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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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trump accused of raping 13 year old girl in federal lawsuit




The suit alleges Trump and Epstein lured the then 13-year-old and several other young women to the parties with promises of modeling careers and cash.

According to the allegations, Trump tied her to a bed and exposed himself and raped her, while ignoring her pleas to stop. The suits states Trump “responded … by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.”

If this is true, it's one more reason that barring him from ever getting into the White House is a moral obligation. Not that I'm defending HRC at all.

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trump accused of raping 13 year old girl in federal lawsuit




The suit alleges Trump and Epstein lured the then 13-year-old and several other young women to the parties with promises of modeling careers and cash.

According to the allegations, Trump tied her to a bed and exposed himself and raped her, while ignoring her pleas to stop. The suits states Trump “responded … by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.”

If this is true, it's one more reason that barring him from ever getting into the White House is a moral obligation. Not that I'm defending HRC at all.



i just want to hear him make a statement about it. "look.. i know what rape is better than anyone. .i'm the best at knowing about rape... "

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skeptical. i think the republicans want him out more than the dems and they can be quite ruthless. im actually surprised he hasnt been shot. ..by the republicans

Edited by marf
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skeptical. i think the republicans want him out more than the dems and they can be quite ruthless. im actually surprised he hasnt been shot. ..by the republicans


Before this election cycle started, I thought near the same. But seeing how shoddily it's all been handled by the RNC, the longtime Republican politicians, the fucking laughable field of candidates, and most shockingly the wealthy R elite, it's quite obvious that the party is in far worse shape than anyone thought. It may not be bad enough to rip them apart into neu-Republicans/TeaPartyFools, but it's fucking close. The fallout from the devastating loss, and how they handle it especially if they lose their grip on the houses of Congress (not too likely, but who knows with this cycle), will be a funny funny shitshow.

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I haven't really been keeping up on this stuff but from under my rock all the evidence seems to point to the GOP being in pretty damn tough shape. Their relevance hit critical mass with the tea party (which Palin led up to before that, and Bush before that...) and that sowed the seeds of the major identity crisis they're in now. On the dem side it doesn't seem like as big a deal for that political community since real liberal looks a lot more like Sanders even though the party darlings have been Republican-lite for a long time.

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skeptical. i think the republicans want him out more than the dems and they can be quite ruthless. im actually surprised he hasnt been shot. ..by the republicans


true..they do. .a big reason is because of the fund raising issue. usually.. the nominee of the party raises money not just for the presidential race but for all the candidates up for re-election on the same ticket. so, the party is losing out on YUGE amounts of contributions because trump is not doing any real fund raising. he's saying he'll fund his campaign for the rest of the election which means this will continue.


so, he's sort of saying "rally around me or drown".. either that or (get your tinfoil hat) this is just all part of the plan by the clinton machine and trump is a plant helping drain funds from the republicans to give the dems an advantage.

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Yeah, the GOP doesn't know what the fuck it's doing anymore. It's trying to grasp onto this slippery, expanding, instantly evolving fish that it now can't even tell the head from the tail. It's not just losing its grip, it's not even sure what it is that is wriggling free from its hands anymore. And if a party doesn't understand its base (and imo doesn't even have a base any longer) I'd guess that it is doomed to fail.


The Dem side is mired by, like the rest of the American political system, money. I'd say your assessment holds true in general, and I'd further it by suggesting most of the long-time Dems have lost a true connection with the multitude of 'types' of liberals that exist because, mostly, of money. There's a generational issue that I think they're simply unable to understand fully no matter what (Sanders has those issues as well) but for the most part Pelosi, Clinton, whoever really, is the way they are because of years drunk under the influence of large sums of cash and/or perks that essentially accomplish the same ego and wallet boosting.


I'm not naive enough to think we can just suddenly get money out of politics, in fact I'd argue that it does have a place (as it always has in America) but that the vast sums and decades of political perks and disconnection is really really rotting the politicians from within.


edit: this was in response to sweepstakes

Edited by auxien
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Yeah, the GOP doesn't know what the fuck it's doing anymore. It's trying to grasp onto this slippery, expanding, instantly evolving fish that it now can't even tell the head from the tail. It's not just losing its grip, it's not even sure what it is that is wriggling free from its hands anymore. And if a party doesn't understand its base (and imo doesn't even have a base any longer) I'd guess that it is doomed to fail.


The Dem side is mired by, like the rest of the American political system, money. I'd say your assessment holds true in general, and I'd further it by suggesting most of the long-time Dems have lost a true connection with the multitude of 'types' of liberals that exist because, mostly, of money. There's a generational issue that I think they're simply unable to understand fully no matter what (Sanders has those issues as well) but for the most part Pelosi, Clinton, whoever really, is the way they are because of years drunk under the influence of large sums of cash and/or perks that essentially accomplish the same ego and wallet boosting.


I'm not naive enough to think we can just suddenly get money out of politics, in fact I'd argue that it does have a place (as it always has in America) but that the vast sums and decades of political perks and disconnection is really really rotting the politicians from within.


edit: this was in response to sweepstakes

Part of me relishes the rotting of the GOP and the Reaganomic hegemony of the last 35 years but it's unsettling to think what might replace it.


The generational aspect is interesting too. I wonder what % of gen Y tries to identify with their parents' politics and how many are ready for something really new. I guess Bernie was a pretty good indicator although like you say it wasn't all in his favor.


I think you're right about money in politics, not just that it's inevitable but that there are some positives to it. I just hope we as a civilization can pull out of our collective financial myopia before it's too late.

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now that trump is kind of fumbling in polls, imho he's lost his black magick..

his appeal/image was kind of being this unstoppable monster, but appears weaksauce now..? Deflating...

is this out yet?

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it's been happening for a while now. he's had to fire his campaign manager because he was supposedly not leading the campaign in the right direction (lol) and his campaign has less than $2 million because he funnels donations into his own companies.


i don't know whether his performance is a direct result of these two problems (and more) but rather clinton gaining momentum. i honestly can't imagine what would make a trump supporter withdraw their support now considering they like him for things such as his attitude towards political correctness, his stand on border control/immigration reform, he hasn't been supported by wall street money, his vocal disapproval of obama

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she's such a horrible idiot and certified weirdo. her marriage must be strange

99% sure her husband is closeted.



Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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skeptical. i think the republicans want him out more than the dems and they can be quite ruthless. im actually surprised he hasnt been shot. ..by the republicans

Before this election cycle started, I thought near the same. But seeing how shoddily it's all been handled by the RNC, the longtime Republican politicians, the fucking laughable field of candidates, and most shockingly the wealthy R elite, it's quite obvious that the party is in far worse shape than anyone thought. It may not be bad enough to rip them apart into neu-Republicans/TeaPartyFools, but it's fucking close. The fallout from the devastating loss, and how they handle it especially if they lose their grip on the houses of Congress (not too likely, but who knows with this cycle), will be a funny funny shitshow.

Read an article about how Trump has parallels to Zachary Taylor, the last Whig president to win, and who essentially sealed the party's demise. He was picked because he was a populist and celebrity known more as a outspoken general than a proven statesman.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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she's such a horrible idiot and certified weirdo. her marriage must be strange

99% sure her husband is closeted.



Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk



this guy? no way



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she's such a horrible idiot and certified weirdo. her marriage must be strange

99% sure her husband is closeted.



Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

this guy? no way







Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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