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what no Throbbing Gristle (and Carter/Cosey, Psychic TV etc)?


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Lobbed these into the forum search thingy and,,,,,,,what no Throbbing Gristle?


Chris Carter is a fuckin genius, pretty much pioneered certain sampling techniques & Peter Christopherson is a god imho for being part of Coil.


Equally, although i think the whole TOPY plot was taking things a wee bit too far in the esoterrorism realm, Genesis PO did some incredible music with Psychic TV. Temple Records pioneered British Acid-House, the Fred Gianelli gear has stood the test of time.....and i dont think you'd even have acts likes Autechre w/out this cluster of fore-runners.


What floats yer boat? Is it the tunes, the ideas, the occultism?

An anecdote - stuck in fuckin Southmead trauma unit recently gave Hamburger Lady a whole other level of head-fuck.......



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First three results (of about 10 pages worth) "Throbbing Gristle":


Throbbing Gristle - Reissues - We Are The Music Makers Forums
Throbbing Gristle - Reissues - posted in New & Upcoming Releases: Following the expiration of their contract with Mute Records, Industrial ...
Gen has quit Throbbing Gristle - We Are The Music Makers Forums
Gen has quit Throbbing Gristle - posted in Music Discussion: In the evening 27th October TG members and their associated ...
throbbing gristle - General Banter - We Are The Music Makers Forums
Page 1 of 2 - throbbing gristle - posted in General Banter: seeing as how coil has been a subject as of late, i thought id start a thread about ...

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I love TG, some of the most brilliant music ever


I found this interview fascinating




some of the ideas, and what they were doing - I just think YES!! THAT'S IT EXACTLY!!

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First three results (of about 10 pages worth) "Throbbing Gristle":


Throbbing Gristle - Reissues - We Are The Music Makers Forums

Throbbing Gristle - Reissues - posted in New & Upcoming Releases: Following the expiration of their contract with Mute Records, Industrial ...


Gen has quit Throbbing Gristle - We Are The Music Makers Forums

Gen has quit Throbbing Gristle - posted in Music Discussion: In the evening 27th October TG members and their associated ...


throbbing gristle - General Banter - We Are The Music Makers Forums

Page 1 of 2 - throbbing gristle - posted in General Banter: seeing as how coil has been a subject as of late, i thought id start a thread about ...



i think i musta used the search thingy incorrectly, but those are not exactly saturated threads

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was looking for a link to Chris & Cosey's "Sacred Silence", fuckin utub AND Throbbing Gristle's "Above the Below" isnt to be found either


oh well


Sasha Grey was on Desertshore,,,,,,,not really feeling that release


apologies moderator

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First three results (of about 10 pages worth) "Throbbing Gristle":


Throbbing Gristle - Reissues - We Are The Music Makers Forums

Throbbing Gristle - Reissues - posted in New & Upcoming Releases: Following the expiration of their contract with Mute Records, Industrial ...


Gen has quit Throbbing Gristle - We Are The Music Makers Forums

Gen has quit Throbbing Gristle - posted in Music Discussion: In the evening 27th October TG members and their associated ...


throbbing gristle - General Banter - We Are The Music Makers Forums

Page 1 of 2 - throbbing gristle - posted in General Banter: seeing as how coil has been a subject as of late, i thought id start a thread about ...



i think i musta used the search thingy incorrectly, but those are not exactly saturated threads


No worries - your thread did spawn some new discussion about TG, so it's all good.

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thankyou for posting this.



Fred Giannelli has made some amazing stuff. I met him once at River Gods in Cambridge, Ma.


My friend who introduced me said, "Just don't ask him about Psychic TV and everything will be fine."


But I had forgotten that I had taken a sample of a wolf howl off of a PTV album, so after we had played he said,

"Hey, did you get that wolf off of 'Electric Newspaper'?"

He was nice about it.


- http://www.discogs.com/Psychic-TV-Electric-Newspaper-Issue-One/release/168158



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have you been through the Temple Records backcatalog, Al? Some really good nuggets in there,,,,,





thankyou for posting this.




cheers ears, good find, and now the drums have kicked in too lol, grrrrrrrrroover,,,,,,


never get bored of Chris & Cosey's Pagan Tango & Exotica.....Andrew Weatherall caned a version of October Love Song for years that is pure unadulterated joy. Theres a gem of a Cosey interview on RBMA somewhere too. When i 1st heard the term witch house i thought how can something like this be bettered:



this is what i love about culture, how a writer like WB or Brion Gysin can feed into something like TG, which feeds into C&C/CTI, Psychic TV, acid house and the best electronica in the form of Coil.

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in the early 90's i went over to a friend's house with a bunch of blank tapes.

i made a tape that had "Love's Secret Domain" on one side and "Towards Thee Infinite Beat" on the other side.


Then i bought "Peak Hour" in '94.

The first album I bought off of the Silent Records label was PTV's "Kondole".


i like the "Live In Thee East Village" LP, the one that has the Jajouka music on it.

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What can I say? Big fan of all mentioned artists in here, recently found Psychic TV's Themes II and Dreams Less Sweet on vinyl (mint) in a second hand shop :) looking forward to Chris & Cosey's upcoming album too, Coolicon was lovely. Too bad I missed them a couple of months ago in Amsterdam, I really want to catch them live!





thankyou for posting this.



Fred Giannelli has made some amazing stuff. I met him once at River Gods in Cambridge, Ma.


My friend who introduced me said, "Just don't ask him about Psychic TV and everything will be fine."


But I had forgotten that I had taken a sample of a wolf howl off of a PTV album, so after we had played he said,

"Hey, did you get that wolf off of 'Electric Newspaper'?"

He was nice about it.


- http://www.discogs.com/Psychic-TV-Electric-Newspaper-Issue-One/release/168158


Doesn't suprise me people had to be warned not to talk about PTV around him.

I'll just flatout say it: Fred Gianelli is probably the most butthurt sad angry old man who never got over the period that gave him his fame. I was a member of a facebook page he ran (or still runs, I see now) that was about those who 'survived' to life with Genesis. Basically, it was him posting stuff about pandas and Courtney Love three times a day. He is completely obsessed with Gen to a really unhealthy degree for so long now. A lot of cool Psychic TV videos were uploaded by him too (as dangerfellini), just so he can rant about Gen in the comments...

Finally when he blamed Gen of being a pedophile, I left the group and left Fred a message about it. He apologized and removed the message. The guy has issues.

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Right, this reminds me to add a disclaimer to my above post: I'm not defending Genesis in any way :)


Fantastic video piece from Derek Jarman with soundtrack via Throbbing Gristle.



Cool, I have the 12" but I've never seen the film itself. Thanks!

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