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Can't Corbyn deselect MPs?


No, every election an MP has to reapply to the party to run again (usually a formality), the party can vote against them, the leader cannot unilaterally deselect anyone.


The party cannot deselect the majority of their MPs though, that would be ridiculous.


There are only three reasonable outcomes to this, either he resigns (or runs again and loses), isn't allowed to run again and splits the party, or runs again and wins and we're back to square one.

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who would you have as Labour leader, caze?


I don't really care, as I hate Labour. So I guess that means, someone less capable than Corbyn. lol.

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i love the way they don't give a shit about the huge surge in support for the party brought about purely by Corbyn. they are blinded by their own prejudices.


what huge surge in support? you do realise the party just had a significant chunk of their previous voters vote against the party in the referendum?


also: http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/14581225.Poll__Dumping_Corbyn_would_give_Labour__39_s_popularity_12_point_poll_boost/

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the man is a gimp


he had the entire Tory govt splitting in front of him and you need ruthless assassins to hammer the advantage in politics


Cameron, Boris & Farage were all lined up to be done, but instead of Anton Chigurh the country got someone who wears a Socialist Worker hat but does fuck all with the opportunity

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yeah i have no idea how the last two days has ended up with most of the press/bad press being focused on corbyn coup. its incredulous after what the two factions of tories have just done.

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he's lost the no-confidence motion 172 to 40, ouch. you can't deselect 80% of the labour party's MPs. either he resigns now, or he's an utter, utter, wanker. that rally they had yesterday was mostly made up of SWP members by the looks of things, so it'll be no surprise if he sticks around.

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Labour bench in tatters.

I give him until May then he's gone.


Ok so he outlasted my original (sceptical) forecast.


I actually hope he does get through this - a lot of people seem to like him, and in todays fucked up political climate, that is a good thing.

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So, the people love Corbyn, and Labour are doing great in polls, but the party hates him? I don't understand how this is supposed to make sense.

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So, the people love Corbyn, and Labour are doing great in polls, but the party hates him? I don't understand how this is supposed to make sense.


labour are not doing great in the polls.

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Oh. Really? Well alright then.


also, 'the people' don't really love Corbyn either, I mean some people clearly do, but most people seem to think he's a well meaning idiot stuck in the 1970s.

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yeah, he's fucked. i really like corbyn, its actually fascinating to watch the first politician ive noticed in my lifetime actually attempting to lead based on god morals, honesty, and compassionate policy ideals crash and burn, though i would say the fact that that 52 percent of the country just voted brexit proves this country is absolutely nowhere near wanting to vote for a left wing socialist. he wont ever get in power. basically fuck england. he would possibly do well in scotland though, except the scottish pretty much hate labour aswell as the conservatives.

Edited by messiaen
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most politicians would rather see the world an economy than a society. that's a bit sad.


what about people who would rather see the world as a society with a working economy?

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Labour had a press conference today for the release of a report on anti-semitism within the Labour party, Corbyn compares Israel to ISIS, momentum activists start handing out leaflets calling for deselection of 'traitors', one of whom accuses a jewish Labour MP of "colluding" with the Telegraph, she leaves in tears.



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"This morning, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism, I was verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a 'media conspiracy'. It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people, which were ironically highlighted as such in Ms Chakrabarti's report, while the leader of my own party stood by and did absolutely nothing."


"People like this have no place in our party or our movement and must be opposed. Until today I had made no public comment about Jeremy’s ability to lead our party, but the fact that he failed to intervene is final proof for me that he is unfit to lead, and that a Labour Party under his stewardship cannot be a safe space for British Jews. I have written to the General Secretary of the Labour Party and the Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party to formally complain about this morning’s events."

"No-one from the Leader’s office has contacted me since the event, which is itself a catastrophic failure of leadership. I call on Jeremy Corbyn to resign immediately and make way for someone with the backbone to confront racism and antisemitism in our party and in the country."



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"This morning, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism, I was verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a 'media conspiracy'. It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people, which were ironically highlighted as such in Ms Chakrabarti's report, while the leader of my own party stood by and did absolutely nothing."


"People like this have no place in our party or our movement and must be opposed. Until today I had made no public comment about Jeremy’s ability to lead our party, but the fact that he failed to intervene is final proof for me that he is unfit to lead, and that a Labour Party under his stewardship cannot be a safe space for British Jews. I have written to the General Secretary of the Labour Party and the Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party to formally complain about this morning’s events."

"No-one from the Leader’s office has contacted me since the event, which is itself a catastrophic failure of leadership. I call on Jeremy Corbyn to resign immediately and make way for someone with the backbone to confront racism and antisemitism in our party and in the country."





wait a sec, this is the verbal attack of anti-semitic slurs?


well, way to swallow that spin: https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/media-concoct-firestorm-jeremy-corbyn-launches-anti-semitism-report

Edited by Alcofribas
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wait a sec, this is the verbal attack of anti-semitic slurs?


well, way to swallow that spin: https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/media-concoct-firestorm-jeremy-corbyn-launches-anti-semitism-report



that article is bullshit. it also engages in the kind of conspiracy theorizing that the report complains about.


'jews control the media' is an obvious anti-semitic trope, one the report even calls out and tells Labour folk not to engage in, unfortunately the momentum activist does exactly that when he claims the Jewish MP was in league with the Telegraph. she was right to be outraged, what the fuck was he even doing there handing out deselection leaflets and questioning the leader about media conspiracies? it was a press conference about anti-semitism ffs. the fact that Corbyn didn't see anything wrong with what he said tells you everything you need to know really.


the misquote of Corbyn angle is also bullshit, the initial tweet (which was what the newspapers went with initially) about what he said wasn't 100% accurate (it left out 's and organisations'), but even when it was corrected, and a Corbyn aide said that he meant by 'self styled Islamic States and organisations' countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and organisations like Hamas (the latter being a terrorist organisation, like ISIS). It's still a ridiculous thing to say, as even then it compares Israel with Hamas. but I don't buy his aides explanation anyway, nobody calls majority muslim states 'self styled islamic states' (certainly not Pakistan), whereas everybody calls ISIS 'the self styled' or 'so called' Islamic State (google those phrases in google if you don't believe me). seems like an obvious dog whistle to the anti-semitic core of his grassroots campaigners. if he had wanted to make an accurate analogy he should have compared Jews and Israel to Americans and the US Government (for example).

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"jews control the media" is indeed an anti-semitic trope. but that guy just accused one individual of working with the Telegraph. you'd have to be really certain he knew she was Jewish and that he was making his accusation based upon that fact and not, as he said, bc he says he saw her receive something from the telegraph. He never said anything about a media conspiracy and she had no right to be outraged whatsoever, the most generous interpretation is that she was oversensetive due to the subject of the conference but the man clearly made no "verbal assault" and leveled zero "anti-semitic slurs." you'd like Corbyn to pander to this manufactured controversy bc of your bias against him. as I see it he spoke out quite clearly against anti-semitism and doesn't need to waste his breath on this petulant bullshit. and your outrage that that protestor had no place being there is irrelevant, people grand stand to preach a cause wherever the hell they'd like even if it's not on topic.


To a limited extent I agree with you that Corbyn backpedaled on the "Islamic states" comment but not at all bc it was a "dog whistle to his anti-semitic core" (although I'm willing to read any research you have on that topic). Unfortunately, conflating all Jews with Israel is a common tactic amongs Zionist and pro-Israel fanatics when they wish to deflect criticism of the country. If you follow the issue at all you'll be aware of this, it's a debate that's been going on for decades and there are books written about this "new anti-semitism." So at its core his comment seems to speak to this issue and debunk a premise that both racists and Zionist apologist share in common. Perhaps it's true that Corbyn is some secret anti-Semite who intended to make coded commentary of an anti-semitic nature at a public conference about the dangers of anti-semitism but somehow I doubt it. His analogy was certainly bound to offend people and perhaps your suggestion about the America analogy would have been easier to understand but in no way does it amount to a serious controversy nor was it anit-semitic.

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caze is interesting because he seems to put more passion and energy into posting about being 'anti' something rather than 'for' something.

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caze is interesting because he seems to put more passion and energy into posting about being 'anti' something rather than 'for' something.


when something positive happens in the world of politics come back and let me know, then I can talk about it.

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"jews control the media" is indeed an anti-semitic trope. but that guy just accused one individual of working with the Telegraph. you'd have to be really certain he knew she was Jewish and that he was making his accusation based upon that fact and not, as he said, bc he says he saw her receive something from the telegraph. He never said anything about a media conspiracy and she had no right to be outraged whatsoever, the most generous interpretation is that she was oversensetive due to the subject of the conference but the man clearly made no "verbal assault" and leveled zero "anti-semitic slurs." you'd like Corbyn to pander to this manufactured controversy bc of your bias against him. as I see it he spoke out quite clearly against anti-semitism and doesn't need to waste his breath on this petulant bullshit. and your outrage that that protestor had no place being there is irrelevant, people grand stand to preach a cause wherever the hell they'd like even if it's not on topic.


To a limited extent I agree with you that Corbyn backpedaled on the "Islamic states" comment but not at all bc it was a "dog whistle to his anti-semitic core" (although I'm willing to read any research you have on that topic). Unfortunately, conflating all Jews with Israel is a common tactic amongs Zionist and pro-Israel fanatics when they wish to deflect criticism of the country. If you follow the issue at all you'll be aware of this, it's a debate that's been going on for decades and there are books written about this "new anti-semitism." So at its core his comment seems to speak to this issue and debunk a premise that both racists and Zionist apologist share in common. Perhaps it's true that Corbyn is some secret anti-Semite who intended to make coded commentary of an anti-semitic nature at a public conference about the dangers of anti-semitism but somehow I doubt it. His analogy was certainly bound to offend people and perhaps your suggestion about the America analogy would have been easier to understand but in no way does it amount to a serious controversy nor was it anit-semitic.


I don't believe for a second that he didn't know who she was, that website you linked earlier even had a conspiracy article dedicated to her, every online comments section I've come across has quickly jumped to denigrate her as some zionist plant in the labour party, this is obvious common 'knowledge' to these people. And he didn't just say she received something from them, he said she was working hand in hand with the Telegraph (in order to undermine the labour party, that bit was before the start of that video you linked). That is a clear use of that particular racist trope.


The fact that you go on to complain about Zionists show you're part of the problem here. Zionism is simply the belief in right of the state of Israel to exist, this isn't an extremist position, and it's something that's enshrined in international law. Whether extremist Israelis use claims of anti-semitism to attempt to shut down debate or not is not the point here, the point is that many on the far-left really are anti-semitic, believing in all kinds of ridiculous conspiracy theories about jews and their plans for world domination. Groups like Momentum and the SWP are full of these people, and they're currently doing their best to infiltrate the Labour party.

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