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Operator Acid (WIP)


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Hi everyone


This is my first post in the forum, but I've been reading for a short while. This latest track is a wip influenced

heavily by AFX's Analord releases. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated; I'm currently having trouble

with mastering tracks on Ableton (and in general) so they sound right, plus there's a lot of problems when exporting

tracks as well- I'll eventually figure this stuff out.





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Guest Tricktrack

Hello mechane11. The beginning is very nice and I enjoyed the mood of your track. But it kind of lacks a punchy bass and harder drums. It seemed that the volume is too low for those. You could also add a lead with a nice riff fitting the pad around 1:00 that could stop at 2:10 and come back at the end.

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i think it needs more dynamics overall (like, fuck around with the filters and envelopes on the lead synth and the acid) and the acid part needs to be louder in the mix. also could do with some breaks in the beat and perhaps a couple of fills here and there...overall though, reckon it's a good starting point but needs development to give the whole thing a sense of movement and groove.

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Nice track -its good enough to be picked up by a label

maybe don't use Ableton for offline bounce --look for a top quality super VHS or similar as a cheap analog mastering machine for your demos

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Thanks for the feedback- everything that has been mentioned for improving the track I have tried to incorporate. I should be able to get a new mix up on this thread soon, but I'm learning new things all the time about the mix-down process etc and I'm pretty busy at the moment in other places- shouldn't be more than a few days though. Changed the intro bass line to something that fits a bit better, and just generally changed a few things here and there, made the acid line a bit phatter and tweaked the bass patch.

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Mechane, it's a good start and i agree with everything that's already been said. Do post the new version that incorporates the comments. Not enough people do that and I think it's usually pretty interesting to hear songs develop.

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Your wish has been granted, coolandfrank! Again, the mastering isn't great- but it should be at least louder this time as I normalized the track on export- something I've never done before because I hated the sound of the word and was told it wasn't good for further mastering or something like that. Anyway- tweaked bass (with changed intro line), added fills, phatter acid line, generally improved mixing and melody added into the chord synths (I've got two different ones- the higher one has two note chords below the melody line). The biggest change however is the structure- as you can see from the length. All created in Ableton Live.

Thanks again everyone for the comments, they've really helped to shape the track a bit better I think.





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Guest Tricktrack

Nice bass line at 1:35. The flute sound could be a bit louder but that's a good track the way it is. Better than the first one in my opinion. You improved it a lot.

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