i have ever read if it makes you feel any better

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4 hours ago, Amen Lare said:

Nobody acts like you crazy, you intellectualise the most conformist current view (reddit consensus). The truth is billionaires ride that discourse to their interests (Amazon, Google et al sponsor AOC), it's socialism minus economics for the masses, and separate conditions for the minority elite. Most of the so called communists are/were part of the elite beginning from Marx & the French, and now they just attack the real working class (which is racist, fascist, non-conscious etc.) for petty issues that suit the elite's interests. 

youre an idiot lol

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14 hours ago, milkface said:

wat da fuck??? an educated european man from the 1800s was rich and racist????

now this is some very shocking information that i had simply not seen coming :0


also to edit this post - the words in the quote box are possibly the stupidest thing i have ever read if it makes you feel any better

That's not what he said. The elites do not want people to be class conscious so they inject weird racial ideology into everything so that people are less likely to unite. This is really basic knowledge for social democrats pre-2010's, by the way. In fact, if you are progressive and hate poor, rural white people because you assume they are all CHUDs or whatever, you are just falling for another version of the Southern Strategy. 

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On 11/16/2021 at 7:44 AM, Candiru said:

That's not what he said. The elites do not want people to be class conscious so they inject weird racial ideology into everything so that people are less likely to unite. This is really basic knowledge for social democrats pre-2010's, by the way. In fact, if you are progressive and hate poor, rural white people because you assume they are all CHUDs or whatever, you are just falling for another version of the Southern Strategy. 

well yeah there's no doubt radlibs chat shit with crazy identity politics instead of actually helping people who are starving or in war torn countries, that's the difference between anarchism/ "libertarian" socialism (which are all ideas and no action), and actual ideologies like marxism leninism which seek to help the working class.

goes without saying though that sure it's a shame that working class people in bad situations turn to the far right, literally reading a book or two would gain you the most basic critical thinking skills to show you that you're a turkey voting for christmas so my pity only goes so far especially in the USA where the literacy rate is very high and these books i speak of are literally free in pdf form on google by searching the title

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3 hours ago, milkface said:

well yeah there's no doubt radlibs chat shit with crazy identity politics instead of actually helping people who are starving or in war torn countries, that's the difference between anarchism/ "libertarian" socialism (which are all ideas and no action), and actual ideologies like marxism leninism which seek to help the working class.

goes without saying though that sure it's a shame that working class people in bad situations turn to the far right, literally reading a book or two would gain you the most basic critical thinking skills to show you that you're a turkey voting for christmas so my pity only goes so far especially in the USA where the literacy rate is very high and these books i speak of are literally free in pdf form on google by searching the title

But they'll still vote for Bernie, who did a pretty good job of staying on topic in 2016. He won the primary in West Virginia, which is coal mining country, lots of oxycontin addiction, and not exactly a place full of BLM signs on people's front lawns. 

Everything seems clear in retrospect. 



And let's not even start on the events of 2020, and every major news outlets' concerns about people leaving their house to get back to work during the pandemic vs leaving the house to steal and burn shit. No, those hillbillies didn't just want haircuts, they just don't have the option to work from home for Initech. Think about how much this pisses normal people off, they aren't too dumb to see it. Also, a national conversation that could have been about the economic issues of the pandemic got hijacked and turned into well... you know the rest. 

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