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Blank would be a good mod. Definitely the most peaceful and calmest dragon on the block. We'd all benefit from his influence.


Bunkum is another candidate for all round good vibes. Just mellow fellows with no axe to grind. Cool characters watching over the stormy waters of watmm.


Beer beginning to talk.....and I'm signing off for the evening :beer:

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Lots of shit being thrown but I feel it is disingenuous for the people who are saying it is "just a forum." This site has been around since the first dot.com bubble and its obvious that there is a caring community that has built up and evolved that people have both been raised on and grew up in, otherwise it would gone the way of digg.com or slashdot.org and sold out to ads a long time ago. WATMMSs greatest strength is the rabidness of the people here being unified under a common musical interest in electronic music and the integrity of Joyrex keeping this site going that has allowed it to survive. Even the people who view it as a place to browse infrequently for news or escape from mainstream media have some investment into it

Taking all of this into account I think it is very important for everyone to keep an open mind that if a moderator is stifling open dialogue with fringe rhetoric leading to dogmatic opinions that don't lead themselves up for argument. It becomes about control rather than enforcement of rules. Delet is a longstanding member of the community and I am glad that he still around, but there should be a review of all the moderators here if there is enough virol and frustration for users that it is causing disruption to where we are having an open discourse on it.

Also n'thing the Herr Jan - "Make WATMM Great Again" presidential campaign.

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Presumably that dolphin is dancing on a gothican Greek style structure that's in the middle of the ocean. 0nly way the tide could go up and down like that is if the moon was somehow teleporting to and frow. 100,000 miles closer to the earth and then back again in the space of 2 seconds. Not possible.

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Blank would be a good mod. Definitely the most peaceful and calmest dragon on the block. We'd all benefit from his influence.


No, he's too reasonable. Also he goes back and edit's his post, a mod needs to have the courage to stand by his convictions. Expecting a statement from delet soon, this is the longest he's been away (must be on a nightwalk, what time is it in central Australia?, heh), he has to make a public statement, I think he's been lurking but planning a prepared speech. It'll be like a press conference where he addresses his detractors. I want to know what he thinks of the suggestion that he is suffering from some kind of psychosis from being a white man in Oz. If he feels that his genetics aren't right for the southern hemisphere we need a kickstarter to fly him north and live in Europe or Russia and see how he adapts.

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I've been pretty fed up with this place lately and it's not delet...'s fault. We're all assholes with nothing worthwhile to say. I used to enjoy lurking here, reading entertaining and insightful posts, but now I'm just here out of habit and a problem with procrastination. I think I'm out. You all suck and I suck and I love you but you're fucking retarded and I'm too old for this shit. Goodbye all, see you in an hour.

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I've been pretty fed up with this place lately and it's not delet...'s fault. We're all assholes with nothing worthwhile to say. I used to enjoy lurking here, reading entertaining and insightful posts, but now I'm just here out of habit and a problem with procrastination. I think I'm out. You all suck and I suck and I love you but you're fucking retarded and I'm too old for this shit. Goodbye all, see you in an hour.

The WATMM dance of Shiva

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phling - if you have a problem with the frequency of delet's posts, best place to do it would have probably been in PM first.


As to delet's and rubin farr's posting vs the moderator status - the important bit is them moderating according to the rules and general social compact of the place.

The content of their posts has no bearing on their moderator status (unless they start breaking the rules). If they abuse their moderator power, that of course is also something that would warrant attention. Neither of them have done that (to the best of my knowledge).



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I'll chime in here since some have asked a few questions directed at me:


First off, I echo completely what ChenGOD said in his closing post, and any issues anyone has with anybody on here should be addressed via a PM, not a public discussion. Put yourself in Delet's place - would you like coming to the forum finding a thread about you, with mostly hurtful accusations?


Of course not. Nobody would. Just because he is a mod does not make him immune to the respect we should be showing one another.


Some asked if Mods can be ignored - no, and even if there was a way, I wouldn't do it - the mods are the authority here, whether you personally disagree with it or not. They are not elected, they are chosen by me, although I do sometimes solicit opinions from the other Mods since they need to work together.


As for the number of posts Delet has - he's been here as long as I have been running the site - some folks join date (like ChenGOD) don't accurately reflect their tenure here, as many of the Mods have been around since I started doing this back in the joyrex.com days. Considering how many forum iterations we've gone through in the past until this period of stability, the post counts for these longtime members should probably be much higher.


So, to reiterate - if you have a problem with anybody on the forum, be it me, a mod, a fellow member - please PM me, or if you wish, PM directly that person you have an issue with and attempt to work things out. It's ironic that in a medium where we have the ability to clearly communicate, we do the exact opposite sometimes.

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