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Attention K-Mart Shoppers

Guest skibby

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i feel like the late 80's / early 90's were more of their own decade than just "the 80's" or "the 90's", i think it's just easier for us to assume trends span exactly ten years or whatever leads to the assumption. obviously this is just speculation but I am quite interested in modern history, especially pop culture.


also i posted this in the vape thread already but here's a quick choon i did with something i picked out of these tapes


i dunno how old you are but at the time i was like 6 & in my world there was a clear line drawn and anything that was deemed as too 80s was dismissed..including consumerism, florescent shell-suits, germany, gated snare drums,etc. but yeah, now it seems almost exactly the same


edit: but with these tapes all ive heard so far is 70s music,with 90s ones getting bit more 80s

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Gave one of the tapes a listen as I was studying earlier today, so much early 90's nostalgia that I wanted to go home throw on a neon t-shirt slip on some Zubaz, pour a big bowl of some licensed movie cereal and watch classic saturday morning cartoons... (I didn't though, I went to work instead). But seriously, it's amazing how much of an audio time capsule these are.

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so what do you do? close your eyes and pretend you are at K-mart?


k-mart in the late 80's, i'm imagining the half arsed t-shirt designs already in the boys section, the unusual clothing on the shoppers (even though i existed then, at the time i found what they were wearing odd, strange, diabolical).


nwae, samples samples samples.

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we gonna become so godlike so fast that at one point we will become so confused and scared of this next level of existence that we will yearn for simpler days when we spent hours and hours browsing a shitty supermarket with below par products. It makes sense, people who entertain simulation theory think this is what is happening to us, that we are godlike entities experiencing a more simple lifestyfe tru virtual reality.


Personaly i think if we ever get to that point we will recreate our time as hunter and gatheters rather than k-mart shoppers.

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