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the watmm GAS thread


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this will always keep happening innit? I got the field kit, was gasing for the thyme but this seems like a similar but more viable fx solution for my setup... should I do it? iunno, I have barely made any music as of late anyway... this synth world is terrifying

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So I finally ordered a Korg Monologue.

Hell yeah. Great little synth.


So the OT OS update w/ trig conditions just dropped a couple days after I got my ND2... there goes my weekend!



Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the ND2, by the way.  That's one of those things I've wished I had for years but never quite enough to pay the normal used price.  I was hoping the ND3 would push the price down but it hasn't really changed much, I guess they're going to be one of those things that doesn't have a cheap phase.

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Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the ND2, by the way. That's one of those things I've wished I had for years but never quite enough to pay the normal used price.

Same here. I saw an opening and snatched it up fast because I doubt they'll get cheaper.


So far it's fantastic. Easily the smoothest multitimbral flow I've worked with. Sounds great, tons to play with, and a lot of the oscillator models are actually pretty interesting.

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It seems like a really cool synth, I've been really tempted to get one but I need something comparably small with a x0x style sequencer and more hands on controlso I'm going with the tanzmaus (a week from today I'll have the money for it). I'm using an Octatrack as the hub of my rig now instead of the MPC2kxl I was using for years and it's great but I don't want to use it for drum probramming because the track count is so limited.  8 tracks is nothing when it comes to drum programming, I'm used to using a minimum of 4 tracks for snare alone, although the new firmware mitigates that a bit since you can get a lot more variety out of a single track now.  But still, I know the workflow I want and it requires a separate sequencer for drums.

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this will always keep happening innit? I got the field kit, was gasing for the thyme but this seems like a similar but more viable fx solution for my setup... should I do it? iunno, I have barely made any music as of late anyway... this synth world is terrifying


I got the e-mail too since I have the field kit, looked at the thing for 1 minute, then closed everything before I could read enough for any GAS to materialize. Because it of course sounds really good, with delays and stuff and I distinctly remember the word "sequencer". I'm afraid to click the link now, I already have a huuuuge expense on the way since I finally decided that it's time to replace my 8 year old laptop and my phone (which I used for TouchOSC) is also shitting itself. 


And I as well have made little music recently, instead spending the time messing around with trying to get my workflow in order. I have been told that I was much more productive when I didn't have all this gear around and they're probably right. So I'll get my new lappy, new audio interface (because new lappy no longer has firewire) and see where to go from there. Probably I'll get a Behringer XTouch Mini as well. But that'll be the LAST thing I buy, promise.

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So I finally ordered a Korg Monologue.

I'm curious how it goes. I've had GAS for this since that stupid Aphex demo. And by stupid I mean amazing.

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It seems like a really cool synth, I've been really tempted to get one but I need something comparably small with a x0x style sequencer and more hands on controlso I'm going with the tanzmaus (a week from today I'll have the money for it). I'm using an Octatrack as the hub of my rig now instead of the MPC2kxl I was using for years and it's great but I don't want to use it for drum probramming because the track count is so limited. 8 tracks is nothing when it comes to drum programming, I'm used to using a minimum of 4 tracks for snare alone, although the new firmware mitigates that a bit since you can get a lot more variety out of a single track now. But still, I know the workflow I want and it requires a separate sequencer for drums.

It might not be for you, then, because there's obviously no sequencer and only 6 voices. Each voice has a noise, tone, and click, though, and just the right number of params imo. This is great for me - that kind of malleability is way more interesting to me than polyphony. You can really mutate them to your heart's content.
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8 tracks is nothing when it comes to drum programming

This kind of thinking makes me glad I've spent the past few years writing on a gameboy. It really helps you get good at channel economy.. that said though whenever I compose in Renoise, I'll make a new track just for a one-off sound just because I can lol

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8 tracks is nothing when it comes to drum programming

This kind of thinking makes me glad I've spent the past few years writing on a gameboy. It really helps you get good at channel economy..

Yeah this. I'm an unrepentant gear whore but I've always kept one foot in the chip/cheap world and I can't imagine *needing* X number of tracks. Fuck it, stuff all the drums on one track!

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this will always keep happening innit? I got the field kit, was gasing for the thyme but this seems like a similar but more viable fx solution for my setup... should I do it? iunno, I have barely made any music as of late anyway... this synth world is terrifying


I got the e-mail too since I have the field kit, looked at the thing for 1 minute, then closed everything before I could read enough for any GAS to materialize. Because it of course sounds really good, with delays and stuff and I distinctly remember the word "sequencer". I'm afraid to click the link now, I already have a huuuuge expense on the way since I finally decided that it's time to replace my 8 year old laptop and my phone (which I used for TouchOSC) is also shitting itself. 


And I as well have made little music recently, instead spending the time messing around with trying to get my workflow in order. I have been told that I was much more productive when I didn't have all this gear around and they're probably right. So I'll get my new lappy, new audio interface (because new lappy no longer has firewire) and see where to go from there. Probably I'll get a Behringer XTouch Mini as well. But that'll be the LAST thing I buy, promise.


man i feel ya, myself as a student im not sure i should be burning money on this stuff but ugh.... (although I do have the money to burn)


9 days for it to be backed guys, help a dumb boi.. should i back this? should I buy the thyme instead? (thinking of getting an FX processor that is) or should I sell everything, and stick do doin music on the fl stuyoo (like when i actually made music)


edit: speaking about the thyme...

Edited by MIXL2
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Ableton Live 10 announced this morning. A few decent things (Wavetable and Echo both sound nice), lots of small workflow improvements, cleaner UI, etc. Good thing is it's not a must-have sort of release yet for me, from all I've seen...isn't actually going to be out til 2018 anyway, but it looks like something I can wait to move on to later when money is better and all.


I'm very surprised they didn't release any new hardware, though.

Edited by auxien
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this will always keep happening innit? I got the field kit, was gasing for the thyme but this seems like a similar but more viable fx solution for my setup... should I do it? iunno, I have barely made any music as of late anyway... this synth world is terrifying


I got the e-mail too since I have the field kit, looked at the thing for 1 minute, then closed everything before I could read enough for any GAS to materialize. Because it of course sounds really good, with delays and stuff and I distinctly remember the word "sequencer". I'm afraid to click the link now, I already have a huuuuge expense on the way since I finally decided that it's time to replace my 8 year old laptop and my phone (which I used for TouchOSC) is also shitting itself. 


And I as well have made little music recently, instead spending the time messing around with trying to get my workflow in order. I have been told that I was much more productive when I didn't have all this gear around and they're probably right. So I'll get my new lappy, new audio interface (because new lappy no longer has firewire) and see where to go from there. Probably I'll get a Behringer XTouch Mini as well. But that'll be the LAST thing I buy, promise.


man i feel ya, myself as a student im not sure i should be burning money on this stuff but ugh.... (although I do have the money to burn)


9 days for it to be backed guys, help a dumb boi.. should i back this? should I buy the thyme instead? (thinking of getting an FX processor that is) or should I sell everything, and stick do doin music on the fl stuyoo (like when i actually made music)


edit: speaking about the thyme...




Personally, I would go for Thyme since it's a really in-depth, dedicated delay.

Being able to control the pitch through MIDI gets me really excited.

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Without hearing the end product it's hard to tell but to me 4 tracks just for a snare drum says you've not got the right samples/setup to get the right end result, at least not efficiently.  Then again snares have never been my forté.  

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Without hearing the end product it's hard to tell but to me 4 tracks just for a snare drum says you've not got the right samples/setup to get the right end result, at least not efficiently.  Then again snares have never been my forté.  


I actually don't tend to layer samples at all (in fact as often as not I don't even use samples), what I do is I'll play in a simple snare pattern (occasionally quantized, usually not) and then play different embellishments over it on other tracks, so that I can get a bunch of variation out of a single pattern by muting and unmuting tracks on the fly, not much different from playing faders in a traditional dub mix really.  That's not the way the OT is designed to work, it's more like a tracker than a traditional sequencer, but for me personally that has advantages and disadvantages, and it's definitely harder to improvise variations in a single pattern with only 8 tracks.

Also having two different sequencers interacting with each other opens up a ton of possibilities, especially now tat the OT can use trig conditions to semi-generatively manipulate parameters on the drum machine, whether it's muting and unmuting individual voiced or adjusting parameters - especially in the case of the Tanzmaus, since it also has parameter locks and per-track pattern length.


Ideally I'd be able to preform an entire 30-45 minute set (that's the usual length of sets around here, not really long enough for my taste but that's what we do) with only one or two patterns.

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So now I've got my new laptop, which of course looks & works like a dream (for the price I paid it fucking better, though). However it's got no FW port for my aging Saffire LE and this means it's GAS for new audio interface time.


I've found a Tascam US-1800 on CL for an OK price. It seems it's got enough ins and outs for patching all my gear so far. Bonus for having enough ins to record drums as well, which I might even have an use for.


On the other hand, there's also an Apollo Twin (for 4x the price of the Tascam), which supposedly has amazing preamps and would force me to downsize my setup, which I kind of find appealing because it seems I am more productive with less stuff and I like it when I can put my stuff in my backpack.


And finally, the non-GAS option is to make some use of the shit I have lying around: a bass multieffects pedal with builtin USB interface, a Behringer UCA200-something and the Koma Field Kit.

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