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A Forever Alone Dude kills 7 girls and himself and posted a bunch of creepy videos

producer snafu

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A kid posts videos in YouTube saying he's going to turn everyone into a mountain of skulls but the NSA are too busy compiling an excel spreadsheet of Idaho's porn viewing habits to notice.

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A kid posts videos in YouTube saying he's going to turn everyone into a mountain of skulls but the NSA are too busy compiling an excel spreadsheet of Idaho's porn viewing habits to notice.

*cues Prince -Sign O' Times*

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Talked to a guy last night who thought this whole thing was staged to put pressure on guns. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Pretty bad staging when half of the murders were via knife. But ye, guns r shite


Prob the worst thing bout guns is that they provide such an ez option out. Tons of rampagers prob wouldn't do it if they couldn't an hero so easily with a pull of a trigger.

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This thread is proof that discussion is a powerful tool for transformation of humanity.


We started with thoughts on a fucked up dude killing others, and somewhere along the line a conclusion was made about Ice Cube films not being funny.

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This thread is proof that discussion is a powerful tool for transformation of humanity.


We started with thoughts on a fucked up dude killing others, and somewhere along the line a conclusion was made about Ice Cube films not being funny.


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the last ice cube 'film' i allowed anyone to rape my eyes with, was the 'fam vacation' one. while wondering how a guy who used to rap about killing cops and contemplating on how he should handle the situation of possibly having got this girl pregnant, whether he should 'kick the bitch in the tummy' but then deciding against it because he'd go to prison, which, obviously is the only reason you don't do that, right? and wondering how exactly it makes sense that a guy like this was still championed by the left, along with all the other gangsta rappers, even though his lyrics should've heavily contradicted with their other pet projects such as grooming the feminists, and how exactly have they managed to keep that crooked house of cards from collapsing, but of course he's put on the fast track to a movie career, with absolutely 0 acting ability (besides pretending to be a gangsta, of course)


about then is when i saw him and his fam walk in the house from the SUV, fixed wide angle shot, wif da rims steel be spinnin' yo...

just walkin in all like 'ya, wut up bitches? das right, dey steel be spinnin. dis how WE roll, sucka, ya jive ass turkeys, yeah we got style, you aint shit, wuddup!'

even the heavy amounts of booze and etc couldn't numb that pain, which was magnified by looking around the room and seeing nothing but laughter, and followed by some serious life assessment.





spinninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (and they still are)

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Where there be smoke, there be a dry ice cube.





That made me imagine a really dehydrated Ice Cube, which was not a nice image. Like, his face and lips were peeling and shit...


I guess the point of that is that you can't fuk da police, when you're dehydrated. And back on topic, I suppose the "forever alone dude" perhaps had too much water.


All right just trying to get this full-circle back-on-track.


Fuck trying to ban guns- USA needs to BAN WATER!!! Statistically, 100% of all murderers of all time have been sufficiently hydrated to move in murdering actions.

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imo we should ban cell phones, cars (3x ppl killed by them in us compared to guns per year, significant % of those involved cell phone use), guns, medications (seems a common thread among rampage shooters), drugs (plenty of people killed by people on drugs, or because of them), video games (fps another common thread among rampage shooters), movies, tv, books (books inspired the uprising that allowed lenin, then stalin to take over russia, who then killed more people than anyone ever, in the name of defending the communist/socialist state from its 'enemies'), ideas, words, going outside, doing anything, and posting on internet forums


this makes the whole thing about usa being the only place this stuff happens, seem pretty dishonest

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imo we should ban cell phones, cars (3x ppl killed by them in us compared to guns per year, significant % of those involved cell phone use), guns, medications (seems a common thread among rampage shooters), drugs (plenty of people killed by people on drugs, or because of them), video games (fps another common thread among rampage shooters), movies, tv, books (books inspired the uprising that allowed lenin, then stalin to take over russia, who then killed more people than anyone ever, in the name of defending the communist/socialist state from its 'enemies'), ideas, words, going outside, doing anything, and posting on internet forums


this makes the whole thing about usa being the only place this stuff happens, seem pretty dishonest

There goes my day.

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great, delet and kakapo chiming in about women. even a nice dumbass post by vamos.


fuck this, I'm going on killing spree, sweeties.



Look, I understand that my post comes across rather irritably. I'm not going to argue about it too much, because it's not a very pleasant subject for anyone. I'll just say that it does bother me a bit that we take so much joy, as men, and as a society, in laughing at men who are sexually frustrated*, and even past that, why we like to laugh at things that are different from us. It's always struck me as a weak way of thinking and living, yet it is the standard way. And then people hold their candles to the fucking sky.


Either way, from here on, I'll try not to write without thinking about how I'm coming off. Just try to remember that you look just as stupid to me as I look to you.




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great, delet and kakapo chiming in about women. even a nice dumbass post by vamos.


fuck this, I'm going on killing spree, sweeties.

Look, I understand that my post comes across rather irritably. I'm not going to argue about it too much, because it's not a very pleasant subject for anyone. I'll just say that it does bother me a bit that we take so much joy, as men, and as a society, in laughing at men who are sexually frustrated*, and even past that, why we like to laugh at things that are different from us. It's always struck me as a weak way of thinking and living, yet it is the standard way. And then people hold their candles to the fucking sky.


Either way, from here on, I'll try not to write without thinking about how I'm coming off. Just try to remember that you look just as stupid to me as I look to you.




Just make some new friends, some of them should be girls. No need to be mad.

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Nice article right up until the end. What does growing up have to do with respecting other people as humans? This is something we should be teaching kids, not letting "grown ups" figure it out for themselves.

Otherwise though, he makes some excellent points.

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Thanks for the link. I quite like that feminspire site, tbh. It's a good way to be a bit more aware of the female point of view. (read: behaving like a sexist dick is mostly due to a lack of awareness which is implied by having a dick instead of a vagina. O, and hi, I'm a dick.)


Also good to know that May was Masturbation Month.

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